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Parkinson's Champions 2025 Endurance Team Application


User Response

10/07/2023  Parkinsons
06/11/2024  Social Media
04/15/2024  I have a large community of family, friends, and other fitness groups that support me. I would create social media pages as well to raise the money.
04/09/2024  I have run for other charities and have never had an issue meeting minimums. We also self fund through the use of our charitable trust.
06/18/2024  I actually have the funds to cover the minimum myself but my friends and family often contribute. Jeff & I always gave money to PD research and we were part of a very successful team that was in the top 10 for the Unity Walk at one time. I have always met my goal when running for a cause.
04/24/2024  As was evident back in 2019, I far exceed the minimum required and I plan to do the same for Boston. I will host events & bring awareness to this cause that is near and dear to my family. I'm excited for the oppurunitity to be considered.
05/09/2024  I have met and exceeded the minimum fundraising goals for both NYC and Chicago..I have a big team behind me that I know will support. In the past I have reached out to my family , friends and the Parkinson's community that I am involved in outside of the clinic through support groups and community events.
06/04/2024  For the NYC Half, I only had to raise $1500 and I was able to raise $5400. I hosted a Bruins tickets raffle and shared my fundraising page on social media. To reach the $10000 minimum for Boston, I will reach out to local businesses in both Boston and my hometown of South Portland, ME to host fundraisers, as well as continue using social media and hopefully another ticket fundraiser.
04/02/2024  Social media, calling anyone and everyone I know. Reaching out to local businesses. I have a huge network.
12/13/2023  For both Big Sur and NYC, I raised well above the race minimum (approx. $3K for Big Sur, and approx. $4,600 for NYC). I plan to raise for WDW using the same techniques as before and asking prior donations to support me again.
12/12/2023  I plan to ride in the Revolution Ride in NYC in February as well as run for the Disney Springtime Weekend run in 2024. My family also hosted a golf outing this October to raise over 10k for Parkinsons.
04/22/2024  Amateur fundraising - I participated in a few Team Fox events in the Bay Area, CA, have raised funds for our schools as a parent and other races/opportunities to casually fundraise. For this, I will start with friends & family and move to sponsorships and outreach events if I need to.
04/09/2024  I met the fundraising requirement for the NYC marathon for the Parkinson's Champions team quite easily with generous donations from friends and family, who are all eager to contribute in honor of my dad. I understand the minimum will likely be higher for Boston, and plan to organize a fundraising party to help meet (and hopefully surpass!) the fundraising goal. My family has experience organizing many different charitable events with donated raffle prizes.
11/09/2023  I am a dentist that has gone on numerous abroad mission trips which I have fundraised for. Each year for the moving day event in our local city we also fundraise.
04/27/2024  I've ran the Falmouth Road Race 6 times and have fundraised for all 6 of them. I also ran the Boston Marathon in 2021, where I wasn't required to fundraise but I decided to raise money anyways. I plan to raise the minimum for Boston 2025 by holding 2-3 fundraising events (one at a restaurant with raffles and also one at a workout class). I'll also use social media to fundraise, along with emailing my friends and family along with Ed Kycia's friends and family.
06/15/2024  I have surpassed the fundraising minimum the last 2 years running the NYC Half through reaching out to family and friends and selling t-shirts.
05/04/2024  I have participated and fundraised in the past for the Parkinson's Foundation Revolution and Parkinson Association of the Carolinas. In the past, I have been successful in building large teams and have started to work on my fundraising skills. I have the following ideas to fundraise for my race: Pint Night with Vaulted Oak Brewing and Middle James Brewing, Rowing fundraising with RowHouse. I also have a Parkinson's Newsletter that I plan on using to fundraise. I also speak at a number of events throughout the year where I will share about my race plans to fundraise.
03/07/2024  I raised 3.5k for the NYC marathon
04/24/2024  Colleagues and friends
02/22/2024  I have previously worked for a non profit, where I was responsible to helping to raise funds needed to help the youth in the community that the non profit served. I have also fundraised for a local Parkinson's organization through my running.
12/17/2023  I will reach out to friends and family in my communities
06/09/2024  I've raised over $20,000 for the foundation through organizing my own Run2beatPD events, bake sales, and just asking family and friends.
10/04/2023  Raised funds for the 2023 NYC marathon and will use my personal and professional network.
01/02/2024  I had to fundraise for my Eagle Scout project which was successfully completed, and I also fundraised for the 2023 Marine Corps Marathon and reached the minimum goal. I plan to reach out to family and friends through letters, and social media. As well as reaching out local organizations and business to ask for support.
04/13/2024  I have no past experience with fundraising. I plan to work with my partner to raise funds and run together for Parkinson's. I plan to initially create a fundraising page where friends, family, and my community can donate; then consider options for expanding our reach to organizations, etc.
03/17/2024  I will fundraise through my work (Weill Cornell Medical College and New York Presbyterian Hospital).
09/26/2023  raised all the money
06/25/2024  I have raised funds as a charity runner for 3 other marathons. My company has supported my efforts as have my friends and family. It is my goal to not just get my Abbott 6 star finish medal but to do so by running with charities that mean something to me.
04/17/2024  Limited fundraising experience, but I plan to use social media and my contacts through family, friends, and work to raise the minimum for these races.
04/03/2024  I have confidence between my network of friends and family I'll be able to hit the goal
02/28/2024  I raised over $10k for the Boston Marathon; I wrote letters to companies, had group fitness classes at local fitness studios that asked for donations, and sponsored events and local restaurants/bars.
10/10/2023  sdfsdf
04/08/2024  I fundraiser for the London marathon a few years back, and really enjoyed the team support of training and fundraising. I would be reaching out through planned SM outreach, with the aim of sharing about Parkinson. I also have a basic plan for a cycling fundraising class as well as a support night at a local brewery. Already have a tentative yes for this, pending acceptance!
11/14/2023  I spent a year in Americorps as the fundraiser for a startup nonprofit. I plan yo raise the minimum utilizing my connections at work and in the community and the skills I learned in Americorps
04/17/2024  I ran the Philly marathon as a Parkinson's champion and raised 10,000 dollars. I have an extensive network of colleagues, friends, and family in the Boston area and would have no problem surpassing that goal. I would plan to raise 15,000 as a goal.
12/06/2023  I am a coach so I have fundraiser for a variety of different sports. I plan on connecting with other teachers, students, and friends and share my story in order to raise funds.
03/24/2024  I have fundraiser for many things in the past and will lean on friends, family, and my close knit work community to raise the minimum and more.
12/14/2023  I have fundraised for Dana Farber in the past. My company has a matching program so whatever I raise, they will match. I will also reach out on my social media accounts for support, and my local running community.
12/17/2023  Friends and family
03/18/2024  I was a philanthropy chair for my fraternity, raising thousands of dollars for CancerFreeKids out of Cincinnati, Ohio and I am also running for a different charity this year in the Chicago Marathon.
04/06/2024  If I get selected, this will be my first fundraising experience. I am thinking to use my skill as a physical therapist to see patients on the side of my regular job to raise funds for my race.
03/24/2024  I have done fundraising in the past, primarily for Breast Cancer Awareness - another foundation and cause that is so important to me - through events that I helped to set up in both high school and college. I do not have any concerns about being able to raise the minimum and beyond for this foundation. My dad has only recently started telling those outside of our immediate family and closest friends about his diagnosis, finally letting go of the shame he felt, and everyone's first question is always - how can we help? I know there are so many people who are looking for an opportunity to help my dad and the Parkinson's Foundation.
02/05/2024  I have participated in fundraising for a non-profit I am in called the Storytelling Guild but I have not not done much else. I intend to start by asking all my family that loves and supports my grandpa and then I will call on my running community. I have asked my friends for their advice if I should finally do something like this and many have already made pledges and offers of donations. I have an idea of asking for sponsors of my running parts (legs, heart, lungs, pumping arms). I am excited to try many ideas and work hard to get the minimum. I would love to exceed the minimum amount, especially if I am able to get a started soon!
05/06/2024  I participated in MOVING DAY in the Villages, Florida
04/26/2024  I fundraised for sports teams growing up. I plan to ask family and friends for donations, as well as hold a fundraiser at a local bar.
02/24/2024  I've raised funds for other charities in the past. Plan to do fundraising events and look for corporate sponsorships
02/26/2024  I have only a little direct fundraising experience but I have seen others efforts and have some ideas. I will plan to seek donations through a step challenge or an amount per mile I'll run in my training for the race. I will also take advantage of having an empty nest for the first time to have a yard sale and bake sales.
05/24/2024  We raised nearly $2000 in Villages Walk.
02/29/2024  I have been involved with fundraisers for my son's scout troop most recently . I have a pretty big family and friend network who would hopefully support me and my mom, but I could also run a raffle or two to raise money, plus my husband's company should also be able to match any funds raised
03/05/2024  I have fundraised in the past for sports, school, and work. I am planning on reaching out to friends, family, co-workers and my hospital to fundraise for this race.
03/08/2024  Have never had fundraising experience but have lots of connections through out multiple counties that want to help after losing a law enforcement officer. His wife is also a big help and fully on board to help. She is a retired director for the Board of Elections and knows a lot of people who wants to support the cause after losing her husband to this horrible disease.
03/17/2024  I have fundraised for various charities in the past. My husband and I are also in healthcare (I'm an RN and he's an MD) a field where there are many willing contributors.
03/19/2024  This will be my first time fundraising for a charity for a race. I have had many running friends who have fundraised for charities through their running who have given me great advice and tips for fundraising. Along using social media as a tool to tell my story and to reach friends and family for support, I will also offer perks for donations (ie. choosing my costume for my race, choosing a song for my playlist, etc.). I have donation matching from my employer, which would also be a great help to hitting my goal. Other ideas include setting up a raffle and selling some hand crafted items.
03/20/2024  Boston marathon 2016, Chicago marathon 2017. I will seek funds from friends and family. They have always been very generous with my races. I raised over $7000 for Boston through holding fundraising events.
03/20/2024  I work in full time ministry. I have done many fundraisers. Everything from simply asking for donations to getting creative! One of my favorite is our "cutest pumpkin in the patch" where we have our congregation vote on decorated pumpkins. Every $1= one vote!
03/24/2024  I raised money on my own last year but now I want to run with in a community. I have already raised $1k for this race and will continue to get donations, sponsor a mile and pick my playlist. I'm always searching for new and fun ways to fundraise!
04/13/2024  I have fundraised in the past for jewish organizations with my family. I plan to raise the minimum for my races using various networks that I am a part of. Raising money for a cause that I deeply care about will motivate me to share my grandmother's story and her impact on me. I plan to use various methods to reach people: personal conversations, social media messages, emails. My friends, family members, and colleagues all know how passionate I am about running and raising money for a good cause.
03/29/2024  I ran the Chicago marathon for make a wish. Asking friends and family and donation myself.
05/27/2024  I don't have any past fundraising experience, however, I have family on both sides who will definitely help out. I expect to be able to raise at least $1500 from my father's side of the family and another $1500 from my mother's side of the family, as both sides would want to support my father. The remaining $750 I would be able to raise from friends and coworkers.
03/30/2024  I have a BIG community here in PGH and growing.
04/04/2024  I would post on my social media, ask friends, family and coworkers. I would take donations of all sizes until I surpass my goal.
06/24/2024  I have no experience fundraising but I am sure my family and friends will support this cause because they also have known my father-in-law and admired him.
04/08/2024  Only high school fundraising. I would share to social media, ask friends and family and talk with coworkers
04/05/2024  I have raised money for PD Research every year for my birthday rather than receiving gifts. Last year, I raised 750 in less than a week.
04/09/2024  I raised over $3000 for the World Wildlife Fund this past November at the NYC Marathon and I had a blast helping spread awareness while also sharing my passion for running! I'd like to take this opportunity to host a specific fundraising event such as a trivia night or raffle picnic to help raise money for Parkinsons!
04/09/2024  Our family will each contribute. My grandfather had 4 children, and nine grandchildren.
04/09/2024  I plan to campaign for funds through social media posts and participating in as many fundraising events as I can. I am confident I can raise more than the minimum requirement.
04/09/2024  I previously was the head of the booster club for the high school cheer team I coached and ran all of their fundraising events earning the team over $5,000 in a single season. Growing up as a student athlete, I also participated in my own fundraisers to cover competition, travel, uniform fees, etc.
04/09/2024  Wife and I raised funds for American Cancer Society for the half marathon. Family, friends, work, social media, training groups, etc.
04/09/2024  I have raised money for our local SPCA in which we're very active, on numerous occasions, surpassing our goal each time.
04/09/2024  I have friends and family and have raised fund for several medical missions in the past
04/09/2024  I have friends and family that want to support me as well and support my family members who have Parkinson's disease.
04/09/2024  I have raised funds for Team No Kids Hungry for these races and I have been quite successful in the past.
04/10/2024  I am an avid runner and typically run on behalf of a charity for my races including the following teams: Every Mother Counts, Fred's Team, Breast Cancer, No Kid Hungry, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, among others. I plan to utilize the same tactics as I always have, using my social media platform as well as the good old fashion basic communication. While not the most creative, I have found the latter the most meaningful and often most successful as I often learn and hear people's personal stories related to the issue or organization I am running for.
04/10/2024  It's been a while since I have fundraised, but I plan to do so through social media. I usually meet my goals.
04/10/2024  We own our own business and have donated to many charities over the years. One avenue will be our company's donation. Plus my daughter's and I will find other ways to raise funds - bake sales, find other company sponsors, share our fund raising page to all our social media, etc.
04/10/2024  I love baking, so I would continue my baking business to help raise money for this race!
04/10/2024  I have helped my sorority raise money for our philanthropy. I plan to share my fundraising page with my family and friends so they can donate in memory of my grandfather. Also do other things to raise money like getting sponsors.
04/11/2024  I have raised funds in the past through a college Capstone project for New Kids for Hope. We held garage sales, raffles, and held a rock show to collect donations. For this raise I plan to reach out to my Peloton community who has been such a backbone in my life lately, my friends, and my family through messages and personal phone calls to discuss my "why"
04/12/2024  I am an Eagle Scout. During my time with scouts we did many fundraising events. I will work with my mom and sisters to get sponsors and raise money through other avenues like bake sales, etc.
04/12/2024  Most of my previous fundraising experience has been through sports teams I have played on throughout my life. I find that social media is a great way to fundraise, as its an easy way to share your story, the meaning behind the fundraiser, and to share among the largest group in the quickest way. However, other opportunities like fundraising at work (with a company that loves to fundraise) is another way to achieve this goal.
04/12/2024  Looking to earn between 3 and 5 thousand
04/13/2024  I fundraise for cancer, climate and plan to use my same methods as used before because they have been quite successful!
04/14/2024  High School Walk for Witty
04/14/2024  I have raised money for several organizations, and I will spread the word and make it public.
04/15/2024  I have no experience with this kind of fundraising. However, as a college professor, most of my job involves professional begging of some form or another.
04/15/2024  I have a long history of fundraising from years of Relay for Life, sports and other charity endeavors.
04/16/2024  I have been involved in many fundraising events for raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Social media, phone calls, and just spreading the word about what's needed to continue research is how the most money was raised.
04/16/2024  I have not had much fundraising experience in the past, however, I have thought about ways that I could raise even more than the minimum for these particular races. One, I believe that the power of social media is endless. Through various social media channels, I think that I can get engagement and raise awareness. Secondly, my friends, family, and coworkers have all been extremely supportive on my running journey. I do not doubt that they will continue to be supportive. I could host a post-work happy hour and partner with a local bar or brewery and have a percentage of the proceeds go towards Parkinson's Champions for my race. I could also have people donate $5-$10 to add a song to my playlist while I run and I have to listen to it. Lastly, I could hold a small 5k race and ask people to donate $20 as an entry fee. This could be super casual, but a way to get people involved in running and also for a great cause. I think that there are many super creative ways to fundraise and get people involved.
04/17/2024  Run for many years with the Scott Carter foundation.
04/18/2024  I have not done many fundraisers myself. I have generous and knowledgeable friends and family - my best friend has worked in fundraising as have my cousin and aunt so I will rely on them for advice. As a member of the RunDisney community I will also rely on those contacts for ideas - like selling a mile or kilometer or auctioning off a song. I will also approach some local businesses and craft people that I know for assistance.
04/18/2024  In high school I fundraised over $2,000 to fund my DECA chapter. For this particular race, I plan to utilize my workplace donation matching program.
04/21/2024  In the past, I fundraised $3000 for another Parkinson's foundation. As for how I will raise the funds, I plan on tapping into both my personal and professional network. Also, I will be scheduling fundraising events.
04/24/2024  I have lots of fundraising experience between college and highschool required fund raising events.
04/25/2024  First time but plan to be very enthusiastic!
04/26/2024  I participated in multiple fundraising events growing up through various cheerleading teams. I just ran the Springtime Surprise Challenge ($1500) through Hope Story Foundation, and I will be running the 10k ($750) for the Wine&Dine weekend through American Cancer Society in November.
04/27/2024  I have run with the leukemia and lymphoma foundation at an experienced in fund raising
05/04/2024  Online fundraising via Facebook/Instagram
05/08/2024  I've used gofund me and my social media platforms to share and bring awareness.
05/12/2024  I haven't actually run a race before, but I've always wanted to and feel this is my sign! My dad has promised to pay the minimum if I don't hit my fundraising goal, but honestly, I plan on setting a fundraising goal much higher than the minimum provided. I feel fortunate to have a large community around me that I know will donate to the cause. I'm excited to see how much I can raise!
05/15/2024  I have had little fundraising experience in the past but look forward, I know I would be able to raise the appropriate amount through family, friends and customers.
05/16/2024  NA- staff
07/10/2024  I fundraiser $1200 more than the $1500 minimum for Falmouth. Between business donations, raffles, and events I believe I can raise the money for the Boston Marathon well ahead of race day.
05/22/2024  I have raised money in the past for my sorority's philanthropy, Ronald McDonald House Charity, and have a track record of successful fundraising over $1,000 multiple years in a row with my Alpha Delta Pi Theta Lambda chapter (Franklin & Marshall College). I plan to raise the $3,750 by posting my fundraising link on my socials and also having my alma mater track team repost my page.
05/23/2024  I raised 2.5k for Grow Central Florida in order to run the NYC marathon.
05/30/2024  I have fundraised and coached for LLS Team in Training in the past.
05/30/2024  I was a missionary in 8 different countries and raised 20k for my travels and my mission partners. I have an amazing team that supports me and my endeavors that would be happy to help me in this!
05/30/2024  We are very involved with our community and we have lots of businesses that would help with fundraising as well! We will have yard sales, and bake sales, as well as social media fundraisers.
05/30/2024  Yes, I will pay the fundraising amount myself.
05/30/2024  Sharing to my social media accounts, and asking friends and family if they'd like to contribute.
05/31/2024  I do multiple fundraisers for work and for non profits
06/05/2024  I have worked with the Anita Kaufmann Foundation raising awareness for epilepsy in the past, but I don't have much fundraising experience. I plan to raise funds through social media, as well as posting flyers on my law school campus.
06/06/2024  In 2019, I was a rider for Texas 4000 for Cancer, a non-profit organization that has a group of students bike from Austin, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska to raise money for cancer research and support services. I personally raised over $10,000 and was the Fundraising Chair for our team and got us to raise over $1 million- a organization record. I am passionate about Parkinson's research the way that I am about cancer research, especially given my ties to the medical field. I have a strong background of fundraising experience which enabled me to be tactical about social media outreach, in person fundraising events, as well as leveraging donation matching programs. Here is a link with my Texas 4000 rider profile, if you're curious about what I did and why:
06/08/2024  I have raised money for Pacing4Parkinsons for the Baltimore Running Festival for several years. I will ask friends and family to support me in this effort.
06/08/2024  I have helped raise money for several 5ks that I've also helped work such as the American Heart Association, the Parkinson's Foundation, and the Huntingtons Disease Foundation. I plan to raise money by asking friends and family but also coworkers of mine who also are closely intertwined with the PD community. My job had also agreed to help in the cause!
06/09/2024  I am on the fundraising team for a non-profit so I have several years of experience. I plan to connect with my network of friends, family, and colleagues to reach my fundraising minimum, and beyond. I have already created a list of people I plan to ask should I be chosen.
06/11/2024  I have participated in many fundraising efforts before! When I was younger, I grew up participating in the CT Challenge bike race and raising money for cancer research. In high school, I participating in various fundraising events with my rowing team and started my own nonprofit. Ad Astra girls' mission was to support young girls in STEM -- 100% of profits from selling STEM-themed bracelets went to 6 amazing charities. I love to raise money for causes I feel passionate about, and the Parkinson's challenge is raising money for one I am hoping to support inside and outside of my career in the future. As for how I raise money, I am skilled in social media outreach and also have many communication channels into the University of Pennsylvania community. I would likely use those strategies along with word of mouth to reach my goal!
06/11/2024  $2,500 Reaching out to friends and family, asking for their support.
06/19/2024  I have only raised funds for cycle for survival, but work for a large corp that does matched donations and know that I can easily succeed in goals requested.
06/19/2024  I raced with TeamCindy (brain aneurysm foundation) in the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon and raised over $2,000. As I mentioned above, I plan to ask for donations instead of gifts for my 30th birthday from friends and family.
06/20/2024  I have worked in the Financial Services world with many philanthropists and I believe I have the personality to reach out to people for my Pops now. I feel the call to step up and if I don't raise the funds, I'll pay out of my pocket just to run so my Pops sees I believed in him with your team...I believe in the team.
06/24/2024  I raised money for a charity for the 2023 NYC marathon and my strategy was to post on all my social media platforms regularly as well as connect with family and friends via text, email, and in person to gather donations. I was able to raise the necessary minimum well before race day which great!
06/25/2024  ChatGPT Although I have never fundraised for a race, I have previously fundraised for other charities through my sorority. I am confident I would be able to meet the minimum for my particular race because raising money for Parkinson's disease is incredibly important to my family and community since my grandmother's passing. When my grandmother passed away, my parents, family, and friends made it their mission to raise money for organizations that help research and learn about Parkinson's. I know my community would rally behind me to fundraise for Parkinson's Champions.
06/28/2024  I have raised funds for Lucile packard childrens hospital and a college equestrian team in the past. I plan to use social media and reach out to family and friends.
07/01/2024  I've raised over 15,000 while directing 5ks in my local area. My family wants to run these marathons together as a team to fundraise in my grandpas honor.
07/01/2024  I have helped fundraise several times for Charity: Water in the past through sending donation requests to friends and relatives and hosting school informational events for my classmates. I plan to raise the minimum by utilizing social media and reaching out to friends and family. Additionally, I will reach out to my network of professors and colleagues for donations.
07/01/2024  I have experience fundraising for THON, Penn State's largest student philanthropy. I plan to place donation QR codes around my home town where my mother is loved by so many. I also plan to make social media posts as well as posts within my gym/running community in Nashville.
07/02/2024  I plan to fundraise with my mom's family and friends, so that they can help me do this memorial run in her honor.
07/05/2024  I have put on fundraiser family say successfully for Ronald Macdonald house charities
07/08/2024  i've helped with previous events to raise funds for the foundation (Run2beatPD 5k organized by my aunt). I plan to reach out to friends and family to ask them to donate in memory of my grandma.
07/11/2024  I have hosted a golf tournament for a spinal cord injury client to cover his medical costs. I put together the entire tournament and silent auction to raise over $8,000. I plan to call upon my friends, family and community to contribute to my fundraising goal. I have connections to multiple physical rehabilitation organizations in my area. I also intend to utilize social media to promote my efforts and hopefully gain traction outside of my normal, inner circle.
07/12/2024  My previous fundraising experiences have all been successful through word of mouth or posting on social media. However, I intend to raise the money for this particular race through word of mouth, social media, and through my lifestyle blog. I have the efforts of my family helping me fundraise as well, in addition to my own personal donations.
07/18/2024  I have fundraised for our Tampa Parkinson's walk the last 2 years through team Mitchell - my dad & grandmothers last name. I spread the word to my very large family who are also passionate about this cause, my many friends who have known my family for 20+ years, my amazing community + colleagues! I also share on social media to increase awareness and donations!
07/18/2024  Although I don't have direct fundraising experience, I have strong organizational and communication skills from managing projects and events. To raise the minimum for my race, I plan to learn successful fundraising strategies used by others, break down the total amount into smaller, manageable targets, and use social media and personal connections to spread the word and ask for support. I'm confident these steps will help me meet my fundraising goals."
07/18/2024  By educating friends and family in the community (church groups ) about Parkinsons disease and asking for donations.
07/18/2024  I plan on creating a goal and timeline. With the support of famliy and friends on social media, I know I can reach it.
07/19/2024  Social Media and uni
07/19/2024  Colleagues and clients
07/21/2024  I actively fundraised in the past for the Best Buddies race with my mother to support my cousin who has autism. I plan on using social media, in person discussions as well as creating awareness for the disease to fundraise and allow people to understand the disease.