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Parkinson's Champions Endurance - Run Your Own Race Application


User Response

04/08/2024  User Provided No Response
12/05/2023  I am signed up to be a Parkinson's ambassador and volunteer and want to do more for and with the organization
11/09/2023  User Provided No Response
04/04/2024  User Provided No Response
10/27/2023  Where is location?
02/08/2024  User Provided No Response
11/09/2023  I was told by Zach to sign up separately than my partner Austin Moyer although we are running together. I have a separate shipping address than the only listed, I will be able to provide in 1 week.
11/18/2023  User Provided No Response
11/28/2023  Just more details on how everything works would be helpful
12/12/2023  User Provided No Response
01/20/2024  I am really excited for this chance and I know this would mean a lot to my Grandmother to run for you.
02/05/2024  User Provided No Response
03/04/2024  User Provided No Response
03/15/2024  User Provided No Response
03/21/2024  I am passionate about healthy recreating and serving others. Be able to participate in this fundraising event/run would allow me to be intentional about these passions!
03/28/2024  User Provided No Response
04/04/2024  As I was instructed by e-mail to add here, my husband and I want to run together the NYC Marathon. It's our biggest dream. We would do one fundraise each.
04/04/2024  As instructed by email me and my wife would like to run together. Her name is Janine Rabello de Souza Pizzatto. We would do 1 fundraiser each. Thank you!
04/05/2024  I appreciate its only one and a half weeks until my half marathon, so the quicker i'm able to share a link for my friends & family to donate, the better!
04/29/2024  User Provided No Response
05/02/2024  User Provided No Response
06/23/2024  User Provided No Response
07/11/2024  Nope :) Just hope I am considered and able to be a Champion for my upcoming race day.