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Parkinson's Champions Endurance - Run Your Own Race Application


User Response

04/08/2024  I plan to: a) solicit donations through social media b) enlist family and friends to donate to sponsor songs that I will listen to during the race c) create a donation based nutrition recovery stand at my local park on the weekends
12/05/2023  I am a program Director for pancreatic cancer organization that oversee fundraising. I will use direct asks, football squares, raffles, sell handmade crafts and other events
11/09/2023  I don't have experience fundraising. I plan on sharing to my social media and to my friends and family.
04/04/2024  Yes, for the Chicago Marathon 2023. Family and friends assisted in meeting my goal.
10/27/2023  Sharing with my community
02/08/2024  I haven't personally fundraised before but will put my request out on social media. I work for a nonprofit and have participated in fundraising efforts.
11/09/2023  I do not have any experience. I plan to share the donation with my large social media following and also share to friends and family.
11/18/2023  through friends/family; social media
11/28/2023  I don't have much fundraising experience however I know the community that has supported my dad during his diagnosis and now possibly brain surgery would be more than willing to give so that I can run for in honor of him. My main plan is to ask those in my family and at my church to give as they already give through their prayers.
12/12/2023  I have a large family and many connections within the running community.
01/20/2024  My partner is a development manager for a nonprofit and has raised a large amount for a variety of causes. She will create a plan and graphics for me.
02/05/2024  I have fundraised at my fraternity. I've also raised 5k for IUDM
03/04/2024  Family and friends plus a company match
03/15/2024  Friends and colleagues
03/21/2024  I have put on a fun run in the past to help fundraise for my community and hope to create a 5k race to help raise funds for Parkinson's Foundation this year. I specifically want to bring awareness to individuals who suffer from the disease and inform them of moving with purpose to delay the disease.
03/28/2024  I've previously fundraiser for Arthritis and Suicide Prevention through social media outreach.
04/04/2024  When I was a kid and teenager I used to fundraise for different causes every year with my school. My dad was part of the Parkinson's community in my hometown in Brazil so I'm sure everyone would be happy to help, also our friends and family.
04/04/2024  We have no experience of fundraising, but we are sure all our friends and family will support this cause because they knew my father in law. We will also contribute from our own income every month.
04/05/2024  None.
04/29/2024  I have been actively involved with a not for profit ballet company fund raising as well as my children's schools fundraising programs. I will seek donations from friends family and local businesses.
05/02/2024  I have fundraised for several years for St. Jude and Cystic Fibrosis. I plan on asking my friends and family members to donate.
06/23/2024  I'm hoping to enlist the help of my family, friends, and co-workers.
07/11/2024  I have fundraised previously for college softball trips and plan to post on my social media, reach out to family etc. In addition, I coach at Orangetheory part time and we do fundraising classes for different causes so I plan on doing a donation class as well leading up to race day.