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Parkinson's Champions 2025 Endurance Team Application


User Response

10/07/2023  My mom
06/11/2024  Running for my mom who fought this diehard for 20 years for
04/15/2024  My mom got diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's Disease about 14 years ago. I want to run for her!
04/09/2024  My Father-In-Law has Parkinson's.
06/18/2024  My late husband passed from complications of PD in January 2018, after living with it for over 16 years. I actually began running/walking so that I would be better able to push him in a wheelchair when he needed it so we could continue to live life to the fullest. It's taken me awhile to be able to fully connect with the PD community again.
04/24/2024  My grandfather & father in-law have Parkinson's. I'm interested in running the Boston Marathon for them and I want to fundraise to help find a cure.
05/09/2024  I have run for the Parkinson's Champions in the past and it has been incredibly meaningful as I am a Physical Therapist who has worked with people with Parkinson's disease in specialty for the last 16 years. This past December I lost my father. He was the one who gave me my running genes and was the one who shared with me the story of the Boston marathon. I want to run in his honor and run for what I know he was so proud of me for what I was doing...helping those living with Parkinson's keep one foot in front of the other.
06/04/2024  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's five years ago in September 2019. My dad has been my biggest supporter for my whole life and is one of the greatest people that I know. It is frustrating to watch this disease slow him down and take his independence from him. I ran the NYC Half Marathon in 2023 for the Parkinsons's Foundation and it was the most incredible experience. My family was watching from mile 11.5 and I saw my dad crying as I ran up 7th avenue toward my family. It was so special to see him watching me and that he appreciated my effort to raise money for Parkinson's. As a New England-native currently living in Boston, running the 2025 Boston Marathon for the Parkinsons's Foundation is a dream of mine. Running a marathon is no easy feat, but it is far easier than living with Parkinson's. I hope to raise money to help those like my dad who live with Parkinson's so that one day it may be cured!
04/02/2024  I have helped raise money for Parkinson's and I want to continue to help! My journey with my mom was horrible, but knowing my story and running can help fundraise... drives me to want to keep raising awareness and raise money!
12/13/2023  My father-in-law was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2020 and I run in support of him and my family.
12/12/2023  My mother was diagnosed in 2021 and I have a passion for raising awareness and funds for this cause
04/22/2024  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's in his 50s and was an inspiration until he passed at 73. His motto was "never give up," which comes in handy during these races
04/09/2024  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2021, which first brought me to Parkinson's Champions for the 2022 NYC marathon. It was a really rewarding experience to be able to raise money with my family and share the event with them. I brought my dad with me to the pre-race event and he was really inspired by the speakers and organization. Since then, he has even talked about wanting to become more involved with the Parkinson's Foundation (which he will hopefully do now that he is newly retired!). As a lifelong runner hailing from Boston, it has been my absolute dream to run the Boston marathon. I would love the opportunity to do so on the Parkinson's Champions team!
11/09/2023  My cousin David was diagnosed 3 years ago. Each year we fundraise and attend our local Parkinson's Moving Day event to honor and support his courageous battle. David has run the NYC marathon 6 times! We have always talked about him helping me prepare for my own marathon, and I would love to run in his honor.
04/27/2024  My family friend Ed Kycia has been suffering with Parkinson's for as long as I've been alive. Yesterday, he unfortunately passed away from complications. I'm determined to run in his honor for the Boston Marathon in 2025 and I thought there was no better place to honor him than running for Parkinson's Champions.
06/15/2024  Hi Zach and Danielle - me again! I am back for year 3! After some consideration, I am branching from NYC in hopes of running the LA Half. As you both may remember, my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2017. Since then, I have been on a personal mission to better not only his life, but the lives of all people with Parkinson's. As a nurse, I aim to do this in the way I care for and advocate for my patients in the hospital. As a PhD student, my research focuses on promoting wellness, patient empowerment, health behaviors, and quality of life in PwP. In my free time, I am passionate about advocacy and the Parkinson's Foundation! My family took a trip to LA in 2015 and some of my fondest memories with my dad (and some of the last of him healthy) were there. I'd love to go back in his honor. It is an honor to work alongside the foundation and I hope to get the opportunity to do so once again!
05/04/2024  I am a movement disorders neurologist in Charlotte, NC. Outside of my time at work, I am very involved in my local PD community by attending support group meetings and other awareness and fundraising events. Movement and exercise is important for people with PD. I'd like to participate with Parkinson's Champions to show my patients I'm also prioritizing movement and exercise in my own life.
03/07/2024  My father has Parkinson's
04/24/2024  A person close to me has been battling Parkinson's
02/22/2024  My dad passed away from Parkinson's about a year ago. He was a runner when he was younger and I am a runner now. I'd love to share a passion I have to help those who have been impacted with Parkinson's, like my dad was.
12/17/2023  My dad has Parkinson's as well as some of my friends parents. I'd like to raise money for a good cause
06/09/2024  In memory of my mom.
10/04/2023  Supporting my father and the Parkinson's community
01/02/2024  My grandmother passed away when I was 7 years old, after having Parkinson's for the last twenty years of her life. I did not get to know her that well, but as the years have gone on I have heard stories about her, and how much of a wonderful person she was. She was always putting everyone before her, and looked for nothing in return. She was a big baseball fan, and player, she actually played on Double-Day Field in Cooperstown, and my senior year of high school I got to play on the same field as her over 50 years later which was incredible. 2023 was a challenging year for myself and I set out to run a marathon (Marine Corps Marathon) in honor of her. A marathon is a hard task and showing up everyday for the training was difficult, but it was a choice. Living with Parkinson's is not a choice and has difficulties everyday that people have to overcome. To continue to honor her by fundraising through the Parkinson's Champions for the New York City Marathon would be a blessing and an honor.
04/13/2024  My mother was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. I live very far away from her and I am looking for more ways to contribute to supporting her journey. I am also interested in increasing my, my family's, and my community's awareness and understanding of Parkinson;'s Disease through fundraising and running.
03/17/2024  I am a practicing neurologist in NYC and see patients with Parkinson's disease inpatient. It would be an honor to run for a charity committed to improving the lives of this devastating disease.
09/26/2023  my father has pd
06/25/2024  My mother was diagnosed in 2023. We have been fighting this fight with the help of Parkinson's Foundation. It has provided invaluable information and support. Parkinson's Foundation and the connections we have made though them have given us hope. Hope is priceless. I am proud to support the foundation.
04/17/2024  My dad was recently diagnosed with PD. In thinking of ways to support him as he begins his battle with PD, I looked into the Parkinson's Foundation for volunteer ideas. I came across Parkinson's Champions and thought there would be no better way to support my dad than to do something that I love - run! I'll be running my first marathon in Oct 2024 and excited to potentially continue running marathons in support of a great cause.
04/03/2024  My uncle was diagnosed with Parkinson's 10 years ago so it's hit close to home.
02/28/2024  My grandmother had Parkinson's. I have been trying to run for the cause for years, but have yet to be selected.
10/10/2023  sdfsdf
04/08/2024  My father was diagnosed last year. While learning more/researching I found you have fundraising teams for Boston, and am very interested in running. I have a friend who fundraiser with the Parkinson's team for NYC last fall, and had a very supportive experience.
11/14/2023  My mother has quickly progressing Parkinson's disease at a younger age and my father also passed with Parkinson's like symptoms. It's a frightening and heartbreaking disease that needs more attention and support.
04/17/2024  My father has been suffering from Parkinson's disease for the past decade
12/06/2023  Hi there! I am a PE teacher who loves to be active- I have recently started to get into triathalons and races after my husband finished his first Ironman. However he's not the only Ironman in my family- my father was just recently diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and I would love to show him that people are willing to fight for him and that he can do really hard stuff too. My goal is to motivate him into leading a healthier lifestyle but little does he know he's also my motivation too.
03/24/2024  My Father-in-law was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and watching my wife and family take care of him has truly made an impact on me. He has always been like a second father to me and anything I can do to help him is something I want to do!! My wife and I want to run Chicago together for PD and it would be an honor to be able to. Watching my Father-in-law slowly decline has really struck a cord with my wife and I. I know our fundraising may not be enough or soon enough to help him, but hopefully it will help find a cure in the future!! My wife Gianna Kinhofer and I would be truly truly honored to run for PD!!
12/14/2023  I am interested in fundraising for Parkinson's in memory of my Mother who passed in August 2023. She battled parkinsons for over 15 years and I saw first hand how devastating a disease it is. I would like to help fundraise to help find a cure someday, and to meet up with other folks who have experienced what my family has been through.
12/17/2023  My girlfriends father has Parkinson's
03/18/2024  I have two grandparents who have had parkinsons and I would like to help find a cure for a disease that affects them and millions of other people as well as something that might possibly affect me in the future
04/06/2024  I am a doctor in physical therapy and an LSVT Big certified clinician. Parkinson's disease and along with other neurological conditions are my area of interest and it would be amazing to run with a cause that is dear to me.
03/24/2024  My dad, who has been my best friend and my champion throughout my entire life and sports career, was diagnosed with Parkinson's a couple of years ago. It has been so difficult to watch someone that grew up playing 1-on-1 basketball with me, competing in races, going outside to have a catch with me - rain or shine - begin to struggle with even the smallest of movements. And yet, I continue to be more amazed with each day at how strong, brave, and selfless my father is. I just finished my first marathon in Disney World - his favorite place in the world - and one of the mental training tactics that I was taught to use throughout training was, when the miles start to feel endless, to dedicate each mile to someone. For me, of course, it was for my dad. It was, and will always be for my dad, who would give anything to be out there running with me. As soon as I crossed the finish line, seeing him instantly brought us both to tears, something that I have only seen a handful of times from my dad in the course of my life. Immediately, I realized that I wanted to dedicate every single mile that I am lucky enough to have the ability to run for the rest of my life to my dad and all those suffering with Parkinson's disease. I would be so incredibly honored to be able to run for such an important foundation and to help raise awareness for Parkinson's Disease!
02/05/2024  My Grandpa Jim is 95 and has been dealing with Parkinson's for just over 15 years. He never complains and has been committed to doing any Physical Therapy and other treatments that were suggested to him by his health care providers. He took up boxing when it was suggested and he said it helped him. I have Parkinson's slowly rob him of his health and ability to communicate and move. Last year he was in the hospital for two weeks after swallowing complications that lead to pneumonia. He is my motivation to never take for granted the ability to move freely through this life.
05/06/2024  I have PD.
04/26/2024  my fiance's mother and my future mother in law was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. I would like to run with my fiance in her honor.
02/24/2024  My close friend's father died from Parkinson's related complications.
02/26/2024  My mother had Parkinson's before passing in 2016. The Disney princess race in 2025 will mark ten years running for me and the 8th anniversary of her death. I'd like to do something special to mark those milestones.
05/24/2024  I'm a care partner for wife Kathy Keiffer who is running 5k.
02/29/2024  My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's in summer 2023 and I want to do something to be able to support her and the entire Parkinson's community and raise money to help fund treatment breakthroughs for my mom and others.
03/05/2024  I am a registered nurse and have always been interested in anything and everything medical related. What brought me to the Parkinson's Champions was my boyfriends grandma being recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. She is one of the kindest souls and influential people that I have ever had the privilege of meeting. By finding this organization I feel that I am doing something not just for her but for all the individuals that have this disease. I want a cure to be found!
03/08/2024  Very recently (Feb. 27th) loss my husbands god father to Parkinson's after an 11 year battle. A wonderful man who served as a Sheriff for 30 years. He ran multiple marathons all across the US through out he's life. I recently (5 races since 2023) started running races at Disney (was actually coming home from Princess Challenge when he past away). He had giving me so many pointers and was always excited to hear how my races went. He said multiple times how Disney was a race he wished he'd done before having to stop running.
03/17/2024  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's 10 years ago and is declining. He had a recent hospitalization that has contributed to his decline. I want to run with the Parkinson's Champions to show my love and support for him and the Parkinson's community.
03/19/2024  My grandfather passed away 11 years ago due to complications with Parkinson's. He struggled for years with the disease and it was very difficult to see him suffer from it's effects. For the last year of his life, he had a feeding tube because he wasn't able to swallow anymore. It was heartbreaking to see him struggle so much. I have done 5k walks for Parkinson's organizations in the past, but I recently started getting into running and have discovered a love for challenging myself with 10-13 mile races, and I really wanted to work with a charity that supports a cause that I am very passionate about.
03/20/2024  I have run previous marathons with charities and am interested in running more to give back to the community. I find running marathons with a charity organization to be very fulfilling and meaningful. I turn 40 this year and would love to spend the year celebrating life and giving back.
03/20/2024  We just lots my uncle to Parkinson. It was a tough road for him & the more awareness & research we can give is a worthy cause.
03/24/2024  My mother has Parkinson's and we have always been a sports family...lots of athletes, coaches and I run. I started running in 2009 and 2010 at Marathon weekend was my first 5k. So this is also my 15 runDisney anniversary. I run for my mom and all of those that struggle to walk across the room, just putting one foot in front of another.
04/13/2024  I am interested in running with Parkinson's in honor of my grandmother who has been living with Parkinson's for the past 10 years. Seeing how the disease negatively transformed her life has been difficult, but her persistence and strength is an inspiration to me. I know first hand how much care is required for those with Parkinson's. I want to raise money in the hope improving the quality of life for people with Parkinson's and aid in funding research for the disease.
03/29/2024  My mom has parkinsons, the programs offered through this foundation have been wonderful for her.
05/27/2024  My father was diagnosed with PD in 2020. I hate watching him suffer from it though he does the best he can to mask how difficult it has been for him. It would be immensely meaningful for me to be able to run and raise money for this cause, knowing that the funding will go towards research that one day may find a cure. He was also born and raised in New York City, and it would be especially meaningful to run the NYC marathon for him.
03/30/2024  I run with the Parkinson's team in Pittsburgh in honor of my father who passed of PD in 2023. Looking to run for PD in 2024&2025.
04/04/2024  My friends grandfather recently passed away due to Parkinson's. It opened my eyes to the disease, and I would love to raise money and awareness while running for the cause.
06/24/2024  My father-in-law lived with Parkinson's for almost 30 years. I have always admired how despite his limitations he was always so positive. So I would like to do my part to help other people going through a similar situation to be like that as well.
04/08/2024  In my experience working in long term care, I worked with many residents who had Parkinson's. As a young adult this really stuck with me and I would love to support and run with an organization that supports this community.
04/05/2024  My father was diagnosed with PD about 10 years ago. He was my inspiration to being so active because he would be out almost every day either playing tennis or riding his bike. He is unable to do any of those things now, and actually totally unable to walk, and I want to be able to take the steps that he no longer is able to. I saw a runner at Disneyland in CA in January and it inspired me to run for my dad while doing something that I love.
04/09/2024  I'm a longtime runner looking to help raise money for a great cause!
04/09/2024  My grandfather and aunt had Parkinson's disease, and fought through it for such a long time. Near the end of my grandfather's battle, he was connected with a clinical trial through the Parkinson's foundation and it improved his quality of life so much for the last few years -- the only years some of his grandchildren remember.
04/09/2024  Last year, in 2024, I completed the Walt Disney World Marathon 2 days after my grandfather passed away. For the final 4 years of his life he was living in an assisted living home connected to a hospital, and in his time there he became friends with a number of people with various medical histories, including a few suffering through Parkinson's disease. In his honor, I plan to complete as many races as I can this year raising funds for charities fighting to find cures for the diseases that claimed the life of all of his friends.
04/09/2024  A very close childhood friend of mine's dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's. While he is not currently severely impacted by his diagnosis, we know that it can deteriorate. This man was like a father to me and I want to help fundraise and bring awareness.
04/09/2024  Father diagnosed with Parkinson's 3 years ago.
04/09/2024  My husband's grandfather had Parkinson's and my husband watched as his health deteriorated throughout the years. My husband and his grandfather were very close, his grandfather having a close hand in raising him, so it was very hard for my husband to experience this, see something that was out of his control and not be able to help him. Knowing that it's genetic my husband and I feel close to the cause in helping to find support and relief for those who struggle. Additionally, we continue to try to lead healthy lifestyles in order to best prevent something that we may experience first hand in the future.
04/09/2024  I have family recently diagnosed and want to help
04/09/2024  I have family members with Parkinson's disease and who were heavy involved in fundraising for Team Parkinson's (Edna and John Ball). I ran my first half marathon in 2022 with Team Parkinson's in Los Angelos.
04/09/2024  My grandmother has Parkinson's and I would love to run for her.
04/10/2024  Parkinson's is a disease that touches many families and sadly, I know many of those households personally. I want to run for Parkinson's Champions because I want to raise funds and awareness for the Parkinson's Foundation
04/10/2024  It's a personal goal to run the Dopey Challenge, but I want to do it for a cause- my great aunt was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and I want to run for her.
04/10/2024  We have always wanted to run a Run Disney Race and we when we saw that we could help raise money for Parkinson's it seemed like the perfect choice. My father in law passed away from Parkinson's in 2015. It is a cause close to my family's heart.
04/10/2024  My grandfather passed away in 2015 from parkinson's disease. I am running to remember him along with my mom and sister.
04/10/2024  My grandfather died from Parkinson's in 2015. I want to help raise money in his memory. Plus I've always wanted to do a Run Disney race.
04/11/2024  Both my Grandmother and Uncle have battled with Parkinson's. I've watched them deal with the disease daily, everyday struggles, with no cure, I hope to help raise money for more research for people like my grandma and uncle who wake up and face Parkinson's every morning. My uncle is/was like another father figure , always there for life guidance, an ear to listen, the guy to make us laugh, watching him battle this disease and his personality changing, has been one of the hardest things to see. I can't wait to run for him!
04/12/2024  My grandfather died in 2015 from Parkinson's. I would like to do this in his memory. My mom and sisters are also signing up. We would like to do this together.
04/12/2024  I'm currently training for my 3rd (10-Miler) and 4th (Half Marathon) races right now. I have ran 2 half marathons before where I didn't train properly and ultimately hated every second of the race. However, my Grandfather's (David Miller's) battle with Parkinsons inspired me to continue on my running journey and I have fallen in love with it. My grandpa lived a beautiful and crazy life. As a life long pilot, he traveled the world, embarked on new adventures, and never said no to anything. In some of our final conversations my grandfather encouraged me to take advantage of my youth and health. To never take for granted the ability to run, to dance, to fly. My grandfather lost his battle to Parkinsons on 11/28/2023, but I continue to keep my promise to dance everyday. Although every run I dedicate to my grandfather, running with the Parkinson's community feels like a way to honor his memory in the way he wanted me to.
04/12/2024  I was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's last yeR
04/13/2024  Family members who are diagnosed.
04/14/2024  To bring Awareness and We are fighting together
04/14/2024  I have done charity races for my university before, and I want to be a part of a great new organization. Let's make a difference.
04/15/2024  My mother-in-law was diagnosed with Parkinson's a year ago and my wife and I are running to support her.
04/15/2024  My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2010 and passed away from Parkinson's related reasons in 2013. Then my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2021 and currently participates in a medical trial. I want to do whatever I can to help further Parkinson's research.
04/16/2024  One of my life goals has been to run a marathon. Since being diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2018 I feel like the time has come to run the race, raise money and awareness to Parkinson's research. I work in the field of oncology and see everyday that tomorrow is not promised and one must fulfill their life goals now.
04/16/2024  In thinking about a charity that I would want to raise money for and advocate for, organizations that support those with Parkinson's disease immediately came to mind. This is because my grandfather has Parkinson's and it has affected his life greatly. He has not let his Parkinson's get the best of him, as he continues to remain active and even attends Rolling Stones concerts at the age of 83. My grandfather is one of the most amazing people I have ever met with a very inspiring story. He came over to America when he was 21 years old from Italy. Him and his family settled in Brooklyn, New York, coming here with no knowledge of English and no family. He has worked hard his entire life, always telling my family and I that we should always work hard and love what we do, and if we don't, find it. Parkinson's has affected millions of people, and it would be an honor to fundraise and support those struggling with the disease. The work that the Parkinson's Foundation has done in raising awareness about Parkinson's as well as not only providing support to those that are living with Parkinson's, but also their families is truly inspiring.
04/17/2024  Dad was just diagnosed with ParkinsonS
04/18/2024  My grandfather had Parkinson's and my mother has Parkinson's and is not doing well. I have read that Parkinson's is getting more common and that the research is years behind the Alzheimers research. I'd like to help out, and my funds are limited. This seems like a good way to do that.
04/18/2024  My grandmother has late-stage Parkinson's. She has lived a vibrant life. In the late 1960s, she drove from Santa Cruz, CA, to NYC, sold her car, bought a one-way fare to Ireland, and, once she arrived, purchased a VW van that she used to travel all over Europe, parts of the Middle East, and northern Africa for over two years. Throughout her life, my grandma was an English and Art teacher and touched the lives of many students, including when she worked on the Zuni Native American Reservation in New Mexico. I suppose I want to run in her honor. I have legs that can carry me, and I'd like to use them to raise money for research on a disease that's personal to me and my family.
04/21/2024  Parkinson's has deeply impacted my family. My grandfather had Parkinson's and now my dad has been diagnosed.
04/24/2024  My mom was diagnosed with Parkinsons when I was very young. My family is from Boston myself included. I want to run it for her. She has always been there for me in everything I do in life.
04/25/2024  My dear father died November 8, 2022 after a decade long battle with Parkinson. I would run in his name and for all the caregivers (my mom) of those affected by Parkinson's.
04/26/2024  My daddy's twin brother, his best friend, has Parkinson's disease. I look up to my Uncle Tim so much! Since his diagnosis, he's had to retire but is still able to live a normal life. However, I can see changes in him, and it breaks my heart. I would love to be a part in helping what I can do make a difference.
04/27/2024  A friend was diagnosed with Parkinson's
05/04/2024  My husband's grandma recently passed after a 20 year battle with Parkinson's.
05/08/2024  I was recently diagnosed with YOPD. This last month and I want to raise money and awareness about the disease.
05/12/2024  My mom was just diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, and I want to raise money to help find a cure.
05/15/2024  My uncle passed away 3 years ago from Parkinson's. He was always a big support to me in my running venture.
05/16/2024  NA- staff
07/10/2024  My mom was diagnosed this year with Parkinson's, and being able to raise money for this awful diseases is a massive motivator for me.
05/22/2024  My grandfather passed away from Parkinson's and I want to honor his battle by doing the NYC marathon in his memory. I want Bill's legacy to live on, and with the opportunity of being guided by his spirit, I will also have the chance to make a difference by supporting people affected by Parkinson's in the community.
05/23/2024  My father died from complications due to Parkinson's.
05/30/2024  My daughter asked me to run the Disney half with her husband and out of all the fundraising options I liked this best for a fundraising option.
05/30/2024  My grandfather lost his battle to Parkinson's, I would love to honor our "dopey" and run for this cause that's near to my heart!
05/30/2024  I am a RN at Haywood Hospice in North Carolina. Every day I work with patients that have Parkinson's and it means so much to me for me to help them by raising awareness and raising money for research that can help others in the future!
05/30/2024  I found out about your charity from the runDisney community.
05/30/2024  My dad was just diagnosed with Parkinson's and he's my best friend.
05/31/2024  My uncle got diagnosed with Parkinson's
06/05/2024  My best friend from childhood's grandfather had Parkinson's, and I saw the toll it took on his family. I've recently learned that people with epilepsy are more likely to develop Parkinson's, and as someone with epilepsy that scares me. I would love to do my part to raise awareness and advancing research.
06/06/2024  My boyfriend of 6 years has a mom that was diagnosed with Parkinson's this past winter. I'm currently a third year medical student when we noticed certain symptoms begin to pop up with her like bradykinesia and a shuffling walk, we encouraged her to see a neurologist- just to be safe. Her diagnosis was a hit to the family and we all learned a lot more about Parkinson's very quickly. She's always been incredibly active throughout her life, biking 20 miles a day well into her 60s. I think running a marathon in her honor would mean a lot to her and my boyfriend as a way to celebrate her and her love for movement.
06/08/2024  My parents both had/have Parkinson's. My dad passed away in 2017, 12 years after his diagnosis. My mom was diagnosed in 2006. She is a strong woman who will not let this disease stop her. I have supported local Parkinson's organizations in other running events.
06/08/2024  I am a Physical Therapist who specializes in treating Parkinson's Disease with certifications in LSVT BIG and research with PD and quality of life. Although scholarly activities are important it is simply a passion of mine to treat and help those affected with Parkinson's Disease and I would love to help contribute to the cause while also running in my next rundisney race!
06/09/2024  My Papa just passed away in May after battling Parkinson's for 15 years. He was a massive part of my life so I had the unfortunate opportunity to see firsthand how much this disease impacts your life. Despite everything he experienced over those 15 years, he always carried a positive attitude and made meaningful connections in the Parkinson's community. I miss him profoundly and know fundraising for this cause is the best way I can honor his memory.
06/11/2024  I have many reasons as to why I'm coming to Parkinson's Champions, but the main one is that the group supports a cause I am really passionate about. When I was in middle school, my grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's. To grow up watching the physical and emotional tolls of the disease on him and my family really gave me a new perspective -- as a lover of science, the importance of developing cures for these kinds of diseases became so much more important. I am currently a Neurobiology major at the University of Pennsylvania and working in a lab that studies cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's. Contributing to this cause has become a large part of my life. I am also a division 1 athlete at UPenn on the women's rowing team. Exercise has always been a large part of my life, so when I saw this opportunity to run with a group of people also passionate about the cause I jumped to apply.
06/11/2024  My brother-in-law, Tim, was diagnosed with Parkinson's 3 years ago. He works so hard on his exercise and, honestly, navigating the disease. My husband and I feel so helpless; the least I can do is run this race in his honor.
06/19/2024  My father had Parkinson's and I would like to run in his honor and raise awareness.
06/19/2024  I work for the marketing department of a large research hospital so have been connected to Parkinson's in that way. I am turning 30 in January and wanted to find a cause I could support that I felt connected to in lieu of birthday gifts from my friends and family.
06/20/2024  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's three years ago and I would like to participate in funding a cure.
06/24/2024  I would love the opportunity to raise funds for Parkinson's Champions as my grandfather passed away from Parkinson's disease in 2022. That same year I raised funds for the Parkinson's Unity walk and participated in the event in NYC. Raising awareness and funds for Parkinson's research is something that I am passionate about as I saw my grandpa suffer with it for many years and I would love to be apart of working towards finding a cure as well as spreading awareness.
06/25/2024  My grandmother passed away from Parkinson's disease in 2016. Parkinson's disease has impacted my family and me greatly. My grandmother's passing shook up my world because she was like a second mother to me, picking me up and dropping me off at school, and cheering for me at track meets. As her Parkinson's progressed, my mother and I looked after her every day until she passed. Shortly after my grandmother passed, her husband, my grandfather, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. I know my family, friends, and community would help me fundraise for Parkinson's Champions due to how personal our connection is to the mission of Parkinson's Champions.
06/28/2024  My grandfather has parkinsons
07/01/2024  My grandpa, Dave Reichard, just recently passed away from Parkinson's disease. He was a longtime marathon runner. He helped me run my first half marathon at the age of 12. I want myself and my family to run and raise money for PD together in honor of him while doing something we all love doing together, running.
07/01/2024  I have been connected to the Parkinson's community since I was very young. One of my third grade teachers had Parkinson's, the lacrosse coach at my highschool was diagnosed with Parkinson's, and most importantly, my mom was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's several years ago. I have witnessed my mom's journey with the disease. I saw as she struggled to find treatments and medical professionals who could help her, but nothing seemed to work. A few years ago, I remember how extremely nervous I was when she had the surgery for deep brain stimulation. She has seen much improvement from DBS, but still has visible symptoms of the disease. My mom is the strongest woman I know and she has inspired me to join Parkinson's Champions and fundraise for Parkinson's research.
07/01/2024  My Mother has Parkinsons and I want to run my first marathon in her honor. This foundation was brought to my attention a few weeks ago and I am so excited about it!
07/02/2024  I'm a doctor and two years ago my mom passed away. She has Parkinson's. I would like to run to help raise money to further Parkinson's research, and to run in my mom's memory and honor.
07/05/2024  I recently watched Michael J Fox at Glastonbury and felt very inspired to help a charity that helps Parkinson's. If he can fight this disease and still rock hard, I'm fully in support of that. Would be a wonderful cause to help out!
07/08/2024  Running in memory of my grandma. My dad and aunt both have done lots of fundraising for the foundation and i want to help!
07/11/2024  I am an inclusive fitness trainer, and work with multiple clients with Parkinson's. My previous job at a rehabilitation hospital allowed me to learn all about Parkinson's and fitness, and I was able to assist and host a Parkinson's boxing class. I am interested in continuing to raise awareness about Parkinson's and to hopefully fundraise for a cure or treatment. I see many types of illnesses and impairments with my work, and those with Parkinson's taught at my heart strings a little more than others. I would like to do more for my current clients and the rest of the Parkinson's community by raising money for this organization that provides a tremendous amount of advocacy and resources.
07/12/2024  My dad was diagnosed this week with PD, and my grandfather passed away in 2022 after a 40 year battle with PD. As a runner, I am grateful and excited to see so many opportunities to do something I love while showing support for the Parkinson's community as much as I can.
07/18/2024  I am eager to be a Parkinson's champion after participating in our local walk in Tampa, FL for the last 2 years. I've been connected to Parkinson's my whole life. I grew up living with my paternal grandparents + my single father and my grandmother had Parkinson's. I helped care for her starting as young as I could remember. It's what inspired me to pursue social work for my education and career. Sadly we lost my grandmother when I was only 10. Fast forward to just 2.5 years ago and we were shocked my amazing father was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Just last year he completed a trial in Virginia for ultrasounds of the brain to get rid of his tremors. This is incredibly important to me and I am so passionate about raising funds and awareness.!
07/18/2024  I am a pre-med student very interested in neuroscience and especially in Parkinson's and hope to do research in it
07/18/2024  I work as a CNA and I would like to give more back to the community.
07/18/2024  My father was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's; therefore, I am running for HIM.
07/19/2024  My Dad and Uncle both have Parkinson's
07/19/2024  My sister has Parkinson's
07/21/2024  My uncle has been diagnosed with Parkinson's. I am an active runner and I would love to do the best I can to support him, even if he passes before I am able to run for him.