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Parkinson's Champions 2024 Endurance Team Application


User Response

12/07/2023  I would like to run the Chicago Marathon in honor of my father, Ray Miranda. He had Parkinson's for about 10 years and died in 2014. He is missed. Although medication helped, it took some of his life away. I also have friends who have suffered from Parkinson's. More research is needed to help those with Parkinson's live a fuller and longer life. I donate to Parkinson's annually and it is my charity of choice for the Chicago Marathon. I did attempt to enter the Marathon via the lottery but planned on Parkinson's in the event that I needed to enter via a charity. I'd like to run with my son, who has qualified.
04/18/2024  My grandfather passed away from Parkinson after a long and courageous battle.
09/18/2023  As I'm sure many of your applicants and runners do, I have a loved one diagnosed with Parkinson's. My grandpa has been in a long-term battle with the disease for over 18 years now, and my family has been there for him every step of the way. I am constantly inspired by the dedication and teamwork of my family members to bolster my Nonno with the energy to fight this heartbreaking disease. After being away from home (school, work, life, etc.) for multiple years and feeling like I couldn't contribute in the ways I truly desired, I am finally back in the state of New York where I was born and raised. By participating in this marathon, I can physically show up for my grandpa while setting a challenging goal for myself, pushing my body to its limits (as people with Parkinson's do daily), and raising the money to fund a cure for those affected. I want my grandpa to see me cross that finish line in a display of love and solidarity for his strength, resilience, and courage.
08/23/2023  I ran for Team Hope in 2016 for the Big Sur International Marathon. Both my grandfathers on my mother and father's sides of the family suffered from Parkinson's disease. Unfortunately, they have both passed away. I would like to run in their honor.
05/07/2023  My mom lost her 25 year battle with Parkinson's last month
03/21/2023  My mother has Parkinson's and has benefited so much from Parkinson's foundation. She used to be a runner like I am. I would very much love to raise funds for an organization that has truly been there for my family.
01/31/2024  My Father-In-Law has Parkinson's.
07/01/2023  My uncle passed away from Parkinson's and I would love to run in his honor
03/28/2024  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's during my senior year of college and passed away from the disease in 2021. When he was first diagnosed, I knew very little about Parkinson's and what the disease looked like beyond tremors. After witnessing the way the disease slowly chipped away at, and then rapidly took my Dad, I want to do whatever I can to help make sure we one day find a cure. When I ran my first half marathon, my Dad was there to cheer me on and meet me at the finish line. Though his mobility made it impossible for him to come to NY for my first marathon, he called me as soon as I finished. I continue to find motivation for running through my Dad, and feel honored to run for organizations helping to educate and provide research opportunities to end this horrible disease.
04/11/2023  Running for my dad!
07/08/2024  My father has Parkinson's and was diagnosed back in 2007/2008. He is my best friend and I've watched him persevere thru this terrible disease for the past 15+ years. He lives in the DC area and I'd love for him to come watch me accomplish this for him with all of our friends and family.
05/21/2023  Seven years ago my mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Since then, my family and I have participated in the 2019, 2022, and 2023 Parkinson's Unity Walk. We've been able to raise thousands of dollars for Parkinson's. Me and my sister also participated in the 2019 and 2021 Parkinson's Revolution events. We've done this all under the team name, Anita's Flowers.
01/18/2023  sdfsdf
04/03/2024  My mom was diagnosed with PD at a young age - just 50 years old. Since then, I've made an effort to get involved in PD related causes to raise awareness and money.
04/16/2023  My mom was diagnosed with PD in 2017 and I have been her caregiver since then. I want to run the Disneyland race because my mom is a huge Disney fan and she is my motivation. I will run in her honor. I want to support the Parkinson's Foundation as it is an incredible resource and I am grateful for the Foundation every day.
03/23/2023  My Mother in law Sharon Riff Ackerman had Parkinsons' Disease, and I will continue to support the Parkinsons association to find a cure. My husband set up a website in her memory to raise awareness.
02/21/2024  I discovered Parkinson's Champions after exploring ways to support my Mother (Michele) in her battle with Parkinson's disease. I have always been an avid runner and a goal of mine has been to complete marathons. This opportunity would not only allow me to run but run for something I am passionate about all while raising money for something I believe in.
01/30/2024  My father had Parkinson's. He was very active and this was devastating. Finding a cure and raising awareness are very important to me.
11/06/2023  My father, uncle and grandfather all passed away while battling Parkinsons
10/11/2023  This past year, I decided to accomplish a goal of completing my first half marathon and it was such a rewarding experience. After watching so many people accomplish the Chicago Marathon, it left me inspired to want to do the same but do it for a cause I am deeply passionate about. Sports have always been a staple in my family in particular, for my dad. My dad has always been my hero as a former police officer and military veteran and someone who has always been active having played multiple sports. However, in 2016, my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease it completely changed our family. Parkinson's has been a challenge to navigate but it has made my family closer than ever with supporting him and we have gotten the opportunity to lean on so many close friends and even the Parkinson's Foundation for guidance and additional support. This is the reason I would like to be a Parkinson's Champion. To honor my dad, bring awareness about Parkinson's disease, to contribute to research being done, and to support others who have loved someone or are currently loving someone with Parkinson's disease.
11/07/2023  My father was diagnosed in 2020
04/11/2023  Continued support for my father in-law's battle with Parkinson's.
08/09/2023  Parkinsons runs in my Dads side of the family. His grandfather, father and uncles had it and now my Dad is battling this disease. He was diagnosed over 10 years and is starting to lose his battle. Any awareness that I can bring towards this disease is a win.
01/12/2024  My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in January 2021. The Parkinson's Foundation has been such a helpful resource in terms of information and support. It would be an amazing opportunity to raise funds, train and run the Falmouth Road Race in honor of my husband and to show gratitude for the Parkinson's Foundation.
12/07/2023  My grandfather struggled with Parkinson's for 10+ years before passing in 2020. He was my first example of a runner. I was going to run w/ Parkinson's Champions in 2021, but I was injured in the training cycle and didn't make it through. This time, I feel confident that I will be smarter and healthier in the buildup, and will ensure that fundraising is complete well ahead of time.
05/04/2023  We have loved ones impacted by Parkinson's, and we race in their honor. My husband (Brian Walker) and I both enjoyed racing with Parkinson's Foundation at Big Sur 2023, and hope we'll get to race at Disneyland 2024 together as well!
10/17/2023  My dad has Parkinson's
03/28/2024  I want to represent Parkinson's Champions for the same reason that I want to run in my hometown: I have Parkinson's, and I plan on going down swinging. I have benefitted from no organization more than the Parkinson's Foundation in my early PD education, and I want to help sustain its mission to research tomorrow's cure for Parkinson's while helping today's people with Parkinson's. After all, this effort isn't a sprint - it's a marathon.
11/08/2023  My Uncle Steve passed away from Parkinson's and he had a profound impact on my life. He loved me and pushed me in good times and in very difficult times. He did lots of good in his lifetime and I want to run to honor him.
04/02/2024  Our companies president lives with Parkinson's disease
09/24/2023  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2020. I want to run in support of him and to raise money and awareness for the disease.
11/06/2023  My connection to the Parkinson's Community is through my grandfather who was diagnosed with Parkinson's when I was in high school. My grandfather would come to many of my high school cross country and track races and cheer so loudly for me. To run in honor of him, and for the Parkinson's Foundation would mean a lot.
10/11/2023  I ran the race in 2018 less than a year after my father passed away from a neurodegenerative disease that was not Parkinson's but is similar in many ways. It would be meaningful to return to this race and this cause five years later.
05/09/2023  My father has Parkinsons disease. Ever since he was diagnosed I have gotten involved in the Parkinsons community. This has been a very hard road for my family and I, I am dedicated to battling Parkinsons alongside my Dad.
04/11/2023  I would like to support Parkinson's Champions for two major reasons. 1. My grandfather and best friend suffered from Parkinson's and I would like to give back in honor of him and all that he did for our family. 2. My wife's grandmother currently struggles from Parkinson's and in her honor, I would like to run this marathon.
02/16/2024  My father had Parkinson's and passed away in 2022. I have run for you previously and other Parkinson's organisations in the UK before. I love running and learned everything about it from my dad who helped me love to sport so I want to continue running and support Parkinson's while doing so.
09/19/2023  What bring me back to Parkinson is wanting to run Chicago Marathon for 2024. I want to raise money for an amazing charity that means to me.
09/07/2023  My mom was diagnosed in 2014 at the age of 58. I have seen Parkinson's deteriorate her body, but not her spirit. My mom is my hero and an incredible community member. I can't put into words how devestating it has been to see her suffer and be a prisoner in her own body. Before her diagnosis, she was a community leader, special education teacher and took care of everyone around her. She is a lover of all people and continues to shower the people in her life with love and light despite reaching Stage 4 of Parkinson's. I ran the half-marathon in 2022 and I am ready to run a full marathon in 2024. I believe this will be a full circle moment and will reach my fundraising goal through my network of family and friends.
10/14/2023  Parkinson's disease has affected a few of my friend's parents as well as two loved ones in my family. In 2021 I ran the Boston Marathon with my best friend Arthur Izzo. We fell in love with this hobby and decided not to stop after 1 race but rather run as many years in a row as our bodies would let us. Since then we have ran Chicago & NYC for the Parkinson's Foundation. In 2023 I had to skip Chicago due to some family illnesses that needed my full support and attention.
10/27/2023  My father, who turns 81 in December, has been battling Parkinson's for 14 years. His strength and courage inspire me every day and this is one of the ways I try and honor him and all those who live with this disease.
11/06/2023  Mother's father (my grandfather) suffered with Parkinson's for many years and passed away in 2019 from the disease.
10/06/2023  I had a great experience running with the Parkinson's Champions in my first NYC Marathon and raised way more money than I anticipated! The support received from family and friends was incredible. I would love to continue supporting the Parkinson's Foundation in honor of my father who diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2021 and in memory of my grandfather who passed away in 2013 after living with Parkinson's for over 20 years.
07/08/2024  I ran with Parkinson's Champions in 2022 for the NYC Marathon - I was running for my grandfather who had been diagnosed with Parkinson's ten years back. He unfortunately passed away due to complications with the disease last year.
05/03/2024  I ran with Parkinson's Champions in 2022 for the NY marathon and I thoroughly enjoyed the community the team fostered. My grandfather passed away from Parkinson's in 2016 after an 11 year battle with the illness so I'm looking forward to the possibility of running in his name again.
11/08/2023  I would like to fundraise for the Parkinson's community in honor of my sister who passed away from complications from Parkinson's at 62.
12/09/2023  My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2024
12/08/2023  My mum has Parkinson's Disease and I am very keen to support charities who are continuing to look for new treatments and a potential cure. Having ran for Parkinson Champions in 2022 in the New York City marathon, I would love the opportunity to help raise more funds for this worthwhile charity.
05/14/2024  My mother in law and grandmother in law both are diagnosed with Parkinsons.
11/11/2023  I am a healthcare worker and work with Parkinson patients. I am a Physical Therapist and have interests in one day getting certified in Big and Loud, but current job doesn't have opening for, I see the benefits current interventions beyond medications can help those with Parkinson's. I have been able to work with many individuals and have seen their battles and some have unfortunately and sadly lost. I wish to help to continue the search for a cure and further this progress we have already made.
10/17/2023  My dad battled Parkinson's for 20 years. He died in March. I was his direct caregiver the last year of his life.
10/12/2023  I applied and was waitlisted for the 2023 Chicago Marathon so I am applying again to run in 2024 in support of my best friend Arthur Izzo's father, Joe Izzo and his battle with Parkinson's disease. I have always enjoyed running but during the pandemic I decided I wanted to run a marathon. That same week my coworker and best friend Arthur Izzo, had the same crazy idea. We began this training journey together and started hitting the pavement. I ran my first half marathon in the fall of 2021 (1:44) and fell in love. In 2022, I ran 8 half marathons and my first full marathon, the Providence Marathon, hitting my goal of sub 4 hours. In 2023, I ran my second full marathon and 6 half marathons. Wanting to push myself more, i made the grueling climb to the summit of the highest peak in the Northeast, running and finishing the iconic Mount Washington Auto Road Race as a charity runner raising money to benefit Delta Dental. Now that I am confident in my running, it is time for me to run for a cause. And I could not think of a better one than Parkinson's Champions because of how closely this affects my best friend, his father and his family. Over the past 5+ years, I have worked with an organization that is near and dear to my heart called Tides Family Services, that provides services to at risk youth. I am someone who enjoys uplifting our communities and will continue to give back to my community for years to come. Now, this journey that Arthur and I began in 2020, has the chance to come full circle with the opportunity to run for the Parkinson's team for Arthur's father who has Parkinson's.
04/20/2024  My Dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2019 at the age of 60, he has been the definition of a champion and inspiration as he participates in clinical trials monthly while working full time still and being a loving husband, father, friend and son. My family continues to learn with him as he navigates the challenges of life with Parkinson's.
03/28/2024  I enjoyed raising money for Parkinson's Champions in 2022 when I ran the NYC Marathon that year. Also, my father died as a result of Parkinson's Disease in 2001, so raising funds for Parkinson's research and helping others with this disease is very important to me.
04/28/2024  My Dad has Parkinson's
03/31/2024  Mother has Parkinson's
08/23/2023  Support my uncle that was diagnosed with Parkinsons last year
07/28/2023  My father was diagnosed this year with PD. We also lost my sister in laws mother 2 years ago to atypical PD.
05/02/2023  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2017. Since then, I have made it a personal mission to do all in my power to change the course of this disease, both for him or for those who will come after. My dad is my biggest cheerleader, a music aficionado, an avid golfer, a photoshop king, a world-renowned (truly chef), and the best dad to me, my sister, and our pets, and husband to my mom. He is the most thoughtful person I have ever known and always puts the needs of others above his own. When he was diagnosed, my dad did not let PD stop him. He is also now a boxer, advocate, and volunteer, to name a few. This year I had the privilege of running the 2022 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon. When I found out with one month before race day, my dad immediately booked a plane ticket. He stood in the cold with me at the start and followed me throughout the course, cheering from Brooklyn to Times Square to Central Park. It was cold and the race was hard, but I have never felt more motivated or honored to run for something so much greater than myself. I hope to have the opportunity to run this race for years to come.
02/08/2024  My dad has PD.
05/04/2024  I am a movement disorders neurologist in Charlotte, NC. Outside of my time at work, I am very involved in my local PD community by attending support group meetings and other awareness and fundraising events. Movement and exercise is important for people with PD. I'd like to participate with Parkinson's Champions to show my patients I'm also prioritizing movement and exercise in my own life.
05/21/2024  My grandfather, Gene McEndree, passed away in October 2019 after a long battle with Parkinson's disease. Grandpa Gene was one of my heroes growing up. He was my mentor, coach, friend, confidant, and endless source of inspiration. Grandpa cheered me on the hardest during life's happiest moment and the person I looked to for advice when things weren't going my way. Althletics were a huge part of the bond we shared together. Grandpa Gene never missed one of my sporting events. It didn't matter if it were a baseball game halfway across the country, football game in the snow, or a basketball game where I sat the bench, Grandpa was there to support me. He even cheered me on through the tough moments where Parkinson's started to really impact his health. I will forever cherish the memories I have him being my greatest support system. My grandpa had a saying, "Sometimes You Get The Bear, And Sometimes The Bear Gets You." I would love to honor his legacy and "Get the Bear" by running in the Chicago Full Marathon 5 years have his passing.
06/08/2023  I am a registered nurse who specializes in Parkinson's disease and movement disorders. I started this job in the fall of 2023 and haven't looked back. I love what I do. One of the hats I wear is connecting our patients with community resources, and the Parkinson's Foundation is an invaluable resource. I frequently recommend your webinars, educational materials and wellness offerings such as Fitness Fridays and Wellness Wednesdays to my patients. I am also involved in local Parkinson's Foundation events - I created a team for the Parkinson's Revolution CT event, and I am on the planning committee for the Parkinson's Foundation Moving Day in CT this September. Sadly, I am also personally impacted by PD as I have an aunt who was recently diagnosed. I truly understand the impact PD has on a family, and I have watched this disease rob my aunt of her mobility, autonomy, and even her personality. It makes me want to fight back on her behalf!!
10/03/2023  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years ago, and being able to fundraise this past March for the Parkinson's Foundation left me feeling very fulfilled. Doing this gave me a way to support my dad and family while living away from home, and made me feel closer to him. Knowing that I am able to help out the Parkinson's community while pushing myself to run brings me an immense amount of pride, and I am excited about the possibility of running it again.
11/26/2023  Running for my dad who has PD
11/06/2023  I had a great experience running with Parkinson's champions for Chicago and would love to be a part of this again for New York, where I live! I would love to continue fundraising for this cause.
03/18/2024  This past January I lost my mom to a brief but severe battle with a Parkinson's related disease
05/01/2023  I am a neurologist currently in fellowship training for Movement Disorders at Duke. Running with the Parkinson's Champions will be a great way to advocate for my patients and pursue my interest in running!
12/30/2023  My dad was posthumously diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2017. Since then, I have been passionate about spreading awareness and raising funds for research to prevent this from happening to other people and all of those affected by it. My dad was an avid runner, and running was something we enjoyed together. When I moved to NYC in 2021, I wanted to do something in the city in his memory, and last year this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I had such a great and meaningful experience with Parkinson's Champions last year, and would be honored be a part of it again this year.
11/08/2023  I enjoyed my experience running the Chicago Marathon on behalf of Parkinson's Foundation. It was a great community and great to do it for a cause that is personal to me.
04/18/2024  Mother passed from PD
11/15/2023  I am a neurologic physical therapist who works primarily with the PD population. I witness firsthand how PD affects a person's mobility and work closely with my patients to help them regain and maintain as much function as possible. Working as a neurologic physical therapist has given me a great appreciation for my ability to freely move my body and run marathons. I want to use my love for running to support a cause I am passionate about and benefit many of my patients who I care for deeply.
08/25/2023  I'm interested in running for the Parkinson's Foundation in honor of my dad. He was diagnosed with essential tremor in his 30's, which eventually progressed to Parkinson's in his early 50's. My dad has always faced the diagnosis head on, and has never let it slow him down. He is a lifetime endurance athlete, having competed in marathons and triathlons, pre- and post-diagnosis. This includes the Lake Placid Ironman, which my dad competed in only 6 months after having deep stimulation brain surgery in an effort to better control his tremors. I greatly look up to my dad for looking at his disease in the face, recognizing and acknowledging it, and continuing to live his life to the fullest. Our family greatly appreciates the Parkinson's Foundation for the work the organization does to help with Parkinson's research, and I would be honored to run for the cause. I grew up running with my dad - so it's fitting that I run for him, knowing that he'd also be my greatest cheerleader for all 26.2 miles.
05/05/2023  My father has been battling Parkinson's for many years and my wife also has family with the disease. We both plan to run in their honor. We both competed at Big Sur with Parkinson's Foundation and enjoyed the experience.
03/28/2024  My grandfather battled Parkinson's hard for the entire time I knew him. Even at a young age I knew this was such a terrible disease. I've been following the efforts of research around Parkinson's ever since he passed and would be truly moved to be running for such a cause. This will be my fourth marathon - aiming for a sub 3-hour result.
10/26/2023  My wife's (Ripley Fricano) father is currently living with Parkinson's, and it inspires me everyday to see him do his utmost to continue to be an amazing father and husband. For months before our wedding, which took place only a few weeks ago, Mr. Fricano regularly practiced walking her down the aisle and the father/daughter dance so that he could feel confident on the wedding day. Ripley is dedicating much of her career as a nurse to Parkinson's research/care and the least I can do is to help raise resources to support the larger Parkinson's community. I have been a runner for most of my life and it would be a great honor to use my running for such a meaningful cause.
04/15/2024  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's a year ago and it's been quite aggressive.
08/15/2023  My best friend's dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's about seven years ago. It has been an amazing watching her become his biggest advocate! I would love to be able to support her by also supporting the Parkinson's Foundation.
11/07/2023  I am apart of the committee for the Parkinson's group in LA.
10/17/2023  See last year
12/03/2023  While I have not experienced Parkinson's as a direct family member, the disease affects several loved ones in my life. Two of my best friends' fathers are diagnosed with Parkinson's and it has a large effect on their families. Running this race with them and fundraising for the Parkinson's Champions alongside them is something I feel passionate about.
11/29/2023  No direct connection to Parkinson's, wanted to run for a goo cause and had a great experience doing so with the Parkinsons foundation in 2023 for the NYC marathon. Just hoping to continue to raise money!
03/10/2023  asdfasdf
09/26/2023  My dad last his battle with Parkinsons this past January and want to run and raise money in his honor
03/13/2023  I was SO HAPPY to find this Charity as I have been affected by Parkinson's in many areas in my life. One of my childhood friends lost her dad early in life to Parkinsons, one of my current adult friend's fathers has Parkinson's and makes amazing artistic ruins from silver spoons as part of his therapy, where we sell them in our artisan-based gift shop - and the proceeds go to yet ANOTHER local charity, My own grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinsons later in life.l
03/13/2023  fgfgh
03/13/2023  Hdhfmfh
03/13/2023  My grandmother died from Parkinson's Disease. I have quite a few other family members who have died or currently have Parkinson's. I am passionate about raising money to cure Parkinson's so that no one has to witness a family member go through what we went through with my grandmother.
03/13/2023  I decided to run for the Parkinson's Champions because I feel that finding a cure is an important cause.
04/09/2024  I have a family member who currently is battling with Parkinson's.
03/13/2023  My brother-in-law has Parkinson's, and although he wad diagnosed only a year ago, it's something that is already affecting his life and three small children.
03/13/2023  I love the work y'all do. My grandmother has Parkinson's symptoms due to her LBD.
03/14/2023  I am an emergency medicine physician and often care for patients with Parkinson's Disease in the course of my patient care.
03/14/2023  I am a physician and see patients with Parkinson's. I have learned the impact this has on the patients and their families and I want to be able to help move toward a better life for patients and their families.
03/14/2023  I am a current emergency room RN that sees the effects of Parkinson's often. Raising awareness and money is something I want to be a part of
03/14/2023  I have witnessed the horrific impacts of Parkinson's on a father figure of mine someone who I have grown up with my whole life and trust with all my heart. Dan was diagnosed with Parkinson's over 10 years ago, and through that time I have watched him grapple with physical and mental changes to his body, continuous struggles with medications, and making serious life-changing decisions on medical procedures. Both coming from running families, I have spent many early mornings rain or shine in Oregon, running with Dan and our families. Dan ran the NYC marathon 35 years ago, and I always told him I wanted him to run the marathon with me one day. In the past year, Dan's health has really declined though he can no longer run, he still walks every morning. It would be an honor to run and raise money for the Parkinson's Foundation and support a cause that is so near and dear to my heart.
03/14/2023  Involvement with the Parkinson's Champions would allow me to demonstrate support for the PD community. Currently, I work as a research assistant under a movement disorder specialist who conducts clinical trials for the betterment of PD and other movement disorder treatment options. Additionally, I would be running in honor of my grandfather who is currently living with PD. I hope to one day become a physician and provide a similar level of care as my PI to community members who are similar to those I see each day.
03/14/2023  In all honesty, I was doing research on charities that were hosting teams for the Disneyland Half Marathon. I've never done RunDisney through a charity but I'm glad I'm learning about it now. I don't personally know anyone with Parkinson's. However, I worked for the Dayle McIntosh Center in Anaheim CA where we served people with various disabilities and many of my coworkers identified as having a significant disability. I'm a strong believer in independent living to whatever extent possible and the utmost dignity for all people.
03/16/2023  My dad has suffered from Parkinsons for many years. I have done a few runs in the past to raise money for the local Parkinson's support groups. I want to expand my ability to give back to Parkinson's support.
03/17/2023  My grandfather had Parkinson's for over 10 + years before he passed away.
03/17/2023  My best friends dad, who I grew up with, recently passed away from a long battle with Parkinson's. I'm hoping to raise money to help research and development for Parkinson's.
03/17/2023  I'm interested in running with your team because I'm trying to make 2023 the year where I do more things for others. I run multiple Rundisney races a year and I would love to be able to be able to raise money for an amazing community
03/17/2023  When my grandmother was diagnosed with PD 10 years ago, I knew very little about the disease. Watching her progress, have set backs, and adapt in so many new ways, I was inspired to learn how to help her. As a physical therapist, I began volunteering at a local boxing for PD class. I fell in love with this patient population that I began treating more of this neuro-based group at work. I would love to fundraise for you guys and help bridge the gap between my love for running and for this patient population. I know my grandmother would be proud!
03/18/2023  Parkinson's is a condition which had a huge impact on someone very dear to me -- my late grandmother. She was diagnosed about 15 years ago when I was in elementary school and for those 15 years she struggled with the condition physically and mentally. Despite her challenges, she was still an amazing grandma and I want to help support research that will further treatment and support for those living with Parkinson's.
03/19/2023  My grandfather passed from Parkinson's
03/20/2023  My paternal grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years ago, ad we just celebrated her 76th birthday this week. She has been on hospice since September and i want to honor her while she is still with us. I have ran with local charities in the past- The Leukemia and Lymphoma society- while working with this organization as a campaign manager for the running team, where I was able to honor my maternal grandmother and her battle with Leukemia. My family means the world to me and I want to honor them and continue the fight to raise awareness of this disease!
03/21/2023  My father has had parkinsons for over 20 years
03/21/2023  Both of my grandfathers battled the disease while I was growing up, and I have seen the devastation that this disease can cause first hand. I would be honored to help raise awareness and funding as we fight for a cure.
03/22/2023  I have family members with Parkinson's and I would like to help contribute to finding a cure for them and so many others with the disease.
03/22/2023  My best friends mother is battling Parkinson's and we would really like to support a foundation that has helped her.
03/22/2023  My mother currently has Parkinson's. I would love to raise money for support of your foundation in honor of my mother
03/23/2023  I have lost family members to Parkinson's.
03/23/2023  sdf
03/25/2023  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's about three years ago. As the years have progressed so has his disease. I am hoping to join the team and let him know that after many times of raising money for causes close to my mother who has breast cancer, this time, I'll be raising money to help find a cure for him.
03/27/2023  My dear friends David Cheng's dad was recently diagnosed and I want to support the cause as much as I can.
03/28/2023  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's five years ago and I want to support the community in honor of him
08/23/2023  My mother!
08/23/2023  I would love to run again next year to support my mother-in-law who has been living with PD for 17 years.
03/30/2023  My mom has Parkinson's Diease.
02/28/2024  I work as an occupational therapist at a hospital and have worked with patients with PD. My grandmother had PD and my father was diagnosed with PD a few years ago so I've seen him struggle with tremors and symptoms of the diagnosis. I'm interested in running in honor of my dad and spreading awareness about this prevalent disease, education on the disease that effects so many people.
11/24/2023  Father is in late stages of Parkinson's and I'd love to run and raise funds in his honor before he passes
04/03/2023  My mother was diagnosed 3 years ago
04/03/2023  I'd love to support your cause and help raise funds
04/04/2023  One of my biggest role models, Muhammad Ali unfortunately had Parkinson's, and since then I've had a greater awareness of it and have empathized with people who have Parkinson's more. I'd like to spread more awareness for it!
04/04/2023  My father has Parkinson's and is unfortunately experiencing more severe symptoms this year than any previous year since his diagnosis. He is my running inspiration (he's run 3 marathons himself!!) and it would mean the world to me to support your team by fundraising and running.
04/05/2023  My grandmother suffered from Parkinson's. It came on fast and it was tough to watch her struggle. I would love to run in honor of her and for a charity that actively helps in research to end this disease.
04/06/2023  My father battled Parkinson's before passing away in November of last year. Along with our family friend's mother has the disease too.
04/06/2023  My Dear Friend Dave Cheng's dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's and I want to support.
04/10/2023  My Dad has been living with Parkinson's for a few years now. He's a very special guy. He is the closest living thing to the Lorax I've ever seen. I am still not convinced the trees don't understand him. He worked 30+ years for Onondaga county as a lab technician helping with scientific initiatives to help clean up Onondaga lake from its most polluted to now. He loves music, he loves nature, he loves gardening, he loves dogs, he loves his wife and three sons of which I am one, he loves God, he loves life. He has devoted his retirement to faith becoming a deacon and serving as a Chaplin in a retirement home and hospital in Syracuse, NY. He prays with and for people when they need it most. I'm not the most devout person but I cannot deny the beauty and love that God has given my father. He is a beautiful and goofy soul and I love him to pieces. He started taking medications a few years ago to treat his Parkinson's which mostly manifests physically through "pill rolling" and he gained most of his hand coordination back. It seems the dosages will likely need calibration in the near future. He's a beautiful man who has taught me a lot about the joys of life. Every bit of imagination, creativity, and appreciation I have is thanks to him and I'd love to run this race for him.
04/12/2023  My grandmother recently was diagnosed with Parkinsons and I am looking to get involved with this community. Moreover, I would be thrilled to raise money for a cause that means so much to me.
04/12/2023  My mother was just diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease
04/13/2023  My father - and life time running partner - has Parkinson's that is getting worse. We ran the 2013 NYC marathon together, and I'd like to direct my energy toward supporting research for a cure & support for those affected.
04/14/2023  I have a person very close to me who was recently diagnosed`
04/14/2023  Father recently diagnosed with Parkinson's
04/14/2023  As the grandson of someone who was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, I have a deep connection to the Parkinson's community. Watching my grandparent navigate the challenges of this disease has been both inspiring and heartbreaking. But through it all, I have seen the incredible strength and resilience of those living with Parkinson's. I am interested in running with the Parkinson's community because I want to do my part to support my grandparent and others who are affected by this disease. Running has always been a passion of mine, and I believe that it can be a powerful tool for improving physical and mental health, as well as raising awareness about Parkinson's. More than that, running with the Parkinson's community is a way for me to connect with others who understand the impact that this disease can have on individuals and families. It is a way for me to show my grandparent and others living with Parkinson's that they are not alone and that we are all in this together. I am proud to be a part of the Parkinson's community and to be making a difference in the lives of those affected by this disease.
04/16/2023  My grandfather who I am very close to has been lived with Parkinson's for the last almost 2 years. Anything I can do to help him live a better life with Parkinson's I will.
04/17/2023  My papa recently passed away with Parkinson's disease so this cause holds near and dear to my heart. I want to run for him.
04/18/2023  My grandfather suffered with a Parkinson's diagnosis and battle beginning back in the early 2000s. He passed away in 2019 and prior to his diagnosis, used to be an avid marathon runner. I am a registered nurse in New York City and my grandfather was the reason I entered the profession of healthcare. I would love for the opportunity to run and support the Parkinson's foundation as a way to not only raise money for the cause, but to also grow a stronger connection to my grandfather.
04/18/2023  I am interested in running for Parkinson's as someone who works in the healthcare industry to support families and patients of those who have to deal with Parkinson's. It's a great opportunity to do some thing larger than myself and be a part of a community with so many and help lift up and inspire others to get involved and raise money as well.
04/18/2023  My grandmother suffers from PD and my family and I have been taking care of her for years now. I have seen how this disease has progressed with my grandma and it is hard on everyone especially her. PD is something that we don't know enough about yet but it is something that many people are affected by. I want to raise money for this charity because my grandma is someone who is so important to me and I want to help her in anyway I can and other people who are affected by this. There needs to be more research done for this disease and if I can help in anyway I can then I will. I really hope to be able to run in support of this cause because it is something so close to home.
04/18/2023  My grandmother passed away with Parkinson's last year. Seeing her struggle with the disease for a long time, and with very little improvement with current therapies was extremely hard on me, and especially my grandfather. Also, being in the health care field, the fact that there is no cure for Parkinson's made me feel helpless. I would love to due what I can to help a very worthwhile cause.
04/18/2023  My father Lloyd Purnell has been living with Parkinson's for 13 years. Him and I have always shared a deep connection through endurance sport. He was my triathlon coach for most of my life. Now that I am an working adult I would love to continue to show my commitment and love to both running and him through racing for Parkinson's Champions!
04/19/2023  My father was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's & my grandfather had Parkinson's for 10 years before he passed away. It has been a massive part of my life, I donate to Parkinson's charities every year to support research anyways so I would like to have a reason to ask other people to donate as well
04/20/2023  My Grandmother had Parkinson's so this would be in her honor
04/20/2023  I would be thrilled to run the 2023 TCS New York City Marathon on the Parkinson's Champion Team in honor of my grandfather, Pierre (Pete) Allocco, who lived with Parkinson's Disease until he was 74. Having witnessed firsthand the challenges of the diversity and complexity of Parkinson's disease, I have felt fortunate to be able to work with the Parkinson's Foundation. I want to fundraise to makes life better for people with Parkinson's disease by improving care and advancing research toward a cure. Running has given a lot to me. I hope to take to the streets of my favorite city to run for a cause that means so much to me.
04/25/2023  My Grandfather and my partner's father both have Parkinson's and we try to support the foundation whenever we can! They have both enrolled in different therapies which were only possible to the foundations work!
04/25/2023  I found this online.
04/25/2023  My Grandfather who I was very close to during my childhood passed away last August. He had Parkinson's and I cannot express how thankful I am to his entire care team who provided him with the best treatments and support so that he was able to be happy and surrounded by family when his time came. He was able to live his last couple years with grace and comfort despite his diagnosis and for that I am grateful. I would like to run in his honor and raise money to support the cause so that more treatments can be made and the current ones can be more easily accessible to those who need it. I think it would also give purpose and joy to my grandma who misses him dearly.
04/26/2023  Both my parents suffer from Parkinson's. My mom also has dementia and is in her late stages. This has been very tough for my entire family and have learned a lot in the process. I'd like to bring more awareness to the difficulties caregivers and family undergo when taking care of loved ones who have Parkinson's.
04/26/2023  Parkinson's runs in my family. My sister was diagnosed this year. She is 32 and is my absolute hero. I've just completed my first half marathon, and think this would be an amazing way to motivate towards a future goal while inspiring my family to overcome and challenge this disease.
04/27/2023  A dear friend if mine does a lot of work with Parkinson patients and I told him I would attempt to get a charity Bib to run any future Disney Races with Parkinson's Champions.
04/30/2023  My dad has Parkinson's and also his father. I want to run for them. I want to represent them.
04/30/2023  I currently work for Abbott DBS and have a very strong connection with the PD community. Since I started at Abbott almost 2 years ago my passion to help and serve the community has only grown! I wake up every day feeling extremely blessed and lucky to have the career I do and to work within the community. I am interested in running with the Parkinsons Champions because I wanted to run for a cause that I believe in. Running has always been a big part of my life and I thought what an amazing opportunity it would be to mix my two passions!
04/30/2023  My uncle and grandfather both have/had Parkinson's.
04/30/2023  My grandfather lived with Parkinsons for 20 ish years. It never stopped him from zipping, rafting, going horseback ridding or exploring with us!
05/01/2023  My brother Terrence Degnan was just diagnosed. Brian Dahlben will be joining me who is in fellowship at Duke Hospital in neuroscience working on a cure for Parkinson's.
05/03/2023  My mom recently lost her long battle with Parkinson's disease but I've been running to beat Parkinson's for many years! I organized 3 5Ks called Run2beatPD, fundraised while I trained for a half-marathon, and collectively have raised over $20,000 for the foundation. I would love to run with the actual team in memory of my mom.
08/19/2023  My father is currently battling Parkinson's. Around the same time he was diagnosed, I fell in love with endurance training. I see Parkinson's Champions as the perfect combination of two important values: family and health.
05/08/2023  My mother past away recently with PD and I want to do what I can to raise awareness and help find cure
05/09/2023  My mum in kenya was diagnosed with parkinson disease, but our clan ,tribe,use to say it was a curse,i want to educate people in our tribe
05/10/2023  My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's over 10 years ago and it's been difficult to watch the disease progress as of late. It's hard to talk about and I would love to show her support in a different way and without words. Running has always been an outlet for me and I would love nothing more to be a part of this team.
11/05/2023  My mom was diagnosed with Parkinsons ten years ago. And on that day - Parkinsons met its match. Living with Parkinsons is hard - really hard. This evil villain has the ability to steal your voice, your mobility, your ability to swallow and if you let it, your dignity. But my mom can do really hard things. Every day for the last ten years, my mom has said "not today Parkinsons" and - in many repsects - continues to take up space and live her best life thanks in large part to the wonderful resources available to her. My mom ran her first 1/2 marathon a year after she was diagnosed. She underwent successful DBS surgery 6 years ago. And in spite of her mobility issues, her difficulty swallowing, and her difficulty speaking, she still goes to boxing twice a week and still horseback rides once a week. My mom is the fiercest person I know. I have seen firsthand how Parkinsons support has helped my mom continue to lead an enriched life and would be honored to represent the Parkinsons Champions at the NYC Marathon.
05/12/2023  My father has Parkinson's.
06/07/2024  I would love to run to support the Jordon Family who I've grown very close to over the past 10 years. I went to school with Jake who has become one of my best friends and his mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years back. They have been so good to me and I'd love to support them by raising and running for them in 2024.
05/13/2023  I am interested in running with your team because I would like to run in honor of friends who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's.
05/14/2023  I am an occupational therapist who works with patients with PD. I see all how this diagnosis affects their day to day and how much it can impact their lives. This is something that is near and dear to my heart while also having a grandfather with PD.
05/15/2023  My dad and grandfather had parkinsons and I've run a local KC-area run for parkinsons for many years!!
05/19/2023  My dad, Jeff Newton, was diagnosed with Parkinson's when I was 15 and is truly the best man I know. He gives in abundance to friends, family, and my hometown- never expecting anything in return. As cheesy as it sounds, to know him really is to love him. Although Parkinson's has definitely brought along its challenges over the last 10 years, my dad has never complained or allowed the disease to redefine who he is. I'd love to run to bring awareness to friends, family, and coworkers and to celebrate and honor my dad. I know the actual run wouldn't be easy, but I believe that this organization is doing life changing work and I think it'd be a really meaningful experience for my dad and I. I'm passionate about what the Parkinson's Foundation is doing and I'd love nothing more than to fundraise on your behalf.
05/19/2023  My grandmother was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. Unfortunately, I have not been able to see her much the past couple of years due to Covid and her illness. At 90 years old, I'm not sure how much time I will have left with her so I want to do something for her in her name. I know that the money I raise for the 2024 marathon may not help her but I hope it would benefit another family facing Parkinson's. As a former college runner I thought that running for the Parkinson's Foundation would be one of the best ways for me to give back to the community and raise money.
05/21/2023  My passion in life is helping others. By running this race, I would have the wonderful opportunity to do so.
05/22/2023  I'm a current premed applying to medical school interested in supporting and working to help folks with neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's. I just ran my first half (BKHM) and am training for a full marathon!
05/22/2023  Family member with Parkinson's
05/24/2023  My husband and I used to be active in Boston's Team Fox. We love supporting Parkinson's organizations as it currently impacts my mother in law.
05/25/2023  fghjk
05/30/2023  My grandmother had Parkinson's for 40 years and lived with us for a good portion of my childhood.
06/04/2023  I am running with my best friend whose grandfather suffered with, and eventually passed from Parkinsons. She was with me every step of the way through my sister's cancer battle, and so many more life events. I would love to be able to run this race in honor of her and her grandfather, and show her my appreciation for always being there for me. This is for Leroy and Rachel!
06/04/2023  Last year, my grandfather passed away after complications due to Parkinson's disease. He was one of the strongest people I have ever met and fought hard until the end. A Parkinson's Foundation support group in OKC greatly impacted my grandparents' lives. After surviving a pneumonia hospitalization several years ago, he started attending meetings with my grandmother and from the outside looking in, it seemed to give him more fulfillment and a push to keep going. We got another 10 years with him. This is for Leroy.
07/16/2024  I am a long-time distance runner and my mother Maureen was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2019. She is an absolute champion and I am her biggest advocate. In May, she had a total knee replacement and, thankfully, is on the road to recovery! It would be a great surprise to fundraise for this year's road race.
06/07/2023  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's.
06/07/2023  I found this charity through the RD website and would love to support your cause! My grandfather had Parkinson's, so this really hits home!
06/07/2023  My dearest grandfather has Parkinson's. I am interested in joining a supportive community and raise money for those impacted with additional resources.
06/07/2023  I am a doctor that cares for PD patients
06/08/2023  I have many friends and relatives with Parkinson's, including people in my life since birth, and my great uncle who died recently.
06/08/2023  I want to raise awareness for a disease that has impacted so many people in my life
10/04/2023  I have a very close friend named Andrea who has Parkinson's. She inspires me every day with what she accomplishes while she battles with Parkinson's. She also is the most positive and upbeat person I know.
06/10/2023  My brother has Parkinson's.
06/11/2023  I have church friends diagnosed with Parkinson's. I believe in research to help find new therapies and cures!
06/14/2023  Running brings joy, and if I can share that to lessen someone else's suffering, I'm grateful.
06/14/2023  My Grandmother had Parkinson's and in the latter years of her life it progressed. My way to help combat this was to write her letters as a penpal. Overtime her responses became fewer and fewer as I was away in the Army. Her once beautiful handwriting became nearly impossible to read. Eventually it was just my letters going to her which my Grandfather would read to her.
06/18/2023  My family has been affected by Parkinson's. My grandfather, the most social guy I knew, went from skiing and playing golf to losing his voice and ability to walk due to Parkinson's. In the last year, I've really enjoyed running, and ran my first Marathon back in March. It's my goal to get involved with a charity I'm passionate about to bring meaning to my miles, so I would love the opportunity to join the Parkinson's Champions community and raise money and awareness for an important cause.
01/03/2024  I have rx'd People with Parkinsons for 38 years as a PT and I facilitate a local Parkinsons Support Group, Parkinsons Piedmont Support Group since 2018
11/09/2023  my dad has parkinson - i want to help
06/20/2023  My father had Parkinson's/Lewy Body Dementia. There is a great need for further research into effective therapy for individuals with Parkinson's/Lewy Body Dementia.
06/23/2023  Supporting my wife, Althea Visneski, and her family. Her grandfather has Parkinson's, so I'd like to have an additional impact on the community and resources.
06/25/2023  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's about 10 years ago.
06/26/2023  I found your page on
07/01/2023  Father in law passed away from Parkinson's or complications due to Parkinson's in 2002.
10/24/2023  My grandfather passed away this year from parkinson's and wanted to help raise money doing the things I love.
07/04/2023  A close colleague I know just for diagnosed with early Parkinson's and I work in healthcare so understand what they will be dealing with
07/06/2023  My father in law was diagnosed with Parkinson's back in the early 2010s. He passed away in 2021. He loved running and I want to do this in honor of him.
07/06/2023  My dad was recently diagnosed and we would like to do a race together, since being diagnosed I work out with him daily and thought this would be a great motivation. This is a new journey for us and I feel passionate about learning, educating, advocating for Parkinson's and being a part of the community.
07/07/2023  I am a neurologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital.
07/09/2023  My father had Parkinson's and the toll it took on him and our entire family was enormous. Dad kept his sense of humor and joy for life intact. We lost him in 2017.
07/11/2023  Parkinson's has impacted my family too much. My dad, aunt and grandmother have all suffered from this disease. Running has been my outlet, my passion and I've wanted to use my love for running to help others that are or might in the future suffer from Parkinson's.
07/13/2023  My paralegal's husband has Parkinson's and I have a client with Parkinson's. I see how deeply this condition impacts not only the patient but the family as a whole.
07/14/2023  My father was recently diagnosed and I wanted to do something to honour him
07/17/2023  A close family member was recently diagnosed Parkinson's.
10/10/2023  My uncle is a Parkinson's patient and I have helped him raise money through amazing tennis events (raising over $100k) and I would now like to run in his honor and raise money for the Parkinson's Foundation
07/23/2023  My grandfather is battling Parkinson's and I would like to run in honor of him.
07/24/2023  My grandmother died from PD
07/24/2023  As someone that runs over 50 races a year, I enjoy running for causes that resonate with me. I have multiple close friends living with Parkinson's and am passionate about fundraising for a worthy cause,
07/28/2023  Hi! I take care of my mom who has had Parkinsons for 20+ years. It is hard work but I am so happy to still have her with me. She loves Disney and wants me to be healthy. I really would love to run the Disneyland marathon weekend and hug her at the finish line!
07/30/2023  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2017 and passed away on May 27th, 2023. We were very close and I took care of him in his final 3 years, it's an awful disease and I want to do my part in helping the community find a cure or more treatment options for those living with Parkinson's.
07/31/2023  Was searching for Disneyland 2024 eligible charities. I have several family members on my mother's side who battle with Parkinson's.
08/02/2023  My mother was diagnosed with Parkinsons late in life. It progressed to Lewy Body. She lost all mobility as well as mental functions. After she passed, I have spent the last twelve years working to keep my body healthy and as fit as possible.
08/02/2023  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2018 and he has been doing well and fighting the good fight. Although this will not be my first RunDisney event it will be my first RunDisney at Disneyland and my first time fundraising for my runs. I started running in 2020 and after my last race I decided I wanted to start running for charities, but more importantly for a charity that holds a place in my life. I have met so many amazing people through RunDisney and so many of them have encouraged me to run for charity as often as I can. I would love for Parkinson's Champions to be my first but not my last charity run. I am already registered for the half marathon for this weekend event and I would love to add the 5k for this. Thank you for all the work that you do and thank you for your consideration.
08/03/2023  Recently, I was asked to give a Parkinson's education to my staff. As a cardiac nurse, I really hadn't had much experience with PD so I contacted the Parkinson's Foundation. There I met some very amazing people. One member came to my skilled nursing facility and gave the best educational seminar to my licensed nurses. I also learned a lot about PD myself. Since that time, I have attended webinars and other educational opportunities to learn more. I have a new interest in this disease. I have been a competitive runner for several years and I see the opportunity to combine my passion for running with PD. I don't have any close family or friends with PD but I was able to see my neighbor's progress with his PD through the last 3 years. Maybe I'm running for those that can't run anymore. I see this as my opportunity to give to the research and needs of PD.
08/07/2023  My dad has Parkinsons, Im hoping to be able to show him how much he means to me by running 13.1 miles and fundraising for him.
08/09/2023  My father-in-law, my Good friend's mom, a leader in the Deaf community, and a coworker of 12 years all hands PD, some of them had lost their battles.
08/14/2023  I am deeply connected to the PD community. I have a great uncle who was diagnosed in the late 1990s, and my wife is a DBS sales rep for Abbott and works with APDA here in San Antonio. I would love to be able to help raise funds for this disease and know I could bring in donations with the connections in my wifes and great uncles networks. I am shooting for the Abbott Marathon Majors 6-stars and NYC is on the list. I will be running Chicago in October 23, then participating in the WDW Dopey Challenge for the second time in January 24. I currently run as part of the Texas Beef Team, sponsored by the Texas Beef Council(
08/17/2023  My best friend's dad has Parkinson's and has raised awareness for this group. I would love to apart of such a great effort and support those who are enduring this disease.
08/22/2023  I am a distance runner and was diagnosed with Parkinson's about a year ago.
08/23/2023  My mother just passed away, she was diagnosed with Parkinson's over 20 years ago. I would run to honor and remember her.
08/23/2023  My uncle
08/23/2023  Two of my dear family friends (Mandy & Noel) back home in South Africa that I have known since I was a young boy have been diagnosed with Parkinson's within the last 7 years. One of my friends (Gabby Forbes) that I have met while living in San Francisco over the last two years introduced me to Parkinson's Champions and it would be amazing to run this race together for a common cause. I would love to run for Mandy and Noel and to raise funding for this cause!
08/24/2023  My father has Parkinson's Disease. I've been involved with Parkinson Alberta (where I live) and we also had our own charity foundation for about 15 years in my fathers name where we raised money for Parkinsons and other neurological disorders.
12/23/2023  My tennis coach, Mario Silva, was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2019. He has taught me everything about tennis. He is fortunate to have discovered the disease early, and has been doing great with his treatment. With the help of his doctors, he is still able to stay on the court and teach tennis every day. I realize that not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to these resources. I want to raise awareness and funds for resources, education, and research related to the Parkinson's disease.
04/10/2024  My interest in joining this community and running the NYC Marathon comes from my Dad. He lived with Parkinson's for about 7 years before passing away last year. Since his death, my family and I have made it our mission to raise awareness and support the community in finding a cure. Connecting with other families and individuals living with PD at local community events has only further increased my motivation.
05/06/2024  My son's mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2023. Plus, my girlfriend is a Rock Steady Boxing coach and does lots of work with the Parkinson's Foundation.
09/05/2023  Family Members who suffer with the condition.
09/06/2023  Grandfather passed and battled it for years
09/07/2023  My mother was diagnosed in 2018. I run because she can't.
12/01/2023  My mom, Jane McKenna, battled Parkinsons for the past 10 years and passed away this year in August. was the charity of our choice for all donations (in lieu of flowers, etc) in her memory. It's important to promote as a charity that is doing important work for PD. Here is my mom's tribute page:
09/08/2023  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease about 7 years ago. From my dads health struggles, I have come to appreciate the blessing of being able to move. I have always loved running, but am much more appreciative of the gift of being able to run these days. I have watched him face Parkinson's disease with strength and courage and I want to do my part to raise funds and awareness for those battling this disease.
09/09/2023  My father has Parkinson's and I would like to raise money to help find a cure in honor of him.
09/13/2023  My dad has been diagnosed with Parkinson's about two years ago and I have found myself wanting to get involved in charitable initiatives relating to Parkinson's disease. I am already volunteering with Parkinson Canada as a support group facilitator, and I am currently attempting to write a children's book on Parkinson's disease. I think that fundraising for Parkinson's Champions would be another worthy initiative I could partake in in order to improve the quality of life of people living with Parkinson's.
09/17/2023  My father-in-law has been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia.
09/18/2023  My grandfather died from Parkinson's and it's an awful disease. Watching someone you love suffer from it is unbearable.
09/18/2023  My grandfather died from Parkinson's and it's an awful disease. Watching someone you love suffer from it is unbearable.
09/19/2023  My father was recently diagnosed with PD and he has been a daily runner for the last 40 years until his recent health challenges have made him unable to run.
09/19/2023  I would love to run for a great charity like this. I also would like to be able to run with some friends that are also running this marathon and have a personal connection to the Parkinsons community.
09/20/2023  Would love to run for my Mother
09/20/2023  My grandfather, who immigrated from Serbia and worked so hard to provide for me the life that I live today, died of complications to do with Parkinson's disease this past January. I'd like to pay tribute to him and my family by inspiring others to keep moving & supporting this cause!
09/22/2023  My grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2018, but saw a much faster decline in her health due to COVID-19, restricting her from seeing doctors and maintaining her physical therapy. I want to run on behalf of her because I'be seen the impact her condition has had on my family, specially her husband who has become her caretaker, and even herself - becoming frustrated with who she's become. I run to support my family, those who have also been impacted by a family member diagnosed, and the hope and determinate to find a cure.
09/22/2023  I am a family practice provider and I have several patients with Parkinson's disease. These patients are truly inspirational and demonstrate such strength with adversity. I would be honored to contribute to increasing knowledge, treatment, and supporting patient's care.
09/25/2023  My father has been living with Parkinson's since 2012
09/26/2023  My father passed away from Parkinsons
09/26/2023  my father had pd
09/27/2023  My 40 year old husband was diagnosed with YOPD 6 years ago. If I'm going to run I want it to be for a cause that's close to my heart.
09/27/2023  I began running in March of this year (2023) in order to fulfill my mother's ask that I take care of myself. As I took up this hobby my mother's health began to decline. She has been my biggest cheerleader as I progressed even as she declined. Recently she finally got a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease. It has been a gut wrenching process for her to get her diagnosis but the Parkinson's Foundation has been a wealth of information and honestly comfort. She has gained so much insight and hope from this organization. I would be honored to not only run for the Parkinson's Champions to garner awareness and funds for this worthy organization but to also honor my mother.
09/28/2023  My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2020. After seeing her slowly decline these past few years, I want to step up and so what I can for her and others who are experiencing the same thing.
09/28/2023  I am neurology physician Assistant who is well versed in the Parkinson's community. Interacting with Parkinson's patients, diagnosing l, treating and supporting them along the way
09/29/2023  My father was recently diagnosed. I've run races to support many other causes in the past, but I now have a personal connection to the Parkinson's Foundation and would be honored to support.
09/30/2023  My father passed in June 2023 due to complications with Parkinson's. He also was a runner
09/30/2023  My father has had Parkinson's disease for 10 years.
10/01/2023  I have run with another organziation to rasies funds for parkinsons and my dad has parkinsons
10/02/2023  Family member with Parkinson's. She doesn't get to choose her hard but I can choose to run (my hard) and move my healthy body to honor her.
01/15/2024  My dad was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. In looking into ways I can volunteer and support him and others with PD, I came across the Parkinson's Champions website. I love to run and think it would be an incredible opportunity to run in a race to support the Parkinson's Foundation. I have run many half-marathons, but would love the opportunity to train and run a full marathon in support of my dad and others living with PD. I know my dad (and family) have a tough road ahead, and I want to do this for him.
10/03/2023  My grandmother has Parkinson's
10/04/2023  I had a close family friend that suffered from parkinsons, and I'd like to run for him.
11/23/2023  I have been caring for my husband with advanced PD. He is currently on hospice. Parkinson's sucks!
11/07/2023  I recently lost my grandpa who was living with Parkinson's and dementia. He was a great person and managed his life very well even with Parkinson's. I would like to honor him by running these races for him. It would also be a great opportunity to advocate for those currently living with the condition.
02/06/2024  My grandfather passed from Parkinson's
05/07/2024  Unfortunately my grandfather was diagnosed and pretty soon after lost his life Parkinson's. This happened fairly recently, so I would like to help raise awareness and money to help others fight this awful disease and help their families get more time together. Also I have been a runner for a little while and he told me to keep working hard so I want to run this race for him. I think it would make my family very happy to watch me not only run and raise money for this cause but to honor my grandfather, and make donations for this cause
10/16/2023  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's about a decade ago meanwhile he continued to coach state championship high school football teams, lead a high school as vice principal and most importantly he traveled the world for my mom, sister and brother and I keeping his diagnosis between him and our mom. They visited doctors, participated in studies, all without telling us of his diagnosis. He would never want anyone to be burden by him. He was along for the ride of our lives, battling each day through his. It wasn't until years later that he told my siblings and I. It's been a whirlwind of emotions ever since. Even after telling us, he continued to stay present and active in our lives, we just understand better now when he needs to stop and rest. He shows up every Saturday to pick us up, take us to where our long run starts, hands us water along the way and he's there to pick us up at the end and to join us for his favorite acai bowl he's tired, moving and getting through the days can be tough, but our family has always been the most important, he would never miss a chance to spend time with us. We would love to run for him, with him there cheering us on every step of the way all while raising money for the Parkinson's community.
11/06/2023  My mother has been suffering with Parkinson's disease since 1998. I recently completed the 2023 NYC Marathon in an impressive 3 hour finish, but really wished I could have run and fundraised for this cause that's very close to my heart.
03/28/2024  My uncle was diagnosed with Parkinson's 10 years ago. It has hit close to home.
02/28/2024  My grandmother passed away from Parkinson's. I have been trying to run for the cause for years, but have yet to be selected.
05/26/2024  Family member w parkinson
03/28/2024  My grandmother passed away in January 2024 after a decades long battle with Parkinson's Disease. While she didn't pass away until a few months ago, I've been grieving her for years as we lost more and more of her vibrant personality to the dementia and other harrowing symptoms of Parkinson's. Having to process that grief once she passed was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and continue to deal with it every day. Something that has helped me immensely with the anger and sadness that I feel is running. It's a hard thing to be able to do so often, but it gives me clarity, and most of all, it gives me some peace. I cannot think of a better way to honor my late Grammy than by accomplishing one of the hardest races there is, all for her. To join the Parkinson's Champions team would mean that my Grammy's memory and zest for life lives on in me and all my fellow teammates.
10/06/2023  One of my dearest friends from school in the UK and fellow runner has recently being diagnosed with Parkinsons and I would like to contribute to the research ongoing into finding a cure.
10/10/2023  I devoted ten years of my life, including obtaining a PhD in molecular biology, to study neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and other inherited disorders. It would be an honor to run on this team, bring more awareness to the cause, and to raise money in support of further advances.
10/13/2023  I lost my mom almost exactly 4 years ago. I was her primary caretaker, and I didnt realize how hard things were going to be to even move forward. My life was changed, and I feel powerless at times still and a thought came to me... I just started my fitness journey, maybe use the grief? I cried as soon as I landed on your website. Boohoo'd!
10/14/2023  My grandmother suffered from Parkinson's for the last 15 years of her life. My mom would always tell me about what she was like when she was younger, but I never got to experience this side of my grandmother. Parkinson's limited her every movement, daily activity, and made her a different person. It ultimately took her life. I want to run the TCS NYC Marathon in memory of my grandmother, and to give other future patients the chance to get their lives back from this horrible disease.
10/16/2023  I am interested in running with the Parkinson's community in support of my grandmother Peg McGovern. Born and raised in Chicago, Peg raised four kids on the Southside who went on to (in classic Irish Catholic fashion) give her 17 grandchildren. For as long as I can remember, Peg has had her Parkinson's diagnosis. As I have grown up my family and I have witnessed the disease progression first-hand. Parkinson's is clearly an extremely debilitating disease, but through it all, it has shown me that whenever it may be needed, your community and family will be fighting alongside with you. It has also shown me that Parkinson's does not only affect the one person, but their community around them. I am eager to connect my passion of running not only to honor Peg, but to highlight the collective strength and resilience that those living with Parkinson's and their surrounding communities show towards the fight for this disease.
10/16/2023  My father has Parkinsons and am running in his honor.
10/16/2023  My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease over 20 years ago. She is truly the strongest, funniest and most perseverant woman I know! Every year I run at least one race to raise money for Parkinson's disease research. I am Canadian so I have run in support of Team Fox and Parkinson's Canada in the past, but just moved to Chicago so would love to become involved with Parkinson's Champions!
10/16/2023  My grandfather suffered through parkinson's my whole life and passed away recently. He was a huge influence in my life, and I want to honor him and the affect he had on me.
10/16/2023  My maternal grandmother struggled with and passed from Parkinson's and my mother passed this year from Lewy Body Dementia. I care for patients with PD as a nurse practitioner and know that we can do better to find a cure!
10/16/2023  My mother was diagnosed with PD in 2013. The disease has taken a lot from my family, but has also taught us many lessons. I want to be a PD champion to give back to those impacted. My mother is not mobile, so I will run to help her and others fight!
10/16/2023  My grandmother recently lost a long battle with Parkinson's. I would love to raise money for Parkinson's Champions and run my first marathon in honor of her.
10/17/2023  My mother has stage 4 Parkinson's. In the past few years, it has become progressively worse and she currently is battling some serious challenges due to Dysonia. She lost her husband (my step-father), and it would mean a lot to her for me to run on her behalf. She is very involved across the country with Parkinson support groups. Because I enjoy running marathons (ran 4 in 2023h I think this would be a great way to show suppor, raise money, and really do something meaningful for my Mom.
10/17/2023  My grandmother and dad both had parkinsons
10/17/2023  My mom was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's so I would love to run the NYC marathon to raise money. NYC marathon would mean a lot to my mom as she lived there for 20 years before moving back to Ireland, this will be her first time back.
10/17/2023  I am deeply passionate about joining Parkinson's Champions to run marathons in honor of my late grandfather, who passed away from Parkinson's disease just last year in October. Witnessing his struggles during his final years was a heartbreaking experience that has fueled my determination to make a difference for Parkinson's disease. Seeing the impact it had on him, both physically and emotionally, motivates me to make a difference. I want to help push this forward for a chance to stop others having to suffer like he did.
10/17/2023  My grandma Esther passed away about 13 years ago from Parkinson's disease. This foundation is extremely important and special to my family and I. It would be a huge honor to run for my grandma Esther and help find a cure or research more to save millions of others.
10/18/2023  My mother has had Parkinson's for over 15 years. Since my father past away I have had a very active role in assisting my mother in her treatments. She has led a very active and productive life since she was diagnosed due to a combination of medications, diet and exercise. I'd be very proud to raise money on behalf of your organization for such a worthy cause that effects so many people.
10/18/2023  My grandmother passed away last year after a very long battle with Parkinson's. I was very close with her and she serves as a huge inspiration in my life. She worked as a librarian and teacher her entire life and taught me so much about how to be kind to others. I miss her everyday. I am currently a medical student at Creighton University and I have a deep passion for caring for patients like my grandmother and supporting research for a cure for Parkinson's.
10/19/2023  My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2019 but in the 4 years since her diagnosis she has never let it hold her back. She still runs, hikes, and is never scared to take on any challenge. I'm doing this for her. I'm pushing myself because it's nothing compared to how she has pushed herself. Running has always been her biggest joy and I want to push and challenge myself and find some of that joy that running has always brought her and help fight to end Parkinson's in the process.
10/19/2023  My father in law was recently diagnosed, with close proximity to Toronto I want to run Chicago in support of him and everyother individual that suffers from this horrible condition.
10/20/2023  I have taken part in the SpeedyPD Race for Parkinson's the last 8 years and have ran both solo and as part of a team who's inspired by a business friend of mine who has Parkinson's. I am interested in doing something related on a larger scale for people outside my local area of Manhattan Kansas.
10/21/2023  My father was diagnosed in 2016, and has been declining since 2020. I Raised funds for supporting the Houston Area Parkinsons society 2020-2022 and participated in the Houston Chevron race. Wanted to now try to help for donations to the larger foundation, and get a chance to run in Chicago's marathon.
10/21/2023  My aunt Kathy had Parkinson's I want to run in her memory
10/21/2023  My passion for Parkinson's disease began when I worked as a CNA throughout my time in college, I worked with many people who suffered from the disease. Fast forward to now, I am a second year pharmacy student at the Oregon State/OHSU college of pharmacy and have recently done a movement disorder and neuromodulation unit and learned under top notch psych and neuro pharmacists, with that my interest only grew. I would be so honored to raise money for this foundation and it's awareness and research.
10/22/2023  My grandmother, who I loved dearly and was a wonderful, positive force and beautiful human being, had it
10/22/2023  My grandmother's experience with Parkinson's and having the opportunity alongside my father to raise money with him.
10/22/2023  A month ago my grandmother passed away after a seven year battle with Parkinson's. I'd like to run a race in her honor. As a chemist and researcher I'm well aware of how important it is for there to be specific funding for these diseases.
10/24/2023  My name is Jacquelyn Murphy, and I am looking to run the Chicago Marathon on 2024. I was searching available charities to run for, and the Parkinson's Foundation seemed like the natural choice. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away from Parkinson's Disease as I was graduating nursing school. Naturally, seeing the course of the disease led me to work in the Neuro ICU as a nurse. More recently, my uncle is a coach for RockSteady boxing, a Parkinson's movement group based in Metro Detroit. I had the honor of attending their annual benefit dinner last week, so when my cousin (his daughter) and I were exploring marathons to participate in this coming year, seeing your name on the charity list made Chicago a natural first choice. I would love the opportunity to run and raise money for PD research and (hopeful) treatment! Please let me know if this is at all possible, and next steps.
10/24/2023  my mom diagnosed with Parkinson 6 years ago
10/24/2023  My grandfather has suffered from Parkinson's for as long as I can remember. He is someone who I have looked up to my whole life, and his inability to live a stress free life gives me extra strength each day to be a better person.
10/24/2023  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years ago. We are grateful for the community and the research thus far but we hope to continue to research until there is a cure. My dad is fortunately still with us so running this race for him!
10/25/2023  My grandfather sadly passed away from Parkison's in the 90s before I was born. I'm hoping to run with the Parkinson's team in memory of him.
10/25/2023  My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's as well as my aunt. It is something that is close to our family and have watched the disease progression. I am interested in supporting this cause and bring awareness.
10/25/2023  My mother in law suffers from Parkinson's. She is one of the bravest, toughest and accomplished women I know. By fundraising I want to support the researchers that are working hard to find better treatments and ultimately a cure.
10/29/2023  I lost my uncle earlier this year to complications from PD, and lost my grandfather to PD over 15 years ago. I currently have another uncle battling PD, and many family friends. My uncle that I lost recently is my inspiration for many things in life - I want to run my first marathon in his memory and help eradicate this disease.
10/31/2023  My Grandpa was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years ago. He was devastated when he was first diagnosed and struggled to come to terms with it. Since then he has joined a community group for people with Parkinson's that has helped him immensely. Our family spent a lot of time trying to understand what Parkinson's Disease is and how best to help my grandpa. I am passionate about increasing awareness, education, and patient advocacy for PD. I am currently in medical school and I am interested in becoming a neurologist. I hope to run with the Parkinson's Champions as a form of patient advocacy and to raise awareness.
11/02/2023  I am really inspired by Parkinson's Champions mission to combat and spread awareness of Parkinson's through running. My grandfather passed away from Parkinson's and it was such a devastating and extremely difficult disease to watch him suffer with. It would be an honor to run in his name so that one day, no one else has to watch a loved one suffer like he did. I am committed to supporting the fight against Parkinson's in any way I can and running the New York City marathon for Parkinson's Champions would be a beyond meaningful and important show of support.
11/03/2023  My grandmother has Parkinson's Disease and we have watched her work hard to manage her symptoms and live as normal of a life as possible. She has undergone Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery, participates in a Boxing group for Parkinson's warriors and generally inspires me every day. I would love to help raise money for research to find new ways to improve the lives of people like my grandmother. I want to run in her honor.
11/03/2023  I have always admired my grandmother's strength and courage - she has been battling Parkinson's disease for many years, and I have seen the devastating toll it has taken on her. She is my inspiration and motivation to run and fundraise with Parkinson's Champions. I want to honor her legacy and support the research that could someday cure this disease for people in the future! I have run a half marathon before, but I am ready to challenge myself to run a full marathon next year. I know it will be hard, but not nearly as hard as the daily struggle of those with Parkinson's. I have always felt like running with a team and fundraising group makes it that much more exciting and meaningful, and am excited at the opportunity to run with Parkinson's Champions.
11/03/2023  My grandmother has Parkinson's and I've really struggled through the illness with her.
11/04/2023  My grandma suffered from Parkinson's Disease. She was my hero and role model. Now, my uncle (her son), is dying from Parkinson's.
11/05/2023  Both my grandmother and father-in-law were recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and I would like to run this race in support of both of them. I have signed up to run in the Chicago marathon for the past 2 years and was not selected in the drawing, so this is the perfect opportunity to have my automatic entry and also support my family members.
11/05/2023  I'd like to run the Chicago Marathon in 2024 in honor of my grandpa, Jim Van Poppel, who passed away from Parkinson's in March 2023
11/05/2023  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's 10 year ago and has been progressing with this disease for years. He was the most active person I know, which is why I got into sports as a young girl. Currently he is going through treatment for esophageal cancer, and the Parkinson's is not helping him in the least. Fundraising for this incurable disease (so far) that takes the active, independent lifestyle away from my father and many others means a lot to me.
11/05/2023  Having a mother-in-law who battles Parkinson's has granted me a firsthand perspective on the daily struggles and triumphs that individuals affected by this neurodegenerative disease face.I've walked alongside my mother-in-law, Berta, for the last 10 years as she continues on with her Parkinsons journey. Berta has defied this debilitating disease. Parkinsons steals your ability speak, yet 10 years later Berta continues to participate in a weekly bible study. Parkinsons steals your ability to walk, yet 10 years later Berta continues to go to boxing twice a week and horseback rides once a week. Parkinsons can steal your dignity, yet Berta continues to get up every day, stands strong, and lives out loud. Witnessing her unwavering determination, resilience, and the support system that surrounds her has profoundly inspired me. This personal connection fuels my passion and drives me to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by Parkinson's. As her disease has progressed, Berta has chosen to not sit on the sidelines. Rather, she has been an active participant in all of our lives, watching her 3 grandaughters get married; attending her grandson's high school football state championship; getting on the ground to play with her 2 greatgrandchildren; and most recently celebrating 59 years of marriage with the love of her life. I have seen how a strong support system and local Parkinsons resources have facilitated Berta's zest to keep moving. Like my mother-in-law, I am also choosing to not sit on the sidelines, and would be honored to represented the Parkinsons Champions along with my wife Amy Solis at the NYC marathon.
11/05/2023  My grandma, Katie, was diagnosed with Parkinson's back in 2019. As a nurse, I have cared for and seen the progression of this disease. I have seen debilitating effects that it can cause. Raising money and being able to run for my grandma would mean so much to me. She's the strongest woman I know and being able to show her how much I love her through running this marathon would mean everything to both her and me. My older sister ran the NY marathon with Parkinson's Champions this year (2023) and I would love to join the accomplishment for my grandma. I want her to be able to say we raised over $3000 for a cure to Parkinson's together!!
11/06/2023  My father, a physician, battled and lost his life to Parkinson's Disease. He ran marathons and fought through his disease until the end. He was a devoted doctor that helped so many others with their health issues. I'd like to dedicate this to him and follow his dreams.
11/06/2023  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's and over the past 5 years, I have seen the significant toll it has taken on his physical and mental health. I have witnessed the challenges it brings to his every day life by making even simple tasks incredibly difficult. And while he continues to be his positive, upbeat self, I have seen the days it feels harder for him to put on that face. And yet I have seen him persevere. I have seen him work even harder to do everything he needs to for his family, for his coworkers, and for his patients and a surgeon. I have seen him battle every day to continue to live the life he wants. I am running for him and for everyone else afflicted by this disease because I don't want anyone else to have to deal with the struggles he has had to.
11/06/2023  My father, a lifetime runner who passed down the love of the sport to me, was diagnosed with Parkinson's last year. It was always a dream of mine to run a marathon with him one day, but unfortunately that has become unlikely with his diagnosis. I think running with your amazing charity focused on supporting people like my dad would be an incredible way to honor him, that dream, and the amazing life he has had so far and will have in the future despite his diagnosis!
11/06/2023  My grandfather Ken Sube dedicated his life to serving others in the community. He was a selfless business man, devout Catholic, veteran, volunteer firefighter, baseball coach, former tap dancer, husband, brother, son, uncle, father, and my grandfather. He instilled values in me that made me who I am today and lessons that I carry through my every day. My grandfather was an extraordinary man to me and so many others. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2006- I still remember that day although I was only 6 years old, I had no idea what Parkinson's was but if it was a debilitating disease, my grandfather did a great job at hiding it. Growing up my grandfather was a stern, sarcastic, and hilarious man who pushed us to be kind, hardworking, respectful, and faithful. He loved his family more than anything in the world. He was stubborn in his own ways, and never asked for help. Growing up I watched my grandfather battle this disease and see it take away a lot of his pride. First came the cane, the walker, and then a scooter, my grandfather winced at the thought of his grandchildren helping him walk across the kitchen to warm up his coffee. When he fell, his disappointment in himself and shame was something that was hard to look at so he wouldn't feel discouraged. My grandfather suffered other illnesses years leading up to his passing; a quadruple bypass surgery, a broken hip, and prostate cancer. He battled chemotherapy and above all was cancer free in 2017. Through all of his illnesses he still remained involved in every aspect of his family's and community's life, the fire department, church, baseball, the school, his 17 grandchildren's busy extracurriculars. You could always count on him being in the front row of any event! He had the loudest bellowing voice in every happy birthday tune. He was a fighter and he was my true hero. My grandfather died in May of 2019 just 12 years after his diagnosis. It was a shock to us all. Next year will be his 5 year anniversary. As I sit down to write about why I'm determined to run the 2024 NYC Marathon in partnership with the Parkinson's Foundation, my heart is heavy with memories of my grandfather. He was a pillar of strength, a gentle soul, and a true fighter until the end. Despite his diagnosis with Parkinson's disease, he never let it dampen his spirit or rob him of his dignity. He faced each challenge with grace and fortitude, never once complaining or asking for sympathy. My grandfather's battle with Parkinson's was a source of great inspiration for me. He taught me the value of perseverance, the importance of never giving up, and the beauty of finding joy in the simple things in life. Even in his darkest moments, he always had a smile on his face and a kind word for those around him. I feel honored to have known him and to have him as my grandfather. My hope is to make him proud, to show him that his memory lives on, and to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who are dealing with Parkinson's disease. By partnering with the Parkinson's Foundation, I'm determined to raise as much money as I can to support the important work that they do. I know it won't be easy, but every step I take during this marathon will be a testament to my grandfather's strength and perseverance. It will be a symbolic representation of all the hard work and determination he put in fighting this disease. I hope that my efforts can help pave the way for others who are facing the challenges of Parkinson's disease, and that one day, we can find a cure for this devastating illness.
11/06/2023  My mother was unexpectedly diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2021, and since then, the disease has slowly taken over her motor abilities. Luckily, with modern research and medicine, she is still able to work and enjoy her favorite pastimes, especially running. Running has been a huge part of my mom's life as it has provided her with mental clarity, joy, and a sense of accomplishment. She inspired me to also take up running and we often enjoy runs together throughout our hometown in New Jersey. She has never made it to the level of running to complete a marathon, and unfortunately, her Parkinson's Disease has limited her abilities to do so in the future. Therefore, I would love to join the Parkinson's Champions and honor my mom by running the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon. My mom is only able to continue to run and work today because of wonderful organizations like Parkinson's Champions that continue to build awareness for and monetarily support research toward finding a cure for Parkinson's Disease. It would be an honor to join Parkinson's Champions and fundraise to continue the mission to help those, like my mom, who are impacted by the disease. When crossing the finish line on future race day, I know that my mom would not only be proud of the fact that I completed a marathon, but especially proud that I did so in her honor and with an organization that supports her to live as much of a long, fulfilling life as she can while living with Parkinson's Disease.
11/06/2023  I am running for my dad. He is the strongest person that I know and he is battling this disease like a champion.
11/06/2023  My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's 2 1/2 years ago. I was born on his 60th birthday, and so we have always celebrated together. I cherish my birthday every year because he always makes a joke about being the age I am. Over the past 2 1/2 years I have seen a big change in his physical and mental capabilities. He is the kindest and most patient man I know and I want to run for him.
11/06/2023  I was born in 2000, the third grandchild to my mom's parents (Mawmaw and Pawpaw) with a 12-year age difference between me and my older cousins. That same year Pawpaw was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Growing up I have memories of him taking me for walks around my neighborhood all dressed up as a princess in high heels with him holding my hand. As I got older, his symptoms got worse, and I relied on stories of him tending cattle, climbing up in the tobacco barn, and going to as many auctions as he could (collecting sets of plates so that his girls would never have to worry about dishware if they moved). Right after I turned 16, he passed away. Since then, my family has loved to get together and share memories of "Poppy" and we always know he's nearby when we see a butterfly. This year I started getting back into running after graduating with my master's degree and I just completed my first half marathon. Next year, I want to train even harder and this time I want it to mean something larger than myself, which is why I want to run for Parkinson's Champions to honor my Pawpaw, Ray Mowery.
11/07/2023  I have watched the parents of friends who have Parkinson's and seen how their daily lives are impacted.
11/07/2023  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 2 years ago. Running was something we have always bonded over. I would love to run the race in his honor and raise money for such a deserving cause!
11/07/2023  My grandfather lost his battle with Parkinson's after struggling with it most of my life. I've seen how this terrible disease can affect our loved ones and I'd be honored to bring greater awareness to the Chicago community.
11/07/2023  Both my grandparents were diagnosed with Parkinson's recently and I can see how it's affecting their lives. My grandparents are so inspiring to me which is why I want to run the NYC marathon in support of them and everyone else out there suffering from this disease. My grandfather was a runner when he was a younger so I can only imagine how proud he will be when he hears I'm taking part in such an amazing event.
11/07/2023  I would like to run for the Parkinson's Champions because a couple years ago my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's. I would come back home from college on breaks and his condition would worsen, it was the most heartbreaking thing. That's when I started doing my own research on Parkinson's and realized that there really isn't a cure but only things to help the symptoms. My dad is resilient and he's an inspiration although losing his motor skills and ability to walk on his own, he continues to fight against Parkinson's. It would be an honor and I would love to run for Parkinson's Champions to raise awareness to this cause!
11/07/2023  My pop pop passed away in 2007 from Parkinson's disease. There have been major advances made since he was diagnosed and ultimately died and I want to help continue the advancements in slowing the progression of this disease. It is so hard watching someone slowly lose all of their abilities.
11/07/2023  My boyfriend's father has Parkinson's and I want to run my races in dedication of him. No matter how difficult training gets or the thoughts of I can't do something, I am thankful everyday of what my body is capable of doing and celebrate the drive of my future father in law. He has never let Parkinson's stop him and continues to push himself everyday.
11/07/2023  My partner's father has Parkinson's. My partner's great uncle passed away last year and also had Parkinson's.
11/07/2023  My father is currently dying from late stage Parkinsons. Although he is almost fully paralyzed, he is still mentally sharp and is desperate to get better. At 90 he has no chance of being medically treated and this is heart breaking and I want to do what I can to prevent others suffering from this terrible illness.
11/07/2023  My dad lives with Parkinson's disease for 8 years
11/08/2023  My grandma suffered from Parkinsons for a lot of my teens years and into young adulthood. My whole life she was someone I looked up to, she lived very close to me so I was very blessed to be able to spend a lot of time with her. She never wanted Parkinsons to be something that defined her. She would ski, do water sports, walk major cities, tour museums, travel all while suffering from this disease. My whole life she never missed one of mine or my siblings soccer games, cheer competitions, shows, graduations. She was devoted to family and never let Parkinson's come in the way of that. She passed away this April 2023, right before I began my running journey. I ran my first half marathon and it was the first event I had that she was unable to attend. I thought of her the whole time and how she would have been so proud but also wishing she could do the same. I run now thinking about all those people including her, who wish they could. I am blessed to be healthy and have an abled body, the best thing I can think to do with that is to raise money for this charity. As well as raise awareness for this disease that affects so many people and families. It would be a true blessing.
11/08/2023  My grandmother was diagnosed a few years ago and have seen her decline quickly. Being in the medical field, I have seen too many patients and individuals become victim to this terrible disease process. I believe more education and research is necessary to overcoming this!
11/08/2023  My grandfather has been battling Parkinson's over the past 10 years. He was a young athletic football coach and captain of a sailboat for the majority of our lifetime. We have slowly watched him slip into a new routine trying to find the good in each day and continue exercising. He always inspires us to use your body and keep moving in any way that you can! He continues to walk and bike despite battling his progressive frozen gait. I would love nothing more than to give back to the man who has taught us to battle adversity by exercise than running for this organization!
11/08/2023  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's 10+ years ago. It has been heartbreaking to see my dad struggle to continue to do the things he loves as his body changes, but it has also been inspiring to see him focus his energy and fight to make a difference in Parkinson's research and advocacy. My dad is a former college runner and Navy Veteran who directed the Marlboro College outdoor program for 25+ years, through which he taught leadership and team-buildings skills while sharing the activities he loves with a younger generation - rock climbing, white water kayaking, caving, ice climbing, biking, etc. He now spends a portion of his time as a policy advocate for Parkinson's research and policy support ( He has served as a representative from the State of Vermont at the Parkinson's Policy Forum. He also participates in various research as a patient, hoping he can be part of a breakthrough. My ability to run and raise money is one way I can help support his efforts and our shared goal of finding a cure for Parkinson's.
11/08/2023  I am a caregiver to my Grandmother who lives with Parkinson's and an avid runner well know in the running community. Would love the opportunity to fundraise and run for this cause.
11/09/2023  In 2015 my father was diagnosed with Parkinsons - 2017 it turned out to be Multiple system atrophy- parkinsonian (MSA-P.) Unfortunately he passed in 2022 - so I would love to help bring awareness and fundraise for this cause.
03/12/2024  My grandmother passed away last September after a long fought battle against Parkinson's. I will be running in her honor.
11/10/2023  My father has Parkinson's and this organization has been such an amazing source for us.
11/10/2023  My grandpa lived with Parkinson's for 15 years before getting sick and passing away. He dedicated his final years to research and living his life to the fullest. I hope to bring awareness and fundraise money to help advance care so nobody has to go through what my family went through.
11/10/2023  My dad has been diagnosed with Parkinson's
11/10/2023  While pursuing my undergraduate degree in Neuroscience as a student-athlete at UPenn, my grandfather was diagnosed with PD, I have since taken a special interest in PD and other neurological diseases. I currently work at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD in the inpatient rehabilitation unit. I aide in the physical and occupational therapy of patients suffering from PD and similar disorders and diseases. I am starting graduate school at the University of Pittsburgh next year to further develop my neuroscience background as a Physician Associate.
11/11/2023  Hello! I am applying to run with Parkinson's Champions because I would love to honor my grandmother, Marianthi Vlachos. My grandmother, born and raised in Washington Heights, NYC, was diagnosed with Parkinson's at the age of 59. For over 20 years she has battled Parkinson's disease and to this day she has been an incredible source of inspiration for me and my family. Her perseverance throughout the years have provided an astonishing example of the human spirit, and running with her in my mind would be very special to me and my family, especially through the 5 boroughs of New York City.
11/11/2023  An elder friend of mine was recently placed into assisted living due to his Parkinson's
11/12/2023  My stepfather Rick Muck was just diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.
11/12/2023  I am interested in running with Parkinson's Champions because I am a medical speech pathologist who frequently works with Parkinson patients. I have seen firsthand the effects that Parkinson's can have on swallowing, voice, and the globally on the body. Additionally, I have seen how support, not only from medical providers like myself, but from friends and family can change the lives of patients with Parkinson's. I am specially trained to treat voice/swallow disorders in patients with Parkinson's, but I would love to take my support to the next level by raising money to continue to help and support these patients.
11/13/2023  My mother and grandmother were both diagnosed when I was young. I was 11 when my mom was diagnosed. She sadly passed away in 2016. I have never been in the physical condition to run before, but not I am.
11/13/2023  Great charity. Family friend had Parkinson's.
04/10/2024  My mother has Parkinson's disease
11/14/2023  My wife is a Physical Therapist and is involved day to day with patients with a wide variety of neurological conditions. She ended up getting LSVT BIG certified to help better treat patients with Parkinson's Disease. Seeing her passion grow over the years has made me want to do what I can to contribute as well. I would be honored to run the Chicago Marathon for the Parkinson's Champions.
11/14/2023  My stepfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's in the early 2000's after he started to notice limited arm movements when he was walking. After extensive testing and multiple consultations with doctors, he received his diagnosis. He's since been a recipient of a deep brain stimulator which drastically improved his quality of life and decreased his need for medications. He is active in the local Parkinson's community, participates in rock steady boxing and receives LSVT Loud speech therapy. He's a big part of my life, being married to my mother, and to run in his name would be an honor.
11/15/2023  This past year my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and he has always been an avid runner my whole life. I want to run this race in honor of him and his love for this sport, while also raising money for a great cause.
11/15/2023  My grandfather is not doing well. He is struggling with a form of Parkinson's and I would like to provide my support a step further than my unconditional love. Running this race to support charities directly responsible for furthering the understanding and treatment of Parkinson's is the perfect way for me to do that. I ran my first half marathon last year and the next step is the full Marathon.
11/15/2023  My stepdad has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's. I would like to be involved in this community and help in any way I can.
11/15/2023  My uncle is currently battling Parkinson's. This has been particularly difficult on my Dad as he has watched his brothers health decline. As a family we have witness how awful this disease is. It would be an honor and a privilege to run with Parkinson's Champions in the NYC Marathon to represent not only those who are currently battling Parkinson's, but represent their families and loved ones as well.
11/15/2023  I am very interested and honored in joining the Parkinson's Champions team for mainly two reasons. At a more personal level, the person that raised me and i loved the most, my grandfather died 2 years ago of PD. I saw the degeneration throughout the years, the pain, and frustration of not having a cure for such a devastating disease. Motivated by this, on a professional level, I came to the US (I am originally from Italy) and entered the PhD program in Neuroscience at Weill Cornell Medicine in NYC three years ago. I joined the laboratory of Lorenz Studer at MSK where I am currently working on the next generation stem-cell based therapy for Parkinson's Disease.
11/15/2023  My grandfather passed away from Parkinsons disease. I recently had a friend diagnosed in her 40's. Shes had a really hard time getting it under control. I thought it would be a great way to honor my grandfather and show her support by choosing an organization close to all of our hearts.
11/16/2023  Both of my Grandfather's died of Parkinsons and never got to really know either one. So I am running to honor them both.
11/16/2023  My grandfather was a general surgeon, and was diagnosed with Parkinson's at age 56. After his diagnosis he had to leave his practice, but continued to give back by becoming a professor at Stritch School of Medicine - Loyola University. He passed away in 2013 and donated his body to science to contribute to studies and the search for a cure for Parkinson's. Additionally, I have an uncle who currently suffers from Parkinson's as well.
11/16/2023  My family hopes to run as a group with siblings and cousins for my grandfather who past away due to Parkinson's last this year
11/16/2023  My grandpa has Parkinson and he is a Marine Veteran and my grandma also suffers from Parkinson
02/07/2024  I lost my Grandpa to Parkinson's in 2020 and would like to raise money / run in honor of him.
11/17/2023  My grandmother and uncle have been diagnosed within the last year so it's something I feel passionate about.
11/17/2023  My father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's this year and has discovered the power of exercise, both walking and running. We would like to do the NYC run in March together, and I would love for the opportunity to raise funds for both this and Pediatric Cancer Research for the NYC Marathon in November alongside my sister, Jess, who runs every year since 2014 for Fred's Team for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center as one of the pediatric departments Physicians and Researchers.
11/21/2023  My dad has Parkinson's
11/23/2023  My grandfather suffered through Parkinson's for over 20 years and eventually succumbed to the disease. He effectively raised me, and although my father was involved in my adolescence, he was by far the biggest father figure in my life. At times, his fight with Parkinson's felt futile. Although he was an exceptionally healthy 60-something year old man at the time of his diagnosis, Parkinson's eventually managed to eat away at all the physical activity and health consciousness he managed to exemplify through this life. I deeply desire to display a fight against Parkinson's as my grandfather did, although it will never come close to his resilience.
11/23/2023  My dear sweet aunt was dx. My grandmother died from it.
11/24/2023  I want to run for the Parkinson's Foundation in honor of my dad who was diagnosed with Parkinson's this year. He has always been an avid runner and inspiration to my siblings and me to stay active and healthy. I know it would mean the world for him to watch and cheer as I run my first marathon along side my sister.
11/25/2023  My father has PD and I want to do something to provide hope and encouragement in his honor. He recently had DBS and we are hopeful that will provide some relief to his symptoms. I want to get involved in PD encouragement/support and think running for in honor of him would be cool. We have a large network of supporters and by doing something like the Parkinson's Champions would bring greater exposure to PD and the organization doing so much!
11/26/2023  This past summer my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. It came as quite a shock to our family as my father is still in his 50s. After his diagnosis, I have been learning a lot more about the disease and wanted a way to show love and support to my father. I have seen a lot of progress in discoveries that have improved knowledge of the disease. I would like to help support that mission and bring awareness to Parkinsons!
11/26/2023  I've worked as a nurse practitioner for 25 years in orthopedics so have witnessed the struggle pts and families face with Parkinson's and many other neuromuscular conditions. Increased awareness and research is needed and I feel that I have developed strong connections with the local running community and through my work where fundraising should not be an issue.
11/27/2023  I have been running races for the past year and would love to run this race and raise money for my Parkinson's as my grandfather was diagnosed almost 7 years ago and continues to fight every day.
11/27/2023  My father was recently diagnosed and my grandfather also had Parkinson's.
11/27/2023  I have walked the Parkinson's Unity Walk in NYC for the past 10 years! My Nannie had Parkison's and passed away 3 years ago. I want to continue fundraising for the Parkinson's community and honor my Nan's legacy.
11/28/2023  My father-in-law has Parkinson's
11/28/2023  My father has Parkinson's
11/28/2023  My father has parkinsons. Now that my mom passed away, i'm his caretaker. I'm learning first hand how parkinsons is taking away his abilities to be independent and I wish there was more I could do.
11/29/2023  My dad has Parkinson's.
11/29/2023  My mom was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and since then I have done a lot of research and tried to find comfort in community of others experiencing the same thing. Running has helped my mental and physical health so much, and I've been able to share this with my mom to help her with her diagnosis as she was recommended physical exercise. It would be super meaningful for both of us if I was able to do something I love while fundraising for research into this disease that's forever changed our lives.
11/29/2023  My grandmother was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and i would love to run in honor or her and help raise money for the cause.
11/29/2023  Parkinson's has affected my life, by affecting those closest to me. My grandma was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson's disease 7 years ago, and I've seen it gradually wear on her, and our family. It would mean so much to be able to have the opportunity to fundraise for a disease that has affected me personally, and affects so many others out there, and I wouldn't take the responsibility lightly.
11/30/2023  I have a great aunt living with Parkinson's as well as know how much the disease affects families everyday. While I was never too close to her as we are geographically seperated and she has been sick my whole life, I have see how her and my father interact and know that he misses communicating with her before Parkinson's. I can only imagine how many Americans feel this way.
11/30/2023  I'm a Physical Therapist and have done research on Parkinson's disease on how exercise may affect balance, ambulation, and functional capacity. I have written part of a larger research paper that was presented and published. I want to continue to be integrated in the Parkinson's community and run for this amazing charity!
12/01/2023  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's two and a half years ago. His symptoms started when we noticed it was very challenging to hear him speak. He is in relatively good health but as symptoms progress, I have felt helpless. Running has always been a great source of strength for me, both physically and mentally. I've never run in an official race, but more so view running as a form of therapy helping me to overcome my own addiction. 4 years ago I was in rehab from alcohol abuse. When I got out I could hardly walk because of nerve damage, but slowly I was somehow able to start running and it gave me hope. I want to pass on that hope to my father and those like him as well as raise money and prove to myself I can complete this, in the grand scheme of things modest challenge in the hopes of conquering the larger challenge of Parkinson's.
12/01/2023  One of the best and most amazing physicians I've ever worked with has Parkinsons. The crazy thing is that he's a neurosurgeon himself and had to give up operating. He now practices neurology and blesses everyone he comes into contact with. Our whole hospital family loves him and our hearts break knowing one day we will have to say goodbye in such a way that we've seen in our patients. We need a cure.
12/02/2023  My father had Parkinson's from Agent Orange from time spent in Vietnam. He recently passed on 9-23-2023. Stage 5 of Parkinson's was brutal on him. I want to find positive ways to honor him and the struggles he went through with Parkinson's.
12/03/2023  My best friends father who I'm very close with suffers from Parkinson's and we would like to fundraise and run the race together in honor of him.
12/03/2023  My beautiful, strong mum Sue was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2014, making 2024 her 10th year living with the disease. She beat Breast cancer when I was 3, and has inspired me to be as graceful, strong, and upbeat as she continues to be despite her health. After beating cancer, she had a career change and became a special needs teacher, learning sign language to help deaf children succeed through school until she retired last year. My dad's kidney's failed in early 2022, and despite her own battle with Parkinson's she has supported him during daily dialysis sessions while he waits for a kidney donor match. They were both runners themselves, and lived very outdoorsy, active lives that I know they wish they still could. Mum always told me I could do anything, and the next big goal I want to achieve in her honor is run my first half marathon. If I could do it while raising funds to help the Parkinson's community (in the hopes that one day we have a cure and there will be no need for a Parkinson's community at all!) it would mean the world to her.
12/04/2023  My mother has Parkinson's and I am a physician. Would like to raise money to support the cause!
12/04/2023  My dad had parkinsons for 8 years.
12/05/2023  Granddaddy has Parkinson's because of Camp Lejuene water. Want to help fundraise and raise awareness for him!
12/06/2023  I am currently taking care of my father who was diagnosed with Parkinson's two years ago.
12/07/2023  My Dad had Parkinsons, so the cause is close to my heart.
12/07/2023  I have always been a runner; however, running has become much more meaningful to me while dealing with my grandfathers Parkinson's diagnosis. My grandfather raised me as a child. Seeing his decline and advancement of Parkinson's after his diagnosis, heavily weighs on me. Running helps me cope with his health. I would like to start using the races I am interested in running as a way to also raise funds to a cause that won't be able to help my grandfather but it will hopefully help generations to come.
12/07/2023  I am a movement disorders neurologist and researcher who works closely with Parkinson's disease patients. My research is in developing new deep brain stimulation technologies for patients with Parkinson's disease. I'd love to contribute to research with Parkinson's in an additional way!
12/07/2023  My father-in-law was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and I am seeing the toll it has taken already and I want to help raise money to find a cure.
12/07/2023  My father was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. The journey has been difficult for him, and the support from his community and our family is what has allowed him to persist with a positive attitude. I would like to run for the Parkinson's Champions to honor my father and encourage him to keep pushing forward.
12/07/2023  I want to run for Parkinson's for multiple reasons. The first is because my life goal right now is work in neuroscience research. I am in my senior year of undergraduate school and my next step is PhD programs in neuroscience. I want to spend my life researching neurodegenerative diseases, like Parkinson's, and ways to help advance treatment. I am so passionate about this, and as someone who wants to go into this field, I know how much money is always needed for research. My second reason I want to run for Parkinson's is for my great uncle Billy. He ha Parkinson's and recently died. I want to run in his honor and help raise money for this awful disease.
12/07/2023  My Nana was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2001 and lived with it for 16 years before passing in 2017. Seeing her suffer made me passionate to do whatever I can to help find a cure.
12/07/2023  My father was recently diagnosed with Parkinsons following his lengthy career with the military. He is still active and is running the Chicago marathon with me next year! I am fundraising, Im not sure if he got in yet!
12/07/2023  A few years ago my grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Watching her struggle not only through the physical effects but also the mental toll it has taken on her has been one of the most heartbreaking things that I have experienced. Over the years running has become a big part of mine and many of my family member's lives. Her favorite thing is coming and watching our races and supporting us. It would be incredible to run Chicago knowing that I'm doing it in honor of her and having her support throughout!
12/07/2023  My grandpa has had Parkinson's Disease for 24 years and has been heavily impacted by modern research and medicine to help manage his symptoms. It would mean a lot to be able to run for more research to help others have access and the same phenomenal medicine that he has been able to use.
12/07/2023  My father has Parkinson's disease. He has always been my biggest supporter in everything I do and I would like the opportunity to run my first marathon to support him and others with this disease.
12/07/2023  I lost my mother to Parkinson's Disease 5 years ago. My wife is running Chicago Marathon 2024 so this is a great time to get onboard with a charity,especially one close to my heart
12/07/2023  Two diseases have impacted our family & friends. One is cancer and the other Parkinson's. In 2023 our family ran in BIG SUR and raised over $4k for cancer research. We would like to raise money for Parkinson's in our next challenge. I have seen first hand the devastating effects of Parkinson with my father in-law and in the past few years, a very dear friend was diagnosed with Parkinson in his early 40's. It is hard to watch the impact of this relentless disease, but witnessing how developments in research, medications and lifestyle can benefit people diagnosed with this disease, makes me want to support and do more for this community.
12/07/2023  My dad has Parkinson's
12/07/2023  My mom has had Parkinson's for 16 years. I have watched her handle it like a champ, but now it is taking its toll on her in a hard way and watching her get beat up by this disease is maddening. I want to do what I can to keep this disease from knocking others out.
12/07/2023  My grandpa has severe Parkinson's. I want to run with this group in honor of him.
12/07/2023  My grandmother had Parkinson's and now my mother .
12/07/2023  While I have not been personally affected by Parkinson's, my partner has. She watched her active, fun-loving uncle battle with and ultimately lose his life to early-onset Parkinson's. When considering an organization to run with, this one was the no-brainer.
12/07/2023  My grandfather was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and organizations like the Parkinson's Foundation have been vital not only in the maintaining of my grandfather's mental and physical health, but in keeping his spirits up, too. Fundraising with this team is least I can do to say THANK YOU and make sure that folks just like my grandfather receive the support and care they need.
12/07/2023  I recently have gotten into running, alongside a career change. At work, I work with people with disabilities and have become passionate about accommodations and creating equal access for all at my company. Through my role, I have had the opportunity to learn about so many different disabilities through the experiences of my coworkers. One of these is a coworker with a disabled dependent with Parkinson's. I would love to race for a charity that has this meaning for me.
12/07/2023  My grandfather was my idol. He helped raise me, taught me to ask questions, learn from my environment, and helped me fall in love with my favorite things- reading, animals, long walks on the beach, jasmine, and, importantly, chocolate. Because of him, I learned the importance of dedication, exercise, trying things even when they felt too big or too far out of reach, and exploring the world on my two feet. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's when I was in college, and, unfortunately, lost his life while battling the disease when I was 21. He continues to be my biggest light, a guide in my life, and the reason I continue to challenge myself. I hope to honor him as I run the Chicago Marathon a second time, because I know he would have loved nothing more than to run right beside me. Recently, a family friend was also diagnosed with Parkinson's. He has been like a second father to me, and the ability to run to further a cause and in service to science will be the most incredible fuel for running.
12/07/2023  Family affected with Parkinson's.
12/07/2023  I'm interested in running for my Papa. He has suffered from Parkinson's for the past 15 years and has recently been declining. I want to run to help people with Parkinson's in the future and to show my support to him.
12/07/2023  Growing up with a family member struggling with Parkinson's is something no person should have to go through. Nothing replaces that feeling of watching that loved one deteriorate by the day and slowly lose pieces of themselves and you all at the same time. I feel very passionate about spreading awareness for the Parkinson's Foundation to hopefully one day make someones life a little bit better, whether that be through increased care programs, educational awareness, or funding towards cure research. I would love to join the Parkinson's Champions to take my love of running and use it for a better good.
12/07/2023  My father has Parkinson's and still doing amazing due to his medication being in point, so this is and awesome way to give back to the organization.
12/07/2023  My father has Parkinson's and I want to run for him. I am a physical therapist assistant working with Parkinson's patients.
12/07/2023  Dear Parkinson's Champions, I am reaching out to express my heartfelt commitment to running in the Chicago Marathon on behalf of your charity. My uncle Phil, my favorite family member, was diagnosed with Parkinson's four years ago. His strength and resilience inspire me every day. Despite facing the challenges of this relentless disease, Uncle Phil continues to be the funny and lovable person I've cherished since childhood. While the impact of Parkinson's has left him tired and weaker, he made it to my wedding, creating a cherished memory as we played a song just for him. His diagnosis came with the harsh reality of a limited time frame--only 5-7 years. The thought of losing him is a constant reminder of the urgency to find a cure. I may not see him as much as I used to, but the moments we share are filled with love and the echoes of a lifetime of memories. In honor of Uncle Phil and all those battling Parkinson's, I am eager to channel my energy into something positive. Running the Chicago Marathon with Parkinson's Champions is not just a physical challenge for me; it's a heartfelt mission to raise funds and awareness for research that can make a difference. I believe that every step I take in the marathon is a step toward a future where Parkinson's is no longer a threat. Your support will not only impact my uncle's life but also countless others facing this formidable adversary. I am determined to be a part of the solution and bring hope to those who need it most. Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to run with purpose and make a meaningful contribution to the fight against Parkinson's.
12/07/2023  My dad has Parkinsons.
12/07/2023  Parkinson's runs in my family on my mom's side and I lost both my Grandmother and Great Uncle to the disease. I would love to do this as a tribute to their memories.
12/07/2023  I am drawn to the Parkinson's Champions because of my deep connection to the cause through my partner, who works in a neurodegenerative diseases lab at Columbia University. Through her, I have gained a profound understanding of Parkinson's and the ongoing research dedicated to unraveling its complexities. The more I learn, the more I realize how much we still don't know about this debilitating illness. The thought of a disease affecting the brain and nervous system, gradually altering one's essence, is profoundly unsettling. I believe in the power of collective action and am honored to contribute by raising funds for your organization. By participating in this run, I hope to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those affected by Parkinson's. Hopefully together, we can support the research that brings us closer to unraveling the mysteries of this condition and improving the quality of life for individuals and families impacted by it.
12/08/2023  My Uncle. Paul is a military vet, the 2nd oldest of 14 kids, and used to be an avid runner. He is truly one of the best people with the most amazing stories from his life. Unfortunately, he has been battling Parkinson's since his 50s and a few rounds of cancer as well. I'd love to raise money for research and provide a way to create opportunities and resources for those living with Parksinsons at all stages.
12/08/2023  My Step father was diagnosed with Parkinsons 4 years ago and we have been challenged with trying to continuously outpace the disease while it took away his ability to work and as such has been a major financial and mental impact on my mother, myself, as well as obviously my Step Father
12/08/2023  My wifes mother Tuija has been battling Parkinson's for more then 20 years. She is turning 80 years this year and I wanted to do something special for her. I know it would mean a world to her.
12/08/2023  I am closely tied to the Woods family, who started the New England Parkinson's Bike Ride. I was there since the first year and it has grown immensely since!
12/08/2023  Two years ago, I lost my grandmother, Brenda Smith, to Parkinson's disease. She was an amazing artist and would paint the most inspiring images of our family. Despite the challenges she faced later in life, she always remained an extraordinary artist. As her hands became shaky, she found innovative ways to channel her creativity. In her memory and to honor the legacy of my grandmother, I am determined to run the Chicago Marathon for her. The cause is not just important to me; it's a deeply personal commitment to raise awareness and support those who, like my grandmother, have faced the challenges posed by Parkinson's. While my family is spread across Northwest Indiana, this marathon provides a unique opportunity for us to come together as I don't get to see them often. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of running alongside other individuals, making a meaningful impact, and honoring the memory of my grandmother.
12/08/2023  I workm for a company that provides Parkinson's treatment, therefore I have got to know over the years the pain and suffering of patients and caregivers. I find it excellent to give back while doing something I love, running.
12/08/2023  My dad passed away from Parkinson's. This august marks his 5th year anniversary of passing and I want to honor him by running for a cause that can hopefully prevent others from losing their loved ones to the disease.
12/08/2023  I am interested in running the Chicago Marathon with Parkinson's Champions because in September 2023, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's so racing for a cure for this is extremely important to me and my family.
12/08/2023  I'm a medical student at Florida Atlantic University planning to eventually specialize in neuropathology. I have worked with faculty at FAU on neurology research and am passionate about raising awareness for neurological diseases in order to support patients and their familiar, as well as fund further research for medical advancement.
02/21/2024  My grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinsons in 2019, and suffered greatly from lack of care during the Pandemic.
12/09/2023  My mom was diagnosed a few years ago and watching her decline has been incredibly hard for especially her, but also her family. Feeling helpless, id love to DO something to support Parkinson's research.
12/09/2023  My dad had Parkinson's
12/09/2023  I am currently in medical school and have worked with Parkinson's patients in the past. At my most recent job before starting school, I worked in Parkinson's research at Mount Sinai and made incredibly memorable connections with my patients. I'm hoping to specialize in neurology so that I can continue to work with this population of patients. I have also had multiple family members diagnosed with Parkinson's, one of whom recently passed away, and am always looking to contribute to research in any way that I can.
12/09/2023  My maternal grandfather unfortunately was afflicted with Parkinson's. He was someone who was always there for me throughout my childhood. Babysitting during preschool and kindergarten. Lunch dates. Always was the rock of our family. He passed back in 2013 just after my 15th birthday. During the last few years of his life and afterwards, my family and I supported him and the Parkinson's Foundation over the Walkway Over the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, NY. I later went on to become a Physical Therapist, graduating from Ithaca College's Physical Therapy program in 2021. I've been lucky enough to work with patients afflicted with Parkinson's, working to give them the best lives possible. I would love to take this next step with the Parkinson's Foundation and run for them, my grandfather, and my patients in Chicago across 26.2 miles!
12/09/2023  I have two personal connections to Parkinson's disease that have fueled my interest to join Parkinson's Champions. My grandma (I called her Nan) passed away in 2022 from the disease. Nan was the most intelligent and remarkable woman I've known. I miss her everyday. I met Michelle a month ago. She is a Parkinson's physical therapy client of my aunt. She is my professional mentor and friend. Michelle has taught me so much about life and has given me incredible career advice. I will forever be thankful to know her.
12/10/2023  My mother had Parkinson's. We moved to the Chicago area in 1969 and she lived there until she passed in 2010. Watching her struggle with this disease is one reason I became a runner in my 50s. She was diagnosed when she was 62, the age I am now.
12/10/2023  My mom is living with Parkinsons and I see the challenges as well as the amazing advancements that have happened in the past 10 years. I want to run and raise money in her honor as well as to do what I can to raise awareness about this disease and living with it.
12/11/2023  I have a close friend who served in the military with me who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's. He can no longer run, so I want to run for him.
12/11/2023  I lost my mother last August after a long, arduous battle with Parkinson's. I would love to raise money for any organization that can help sufferers of this horrible disease.
12/11/2023  My uncle was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years ago and I've had to watch him decline over the years and retire early from his career as a surgeon due to tremors. I would love to raise awareness and raise money for this foundation to hopefully find a cure for this terrible disease.
12/11/2023  Dear Parkinson's Champions, I am reaching out with a profound sense of purpose and a deeply personal connection to express my sincere desire to represent and raise funds for Parkinson's Champions during the upcoming Chicago Marathon. As a dedicated speech pathology student, my journey has been intertwined with individuals courageously battling Parkinson's disease. Witnessing the challenges my patients face has ignited a passion within me to contribute meaningfully to the cause. The opportunity to run in support of Parkinson's Champions is a testament to my commitment to making a positive impact beyond the clinic walls. This cause is not just a marathon for me; it's a heartfelt mission. By participating in the Chicago Marathon, I aim to amplify awareness and generate crucial funds that will directly contribute to the support, research, and advocacy efforts of Parkinson's Champions. I am honored to use this platform to give a voice to those affected by Parkinson's and to run with the emblem of an organization that has become so dear to my heart. Thank you for the impactful work you do, and I am excited about the prospect of joining hands with Parkinson's Champions to make a difference.
12/12/2023  My grandfather passed away from PD in 2011. I began running that year as it was a good way to cope with his loss. I would like to run and raise money for the cause and help find a cure for PD!
12/12/2023  My grandmother recently passed of Parkinson's disease.
12/20/2023  My Grandpa was diagnosed with Parkinson's when I was in high school and passed away when I was 17. He was an avid runner, running in the Chicago Marathon twice. He came to all of my cross country and track meets.
12/12/2023  This was recommended by someone who fundraise money to the cause before.
12/12/2023  I want to run the New York Half Marathon this March for my Grandma, who has been fighting Parkinson's for more than eight years. Her toughness and strength have been incredible motivation factors. My Grandma and I have an extremely tight and special bond. I hope to raise money to help find a cure for a disease that has hurt someone I love very much.
12/12/2023  Healthcare worker running for patients with PD
12/14/2023  I am interested in fundraising for Parkinson's in memory of my Mother who passed in August 2023. She battled parkinsons for over 15 years and I saw first hand how devastating a disease it is. I would like to help fundraise to help find a cure someday, and to meet up with other folks who have experienced what my family has been through.
01/31/2024  My uncle was diagnosed with Parkinson's over 15 years ago so it's a disease that I've been familiar with unfortunately throughout my upbringing. Seeing what he has to go through has made me very passionate about being an advocate. I'm interested in running with the Parkinson's Champions and getting more involved with the organization as a whole. I am the team leader for the upcoming event in Miami on Feb 24, Parkinson's Revolution Miami.
12/15/2023  I was intrested in running the Chicago Marathon for my grandfather with Parkinsons.
12/16/2023  I helped my girlfriend Kayla Galvin raise money for the 2022 NYC marathon and gain awareness of the disease. We want to run Chicago together, raise money and awareness for Parkinson disease (we are both signing up)
12/16/2023  I ran my first marathon under a week ago. It was an incredible experience. I am an endurance athlete on the Yale triathlon team. Throughout the race, especially when it get tough, I constantly found myself asking: Why? And time and time again, my answer was: for Buddy. Buddy is my grandfather and was diagnosed with Parkinson's six years ago. I see him often and cherish the time we do get to spend with each other, but communication is difficult. But I know if he had been there watching me race the Jacksonville marathon, I would see the pride and love in his eyes. This upcoming November, in my hometown of New York City, I want to race alongside the Parkinson's Champions for my grandfather, Buddy, and raise money for all those struggling with Parkinson's in their lives.
12/16/2023  My twin brother, Jack McCain, and I recently ran our first marathon on December 10, 2023, in Jacksonville, Florida. We are eighteen-year-old endurance athletes and compete as members of the Triathlon Team at Yale University. We had so much fun at the race and found pushing ourselves to complete the full 26.2 miles incredibly rewarding. I finished with a 3:13, my brother with a 4:02. Now, we have our sights set on the NYC Marathon. When we learned about the opportunity to run for a charity, we immediately thought of Parkinson's. Our biggest inspiration is our grandfather, Buddy. A navy veteran, Buddy always taught us to challenge ourselves and to be fearless in the face adversity. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease six years ago, and we watched his mental and physical deterioration over the course of our childhood. When he moved to a senior care facility, the disease really ruined him. Now, he has lost his ability to communicate (he just mumbles), walk more than a couple of steps, or to use his hands. It feels like we have lost him already, but we have realized that all we can do to honor his memory is to incorporate his memory into our daily lives by emulating his kindness, generosity, and perseverance. This is why we want to run the TCS New York City Marathon for Parkinson's.
12/16/2023  My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's three months ago. Last year, my uncle (her brother) was also diagnosed with PD. I connected him to the Parkinson's Foundation, which has been a great resource for him. For example, through the Foundation, he received genetic testing that helped him understand his condition. I am interested in supporting the Parkinson's Foundation so it can continue to be a resource for current and future PD patients.I am an avid runner (I have done 3 half-marathons) and I am committed to run the NYC TCS Marathon and raise funds for the Foundation.
12/17/2023  I would love to represent the Parkinson's Foundation this year. I am a Physical Therapist who specializes in working with people with neurological conditions like Parkinson's and I have seen the many benefits the foundation has given me as far as research and how it has helped my patients and their caregivers. My clinic has benefited from the grant that was given to hold a support group and other exercises for people with Parkinson's Disease.
12/17/2023  I am a Physical Therapist working with people with Parkinson's. I want to spread awareness and advocate for people with the disease and to let them know that they are heard.
12/17/2023  My mom was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. I typically run for myself, but would like to get outside my comfort zone (see fundraising part below) and do something for her since her diagnosis is forcing her outside of her own comfort zone.
12/17/2023  My grandfather passed away from Parkinson's when I was young. He was a great man and I wish I was able to spend time with him prior to him being afflicted with this disease. I will be running for him.
12/19/2023  My father was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's.
12/19/2023  I am an occupational therapist who has worked with many clients diagnosed with Parkinson's. I very abruptly lost a former patient and friend last month to the disease. She was the most vivacious, loving, and mischievous person I have ever known. I want to run in honor of her and the other individuals I work with who are inflicted with this disease. I want to run to honor them for not letting their disease define them, and their courage to continue to live life on their own terms.
12/20/2023  Both of my grandpas died from Parkinson's. My one grandpa was a big marathon runner and I would love to run in his honor.
12/20/2023  both of my grandfather's had and passed from parkinsons. my one grandfather had early on-set parkinson (mid-50s) and my other grandfather didn't get the disease until later in life. it was very interesting to see how differently the disease manifested in them both differently. my one grandfather was wheelchair bound and couldn't walk due to the progression of the shuffling, but was an avid runner. he ran the NYC, Boston and Chicago marathons multiple times. i want to run in honor of him and my other grandfather, shedding light on the disease that has so significantly impacted my family.
12/20/2023  I have a grandfather who has Parkinson's and I think it would be a great way to make him proud and to help raise awareness to the disease
12/20/2023  This past summer, I lost my grandfather to Parkinson's Disease. My grandfather was one of the most special people in my life. He had the kindest soul and we miss him every day, especially with the holidays right around the corner. Although I was lucky enough to be by his side throughout his journey, watching this disease take over his body was one of the hardest things I have gone through. It would mean the world to both me and my family to fundraise and run with your charity. Parkinson's has made such an impact on me, my mother and her family. Being able to support my family and run in honor of my grandfather would be an incredible experience. I am very passionate about this cause and I could not imagine running for a better organization than the Parkinson's foundation.
12/21/2023  My Grandmother who raised me in the Philippines while my parents worked to be able to provide for our family, suffered greatly from Parkinson's disease. My mom was living in the United States and my Dad's job in the Philippines required him to be away home, so she took on the role of Mom and Grandma in order to raise me well for nearly half my life. She passed away in November of 2022. She suffered for many years with Parkinson's disease. Luckily, I was able to visit my country in summer of 2023 and was able to see her one last time. However, due to her late stage Parkinson's along with the common comorbidities that generally accompany it, she was no longer able to move her extremities and was essentially bed/wheelchair bound unless carried by us or her caregiver. It was such a difficult thing to witness, especially knowing her as the strong and independent woman who raised me while my parents were away. This year, I fell in love with running and ran my first half marathon back in November. This time, I want to run for something that meant a lot to me, that being my grandmother. It would be such a great honor to run a race for her and for a foundation that funds the research to not just finding a cure but also understanding this disease in order to provide hope for those experiencing this disease. We will never know nor understand the physical and mental pain that comes with suffering from an incurable disease where you know will only worsen your way of life. So I want to help fund for this research in any way that I can. And If able, even yearly!!!
12/22/2023  My grandfather died from Parkinson's in 2010. He was my father figure as I had an absent father household growing up, and I am running in his memory while raising funds for Parkinson's research. I also worked at AbbVie and was a brand ambassador for their Parkinson's medicine, DUOPA.
12/22/2023  I have been touched personally by Parkinson's in many ways. First, I watched my great uncle be diagnosed with the disease and become symptomatic at the age of 35. Then my grandfather, his brother, was diagnosed more recently. My grandfather was a very active father, husband, and grandfather. He and my grandmother loved to visit national parks and canoe in Minnesota. He ran countless races and loved playing basketball with my brothers and I. He was also very artistic and loved playing music. Now, his movement and cognition have deteriorated. Watching him lose the ability to pursue his passions has been devastating. I would like to run for the Parkinson's team to help fun research that can prevent others and their loved ones from suffering from the disease.
12/23/2023  Grandad has parkinson's and i want to raise money
12/23/2023  We lost my father in January 2021 to Parkinson's, and my aunt was just diagnosed. Running has helped me metabolize the grief that this disease has brought my family.
12/24/2023  I have long wanted to complete a marathon, most notably one in the city I call home. It happens that I am at a time in my life where I now have the time, community, and resources to do so. This also happens to coexist with the time in my life when my uncle's Parkinson's disease is starting to progress. After visiting him and his wife recently, I witnessed first hand how resilient he is, and how this disease has in a beautiful way has made their relationship even stronger. In contemplating which charity is close to heart, I can't think of a better way to honor my loved ones than my being a part of Parkinson's Champions.
12/25/2023  I have a family member who got Parkinson disease and currently he is still struggle with it. I was watching him from the beginning when he got the disease and the process of how the disease consume his normal life. I wish I could contribute to help others who also got the disease.
12/26/2023  My grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's when she was 70 years old (in 2006). I lived right down the street from her for my whole life, and she was the heart and soul of our family. She had lost her husband young, yet raised her family with such strength and grace. I remember the exact moment finding out she had Parkinson's, with my mom printing articles all about it and reading them late at night - it kept my mom up thinking about what was going to happen to her Mom, consequently keeping me up too. My grandmother never showed a single sign of pain, even though we knew she was in enormous amounts of it. I watched her gain the hunchback, be so rigid in her chair, be so tired from no sleep, her hands becoming so stiff, and yet she never complained and remained the toughest lady for us all. This past May in 2023, I lost my grandmother and it was so unbelievably hard on me and my family. However, we find peace in knowing she is no longer in pain from her Parkinson's. I promised myself I would run a marathon for her to raise money so that others would not have to go through what I and my family went through. I know there's a chance that my mom, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, or myself can also get Parkinson's, and I want to be able to say I contributed to helping find a cure for this awful disease. I would love to run the Chicago or New York Marathon in honor of my grandmother, raising as much money as I possibly can to raise awareness and help find a cure.
12/26/2023  My mother-in-law has been struggling with Parkinson's since the start of COVID. She is so incredibly generous and this is one meaningful way I can "give back".
12/26/2023  This past year, I lost my grandmother who battled with Parkinson's for about 15 years. She was the greatest grandmother in the world and her strength throughout her battle was tremendously inspiring. It was the biggest blessing that I was able to be there for her as her conditioned worsened and since her passing, I have wanted to honor her legacy and raise money for a foundation that does so much for this disease.
12/26/2023  My mom's good friend was diagnosed with Parkinson's about 3 years ago. Also, my hometown church's musical director was diagnosed with Parkinson's around 5 years ago. Every time I would come home and attend service, it made me very sad to see how Parkinson's was slowly impacting his ability to play guitar and piano, to the point where he is no longer able to do so. Even though his playing always sounded 'like him', it was very sad to see him lose the ability to perform songs and piano licks that I had heard him play so many times growing up.
12/26/2023  My dad has been living with and fighting Parkinson's for 13+ years.
12/27/2023  I recently lost a close friend to Parkinson's
12/28/2023  I'm a physical therapist and a certified LSVT BIG clinician and I have worked with a lot of patients with Parkinson's Disease. I would love to be able to run with a foundation that supports this community.
12/28/2023  Family with recently diagnosed Parkinson's disease, also work in health care in the neurosciences
12/29/2023  I lost a family member in 2022 to Parkinson's. She battled the disease for 7 years. My family now holds research for Parkinson's close to our hearts.
12/29/2023  My father had PD and would have been 90 in 2024 so I want to run in honor of him. He died in 2020 and I think this would be a great way to honor him.
12/29/2023  My mother had Parkinson's and I want to help raise money to find a cure.
12/30/2023  I am interested in running with the Parkinson's Champions because my grandmother and uncle were both diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. I have seen the impact of this disease firsthand and understand how important it is to continue to try to find a cure. I think joining the Parkinson's Champions would be such a meaningful way to become involved with these efforts.
12/31/2023  My mom has Parkinson's and it's been a roller coaster. I'd like to become more involved with raising money for a cure for this horrible disease.
12/31/2023  Having the opportunity to run with Parkinson's Champions would be an incredibly impactful and fulfilling experience for me. Running has always been an outlet for me. It offers a moment to clear my mind and realign my thoughts each time I lace up my shoes. Another important pillar in my life has been helping and providing support. Finding an opportunity to link the vehicle of my tranquility with my passion for helping people is an opportunity that I aspire to do annually. The initial realization where I could connect my love for running and supporting the lives of others occurred with the life of my grandfather. His journey with his illness steered me in the direction of a charity I supported with an authentic connection to. This is only a small account of how I selected the Parkinson's Foundation; through purpose and authenticity. Nearly seven years ago, my grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's. At the time of his diagnosis, he was still running a business he started from his backyard forty years ago. As a man in his late 70s, the energy exuded each morning was an encouraging sign. But as Parkinson's began to take control of his life, his role within the business became quite limited. However, his physical limitations could not diminish his spirit. My grandfather is committed to living life to the fullest extent and combating this horrible disease at every opportunity. His drive and ability to appreciate each moment he has is one that I greatly admire. I attempt to carry his strength, with me, as I aim to contribute to a foundation with the mission of finding a cure to Parkinson's. This foundation specifically aligns with my moral compass and values. My intention is to raise continued awareness and support for this cause that will have an impact on my support system and the people who need the help. I hope to embody some of my grandfather's drive and determination to support him and those who are struggling with Parkinson's by taking the first of many steps--to contribute to the ultimate goal of curing Parkinson's Disease--running the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon as a member of the Parkinson's Champions.
12/31/2023  Both of my grandfathers passed of Parkinson's disease. It was challenging to watch them each go through the battle separately, my one grandfather knowing what was coming having watching the other go through the same thing years prior. I feel as though not many people are as aware of Parkinson's disease as they are Alzheimer's or dementia. I would really love the opportunity to honor my grandfathers and help support a cause so closely tied to my family.
12/31/2023  Mt mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's 12 years ago. Would love to raise money and awareness for the people suffering from this terrible disease.
01/01/2024  My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease four years ago and recently passed away from the disease. Witnessing my grandfather's progression and watching his struggle with loss of independence that came with the disease was difficult. With lots of family support and love, he had a community of people with him every step of the way. I want to run with Parkinson's Champions in honor of him, to help raise awareness of the disease, and to contribute to further research for a cure for those living with the disease.
01/01/2024  My father in law was diagnosed with Parkinson's a number of years ago. I have lived with him for the past few years and seen how it affects someone first hand. Would be honored to help raise money
01/01/2024  My mom, who is my absolute best friend, was just diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and I feel helpless. So I would like to run for Parkinson's and raise money because I feel like it's the only thing I can do and control that might help people with Parkinson's disease.
01/01/2024  My father was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's.
01/01/2024  My mother was diagnosed with a Parkinsonism Disease in 2023. When we first heard the news I felt so helpless. Knowing that there wasn't much I could do that would rid my mother of her symptoms. After hearing about Parkinson's Champions I knew I needed to be a part of this community to hopefully make a difference and help contribute so one day there will be a cure.
01/02/2024  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years ago. I have been a a runner most of my life and ran cross country in college. One of my goals is to run a marathon and I can think of no better way than running for my dad in support of bringing awareness to a disease that has taken so much from my dad and family. I did not know much about the disease until my dad was diagnosed at only 58 years old. It would mean so much to me to run for my dad and this cause.
01/02/2024  One of my cousins just learned that he has Parkinson disease. So this is the reason I want to run on behalf of the Parkinson community and of course my cousin.
01/02/2024  I believe charitable initiatives are an excellent way of funding research into PD, in the search to find a cure. My grandfather is a long sufferer of PD so I have a personal connection, I see first-hand the pain the disease causes him and my grandmother daily. I admire their courage in this battle and therefore would be honoured to help make a positive difference and Parkinson's Foundation stood out for me with the work they do.
01/02/2024  Best friend's father and girlfriend's father has Parkinson's
01/03/2024  Two of my grandparents currently have Parkinson's and have been dealing with the disease for a few years. Seeing firsthand the impact Parkinson's has had on my grandparents and the family has been deeply impactful. Of all the charities to run with, this one is the closest to my heart. I'd love to run with the group if there are any spots left.
01/03/2024  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson with about 5 years ago. It is extremely hard to watch him struggle with this disease. I want to help by raising awareness and funds for those with Parkinson and research.
01/03/2024  My friends grandparents have Parkinson. Recently things have been getting harder and harder for them and I love running so I thought this would be a great way to show my support by fundraising for the community.
01/03/2024  My mentor's father has Parkinson's. Both individuals have played a huge role in redirecting my life, and I want to use this opportunity to give back to them and make them proud.
01/03/2024  My Father has Parkinson's and I would like to honor him and help the cause.
01/03/2024  My father in law had Parkinson's and I would love to do something in his honor and since he was also from Chicago i would like to help raise money for a cure.
01/03/2024  Someone very dear to my heart battled with Parkinson's for quite some time. Unfortunately, they are no longer with us.
01/04/2024  My Dad passed away in March of 2019 from PSP. I took him to the Boston Marathon towards the end of his battle and have wanted to run a Marathon in his memory ever since. This is my goal for the 2024 and I believe your organization would be a perfect fit to fundraise and run for.
01/04/2024  My father is struggling with late stage Parkinson's, and I'd like to honor him by raising money for this great charity.
01/04/2024  My grandfather struggled with Parkinson's in the last ten or so years of his life, and he passed away in December of 2023, so I decided that I would love to start running on his behalf to honor him and raise money.
01/06/2024  My grandmother passed from complications of parkinson's and my mother was just diagnosed. I want to honor them by raising much needed research money to help cure this disease.
01/06/2024  I am very interested in running with Parkinson's Champions. A little over 2 years ago my grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's. He has always been a huge support for me growing up in school, athletics, etc. My mom ran the Chicago Marathon while I was growing up and this has been a life goal of mine to complete. To be able to run with this community and not only to complete this race, but to have the opportunity to raise money for this charity that is near and dear to my heart would mean the world to me.
01/06/2024  My father who is 51 years old was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. I would like to run it for him. I am an avid runner and have run multiple half marathons. I am looking to complete my first full marathon and I would love to do it with this organization. I am passionate about bringing awareness
01/06/2024  I'm a recent member of the Parkinson's community-- In April of 2023, my mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's at age fifty-five. Back in 2020, she began to show symptoms, but we didn't know it related to what we know now as early signs of Parkinson's. When her tremors began before Easter in 2023, it was heartbreaking but also relieving knowing maybe we were closer to understanding why my mom had felt so ill for years. Last spring, summer and fall were filled with doctors' appointments for my mother. She received endless opinions that ultimately led to one conclusion: she had Parkinson's, and she always will. The day of her final diagnosis filled with tears, but by nightfall, my whole family took one big breath. We had our answer-- we now knew why her muscles were tightening. Why she felt so exhausted and that she was dying. Why her short-term memory occasionally faltered, or why she sometimes struggled to grasp for words mid-speech. We had our answer, even though it was not what we wanted to hear. You should know this fact about my mom: she is the strongest person I know. This statement may seem cliché. . . doesn't everyone say this about their mother? But for my mom, it is so true. Mom has the strongest heart I have ever seen. She is the epitome of resilience: her heart has endured so much love over the years yet so much pain. She is a single mother, who found the courage to leave her marriage to my father to save her children from the pain he was causing us. At forty-years old and being newly divorced, she had the courage to leave my dad, start a career not having had one, and raise two children while navigating the myriad of challenges that divorce brings. In 2020, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, which she conquered. Then in 2021, she had shoulder surgery. And now she has Parkinson's. Yet through it all, my mom has kept the biggest smile on her face. She's always glass half full, always spreading optimism, always looking out for everyone else. For my entire life, she has put me first, and now it's time for us to take care of her. I would be honored to run for the Parkinson's Champions. This community has given my mother so much already-- from the kind doctors, to the new friends she's made, including the sweet people who hold her hand during physical therapy. This community is now my family's community, and I want to give back to the wonderful individuals who are helping my mom fight and stay on her two feet. I would love to have a greater part in this community and connect with as well as support others on this same journey. Above all, I want to run for my mom and be her strength. I want to show her how proud I am of her. I would love to join this team and fight for her.
01/06/2024  My dad lived with parkinsons and ultimately lost the battle. Parkinsons research and organizations have been close to me since. Jan 2, 2024 was the 5 year anniversary of his passing and I want to do more this year to bring awareness. something I wrote:
01/06/2024  My uncle Jim Fish passed away from complications of Parkinsons in 2019. He was a world traveler and loved life, pushing through to experience as much as possible while he was ill. My aunt Carolyn who was always his companion became his daily caregiver. I would love to fundraise for Parkinson's research to improve treatments for those diagnosed with this terrible disease, and provide support for them and their families like mine.
01/07/2024  My brother and I hope to both challenge ourselves physically and to run in honor of our late grandfather, who passed away from Parkinson's disease. Our grandfather was a great inspiration to us, continually overcoming adversity to achieve his goals throughout his life. Running with Parkinson's Champions would be an amazing opportunity to show support for the causes that this foundation upholds. I also am currently in medical school and have continued to learn more about Parkinson's disease and the importance of creating social, physical, and emotional support systems for patients.
01/07/2024  My sister and I hope to both challenge ourselves physically and to run in honor of our late grandfather, who passed away from Parkinson's disease. Our grandfather was a great inspiration to us, continually overcoming adversity to achieve his goals throughout his life. Running with Parkinson's Champions would be an amazing opportunity to show support for the causes that this foundation upholds.
01/08/2024  My grandmother has just been diagnosed with Parkinson's and has been greatly struggling during this difficult time. She is making progressive changes to her lifestyle in order to better combat this disease and we are all so proud of her. I am an avid runner myself, so when I heard about this opportunity I knew I had to run it for my grandmother.
01/08/2024  My dad was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's, so that is what led me to look into this.
01/08/2024  My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years ago. It would mean the world to me to be able to run this race in support of him and everyone else that has been diagnosed with this disease.
01/08/2024  My Father used to be involved with the parkinson foundation, and I recently attended the wine event that was hosted in NYC (Oct'23)
01/10/2024  Recently, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in August 2023. He is an optimist and fighter that has continued to keep his health and well-being healthy. He is a past iron man athlete, marathon runner, and overall a physically active individual. My motivation to run the Chicago marathon is for him and all the other individuals who wake up thinking about their disease. I am excited and very eager about this opportunity as running a marathon, especially the Chicago marathon, has always been a dream of mine and my fathers.
01/10/2024  We are on a surprise trip to California and saw that there is a run event at Disney. My husband's Grandmother passed due to Parkinson's 15 years ago. I thought it would be a nice surprise.
01/10/2024  My father in law was just diagnosed with PD
01/11/2024  My mother-in-law was diagnosed with Parkinson's and I had an Aunt that lived with it for several years as well, so I would like to help raise awareness/funds to help find a cure
01/11/2024  My grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's 2 years ago, and I want to create awareness!
01/12/2024  I am very interested in running for The Parkinson's Foundation because I have a personal connection to the disease. My grandfather passed away a little over a year ago due to Parkinsons. I was very close with him and am driven to raise money for such an important cause and raise awareness about it. I love running and being able to run for a great cause in honor of one of my biggest supporters would mean the world to me.
01/12/2024  I have a dear friend who lost her mom to this
01/12/2024  I had an uncle diagnosed with Parkinson's that passed away 3 years ago from this disease. He had been on the University of Texas track team back in the day, an avid water and snow skier, fly fisherman, Jeep enthusiast, and hiker. Mostly a lover of all things outdoors. He was the one to teach me these loves but was cut short on his ability to enjoy them. Luckily I was able to learn before he succumbed to the symptoms of Parkinson's. He eventually struggled to walk across a tile floor because there were too many lines. He never gave up driving his Jeep but should have. He couldn't ski or hike the last few visits our family took to Colorado. My dad, his brother, has instilled the love of running in our family because of Uncle Mike. It is for him, and also a patient of mine that experienced the same decline, that I would be honored to fundraise and run for Parkinson's.
01/13/2024  Parkinson's runs in my family and my grandpa died of it.
01/13/2024  My dad recently was diagnosed and when I was looking at charity runs this charity came up and made the most impact on me.
01/13/2024  My Dad has Parkinson's and I run in his honor
01/14/2024  My uncle was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2022. I want to run in honor and support of him. He has been strong throughout this and they are still working on the right treatment for him. He is a loyal brother and uncle who always puts others first so I would be honored to be able to do this for him
01/14/2024  In 2020, while I was a junior in highschool, my father passed away from diabetes & parkinson's. I slowly watched this disease take him away from me growing up, and was pretty much his full time care-taker. My dad was my best friend. I remember vividly, him & I wanting to go for a walk and bike ride one summer day, and he physically couldn't because this disease was getting at its worst. If I can do anything, I'd want to do this. Run for a purpose.
01/17/2024  My uncle, who has been like a father to me, has been battling Parkinson's for the past 2 years. His battle is my battle, and I would love to be able to fundraise for the Parkinsons Foundation in his honor.
01/17/2024  My hero, the best human I've ever known, fought Parkinson's symptoms for years before passing this year. Her best character trait was her ability to live life to its absolute fullest, until she couldn't anymore. The disease took her from me slowly, and I want to raise money in her honor.
01/17/2024  I am interested in fundraising for the Parkinson's Foundation because I want to raise awareness and support an organization that is dedicated to promoting research and providing support for those who are impacted by this disease. Although I have not been personally impacted by Parkinson's Disease, my partner has had members in his family that have been affected and unfortunately had an uncle who passed away as a result of this debilitating disease. Having the opportunity to raise money to support research is very rewarding and I would be grateful to be considered as a Parkinson's Champions charity runner for the 2024 Chicago Marathon.
01/18/2024  Family connection
01/18/2024  My grandmother, Pamela Meyjes, passed away in the fall of 2023 after a long battle with Parkinson's. She was an extraordinary influence in my life and it was very challenging to see her suffer for many years (especially as some of those years fell during Covid, which exacerbated her isolation and mental challenges). To honor her and the impact she's had in my life, my family's life, and the lives of many others, I would love to run the Chicago Marathon for the Parkinson's Champions team!
01/18/2024  My grandfather recently passed away from complications due to Parkinson's. He had been battling it for over 7 years and if I can help at all with other families and what we went through, as well as working to stop this evil disease, I will gladly do it.
01/18/2024  Advocate for the Parkinsons community in my hometown and have two close freinds with Parkiinsons
01/18/2024  I currently work at Brigham and Women's hospital in Boston, Massachusetts as a nursing assistant and have been able to take care of a couple patients diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. After taking care of one patient for only a couple of days, I felt a deep connection to this patient and a bond was formed between us. I would be honored to run for a cause that I am able to directly see the impact it makes.
01/18/2024  My grandmother is the coolest person I know. She grew up the oldest of 6 sisters, somehow finding a way to take care of her family while also pushing back against the societal restrictions placed on women in the 50s. She has had so many wonderful and diverse experiences, from teaching home ec to making beautiful cherry wood furniture with a famous carpenter to leading an investment club for over 30 years to making and selling her art at local farmers markets and national conventions. Learning about her life as I grew up was one of the best parts of my childhood and has always inspired me to say yes to everything. Over the past 10 years, I have watched as life threw a new challenge her way in the form of Parkinson's Disease. It was subtle at first and especially hard to accept because she refused to let it stop her from doing what she loved, whether it be painting or making jewelry or working in her garden. However, as the disease progressed I have watched my Meema fight against the loss of dexterity and motor control that fuels many of her passions. Despite this, she has remained true to her character, thinking of new ways to exercise her creativity, such as using old maps she collected to turn her entire room into a view of the world. On top of the resilience and spirit I have always admired in her, I have also been witness to an overflow of generosity. When I go home to visit, I see the mail from the various foundations she continues to donate to, including the Parkinson's Foundation, eager to support research into the disease that has changed her own and so many others' lives. Now, I want to show my grandmother that I have learned everything from her. I have been absorbing the lessons she gracefully taught me throughout my life in hopes of emulating all that I see in her. One way I wish to do this is by running the Chicago Marathon and raising money for the Parkinson's Foundation. When I cross that finish line, I want to be representing my Meema and all of the love, vivacity, and beauty she has given to the world.
01/19/2024  My uncle/god father has been battling Parkinson's for almost 4 years now. He has been staying strong and positive throughout the process even though it has severely impaired his ability to be active. He is a life long surfer and has been my inspiration and guide into the sport since I was young. Despite no longer being able to balance on his board, he still gets out in the ocean almost every day to body surf. I would like to run the NYC marathon as a tribute to his perseverance to continue doing what he loves (surfing) and to help support an organization that is trying to improve the lives of those effected by this disease.
01/19/2024  My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2021. She continues to battle the disease with a positive outlook. I'd look forward to the opportunity to run with the foundation to support her and others who have been impacted by Parkinson's.
01/19/2024  Parkinson's Champions is a great cause that directs its fundraising efforts towards a worthy group of individuals who deserve the chance to lead a happy and long life free from suffering. After consulting with my friend Nate Robarts and his mom, who ran with the Parkinson's Champions in the 2023 NYC Marathon, my interest in the foundation grew and led me to your website. It is important to me to give individuals like Nate's grandfather the opportunity of longevity and the chance to have a cure for the disease.
01/19/2024  My grandfather suffered and battled with parkinson's my entire adult life before passing away in 2023. I want to run a marathon this year in his honor and raise money and support for the Parkinson's community.
01/20/2024  My dad, who has been my best friend and my champion throughout my entire life and sports career, was diagnosed with Parkinson's a couple of years ago. It has been so difficult to watch someone that grew up playing 1-on-1 basketball with me, competing in races, going outside to have a catch with me - rain or shine - begin to struggle with even the smallest of movements. And yet, I continue to be more amazed with each day at how strong, brave, and selfless my father is. I just finished my first marathon in Disney World - his favorite place in the world - and one of the mental training tactics that I was taught to use throughout training was, when the miles start to feel endless, to dedicate each mile to someone. For me, of course, it was for my dad. It was, and will always be for my dad, who would give anything to be out there running with me. As soon as I crossed the finish line, seeing him instantly brought us both to tears, something that I have only seen a handful of times from my dad in the course of my life. Immediately, I realized that I wanted to dedicate every single mile that I am lucky enough to have the ability to run for the rest of my life to my dad and all those suffering with Parkinson's disease. I would be so incredibly honored to be able to run for such an important foundation and to help raise awareness for Parkinson's Disease!
01/21/2024  I am an SLP and have done clinical work with individuals with PD and would love to be able to continue to assist the community in all ways possible.
06/04/2024  I want to run in honor of my grandfather who battled Parkinson's for over 8 years, and just passed away in October.
01/22/2024  When looking to pair with a charity to run the Chicago marathon, Parkinson's Champions caught my eye. My girlfriend's father has Parkinson's. Getting to know him and this disease, this is something that is close to my heart. I want to show my support to him and the community in general by helping raise money
01/22/2024  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in his early 60s. As a physician, I worry about the potential issues I know he may face in the coming years. Fortunately, to date he continues to do well. I am hopeful that the community of Parkinson's researchers will continue to advance care of this disease and improve the lives of those suffering it. I would like to support their efforts by raising money to fund research.
01/23/2024  I am currently a first year physical therapy student at Rutgers University, and have been opened up to the world of Parkinson's. Parkinson's plays a huge role in this field, and I'm very interested in understanding ways we can work to treat the disease moving forward. Additionally, my best friend's mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's last year, and I would like to honor her by running for Parkinson's Champions.
01/23/2024  My husband and I are looking to join a team that has special meaning to us. We have lost close family members to Parkinson's and have a long family history with the disease. We have seen the struggle and it would be our pleasure to raise money for such an important cause while running the Chicago marathon.
01/23/2024  My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's last fall
01/26/2024  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's this past November (2023). He is a lifelong runner, and exercise is a HUGE part of his PD management plan - to great success so far!! I want to honor him by running as a Parkinson's Champion.
01/26/2024  My Mom had PD and I have worked with a neurologist at RUSH in Chicago for over 6 years and participated in three studies as a caregiver mentor working with other caregivers to provide support.
01/26/2024  I seek to support your charity as a part of my journey towards running the Chicago Marathon. I'm motivated to support the Parkinson's Foundation specifically as I feel a personal connection to research in this area, my grandmother is currently diagnosed with the disease. She is currently 81 years old and I think it would be special to run my first marathon in her honor.
01/28/2024  While I was in completing my master's degree in Physician Assistant school I was learning about Parkinson's Disease and noticed symptoms in my father which led to his diagnosis. 8 years later my family and I have been aggressive in researching all possible therapies, both western and holistic, that may improve and prolong his quality of life. As I prepare for my first marathon I can't think of another cause I would rather raise money for.
01/28/2024  In 2010, my grandfather, Jay Wassersug, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at the age of 70. He bravely battled the disease for 11 years, with unwavering support from my grandmother, Anita Wassersug. Starting in 2016, Anita began fundraising efforts for the American Parkinson Disease Association (ADPA) and has raised tens of thousands of dollars over the past eight years. Even after my grandfather's peaceful passing in December 2021, she continued her fundraising efforts and was honored as Massachusetts ADPA Optimism Walk Honoree in 2023. Now, it's her time to rest, but her dedication inspires me to pick up the torch in the fight against Parkinson's disease. I seek the opportunity from Parkinson's Champions to fundraise and participate in the TCS NYC Marathon in honor of my grandparents' fearless battle against this debilitating disease.
02/19/2024  My father in law has PD and so I would like to help raise money and awareness.
01/29/2024  I want to run this race on behalf of my father who was diagnosed with Parkinson's 2 years ago as well as all of the families who are affected
01/30/2024  My dad was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson's in 2016. As his disease has progressed, he has inspired me by his dedication to his fitness routine through a boxing gym in the metro Detroit area, his participation in clinical research studies, his involvement in organizing for the cause, and his community he has built. I would love to bring advocacy and awareness to my communities in Chicago and Michigan by running in his honor.
01/31/2024  My Grandfather who I lived with my entire life with passed away in early December. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's 15 years ago so I saw it progress first hand but he always hung there. He used to a runner. He ran in college at Iona so my goal this year would be to complete the NYC marathon in honor of him.
01/31/2024  I am new to the community. My wife's grandfather unfortunately passed and had Parkinson's, and I continue to want to learn more and play a part in fundraising for the important cause.
02/01/2024  My grandmother fought Parkinson's disease for more than 20 years. Throughout my childhood, I watched her struggle and watched as my family grew more and more helpless. I find it interesting that Parkinson's does not have the same recognition as some other degenerative diseases and I would love to help spread awareness about this condition and ultimately find powerful treatment to help those suffering. I wish I could have had more time with my grandmother and would love to honor her by supporting your mission to fight Parkinson's.
02/01/2024  My Grandpa's health deteriorated quickly after being diagnosed with Parkinson's with Lewy bodies in which he ultimately passed. I have seen first-hand the impacts the disease can have on families and would like to help fund raise so that families in the future may not have to go through the same thing.
02/02/2024  I lost my grandfather, who I was named after to Parkinson's. I've run the NYC half marathons before for my sisters foundation FACES
02/03/2024  In 2018, we lost my grandfather, who battled Parkinson's disease in the final years of his life. It made the end of his life incredibly challenging, and both he and my family suffered during this time. A few years later (2021), at the age of 67, my mom (who is incredibly healthy and active) was unexpectedly diagnosed with Parkinson's disease while participating in a clinical trial to study the disease. I have been educating myself on the disease and would like to get more involved. I recently read Ending Parkinson's Disease: A Prescription for Action, and it has inspired me to become more engaged in advocacy. Running the NY Marathon - where my grandfather lived, where my mom grew up, and where I was born - would be an amazing way to honor them both and to help raise money and awareness for something I care deeply about.
02/03/2024  My father has Parkinsons. He was also a Marine which is why I chose that race.
02/04/2024  My Uncle was diagnosed with Parkinson's about 10 years ago.
02/05/2024  My brother-in-laws Dad has Parkinson's. I've done the Parkinson's Walk 5 times in NYC city and I would like to do the Chicago Half Marathon in his honor. I also just want to help make a difference.
02/05/2024  My grandmother has Parkinson's disease and as a medical student, and future physician, I want to give back to a cause near and dear to our family and honor the incredible woman my grandmother is.
02/05/2024  My dad passed away from Parkinson's in 2013
02/06/2024  My uncle was diagnosed with PD 3 months ago.
02/06/2024  I am passionate about bringing awareness to this since it is currently incurable.
02/06/2024  My grandfather had Parkinson's
02/06/2024  Grandmother with Parkinson's. Want to see her life improve.
02/06/2024  My mom owns a gym in New York - Lexington Avenue Gym, and runs weekly classes for 40+ people with Parkinsons under "Rock Steady Boxing." She also started a social group with the woman who have Parkinsons. This is very meaningful to my family.
02/06/2024  I have family that runs a rock steady boxing location. This is a very important cause for my family and it would mean a lot to run with this charity.
02/07/2024  In 2016, my grandmother (Gram) was diagnosed with Parkinson's, and the disease has progressed over the past 7-8 years to a very advanced stage. While her love and spirit continue to be felt by those around her, it is now vital for my family & me to care for her just like she has cared for all of us. From the onset of her diagnosis, Gram was determined to learn about Parkinson's while trying to slow its progression and overcome the effects. She became an active member of the local Parkinson's boxing group as well as the Parkinson's Foundation of Western PA. These resources provided tremendous support and community for her battle against Parkinson's, especially in its earlier stages. Between weekly boxing classes for balance & mobility, class lunches for community and friendship, seminars for learning about living with Parkinson's and much more, Gram has been an active participant in the Western PA Parkinson's community. Due to the progression of her Parkinson's disease, her ability to remain involved and fight against Parkinson's is declining, and I am motivated to join the Parkinson's Champions in support of her journey and the journey of all people living with Parkinson's. Being involved with the Parkinson's Champions would provide the opportunity to help spread awareness and raise funds for vital research towards a cure and resources for supporting people with Parkinson's disease. At the end of a recent visit, Gram whispered to me that she's "going to fight the good fight," and I would be honored to join the Parkinson's Champions to help people continue to fight and overcome Parkinson's one day.
02/08/2024  Loss my father to Parkinson on 8/23/2023
02/08/2024  My connection to the Parkinson's community stems from the profound impact the disease has had on my family. Witnessing the struggles faced by my grandmothers, one of whom has passed away and the other currently residing in a care facility, has fueled my determination to take action. Participating in events like Parkinson's Champions allows me to honor their memory, raise awareness, and contribute to the ongoing efforts to find better treatments and, ultimately, a cure for Parkinson's disease. By running with this community, I hope to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by this condition and offer support to individuals and families navigating similar journeys.
02/08/2024  I am running in honor of my uncle who has been fighting Parkinson's for the past 10 years. I'm also a current medical student and hope to help patients like my uncle in the future. It's always been a dream of mine to run the Chicago Marathon and I can't think of a better organization to run with!
02/08/2024  Parkinson's is a disease that I have unfortunately, personally seen affect several of my loved ones. It would be an honor to run and raise money while doing so, to support the charity that fights and spreads awareness of Parkinson's.
02/08/2024  Dear all, I hope you find this email well. My name is Banessa Ayangco and I would like to take part in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon 2024 by raising funds for Parkinson's Foundation. My uncle, who stood by me as a father, had suffered with Parkinson's disease and died from it. Living in the Philippines back then, I have seen him struggle with Parkinson's with my own eyes. Painful as it is, how I wish I could have done something to alleviate his suffering. Thus, this disease really hit home. Moving forward, if you may, I would like to raise awareness and help raise funds in support of the Parkinson's Foundation by running the Chicago marathon 2024. I plan to raise funds through my family and friends all over the world to commit with the minimum amount you require. I am determined not only to finish the race, but also to go an extra mile with the fundraising. Hoping for your positive response regarding this matter. Warm regards, Miss Banessa Ayangco
02/09/2024  My grandfather (who has now passed) had Parkinson's so I have seen the toll it takes. Running the Chicago Marathon is also an important personal goal for me.
02/10/2024  I compete annually in a half marathon sponsored any APDA in Cottage Grove Wisconsin.
02/10/2024  In 2021, my mother-in-law, Suzanne, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Since her diagnosis, she has become more involved with the local chapter of the Parkinson's Foundation, providing her a community for discussion and activities to cope. It was great to hear Suzanne inform me she was picking up pickleball for Parkinson's. Suzanne as a pickleball player was a surprise to us all, but she has been hooked and looks forward to playing any chance she can. She was also very enthusiastic about a recent Parkinson's Wellness Expo that encouraged her to move in ways that are out of her comfort zone. I also had an aunt who recently passed who had Parkinson's and has given more meaning to run for Parkinson's Champions. I wish she had connected to the resources and community that the Parkinson's Foundation has provided for my Mother-In-Law. My wife, Emmaline, and I resonate with the desire to find a community to motivate and support one another in achieving our goals. For us, we are very involved in the Rochester Running community and are ambassadors for Rochester Running Company (RRC). RRC is a running store with a vision to create a community regardless of your miles run or pace. This community has helped Emma and me aim for new challenges and further distances that have only been encouraged by the running community. Our goal for running for the Parkinson's Champions would be to bring awareness to our running community and give back to an organization that has provided so much to my Mother-In-Law for the last two years.
02/10/2024  In 2021, my mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease (PD). This didn't seem to come as a surprise to her, as her grandfather also had PD. Instead of getting discouraged, my mom dove head first into the Parkinson's community, engaging herself with local support groups, signing up for "Pickleball for Parkinson's" and yoga classes, and participating in research through the Parkinson's Foundation and a local university. She even brought my sisters and I to a Parkinson's Wellness Expo, sponsored by the local chapter of the Parkinson's Foundation, for us to learn more about PD and how to support her. I have seen her embrace a diagnosis that could be an excuse or a limitation. I have seen her become engaged in new ways of moving and exercise that she had never previously considered. I have watched her gain new friends in her early 70's. She has found a positive and encouraging community through her diagnosis, and the Parkinson's Foundation has played an integral role in that. My husband, Casey, and I have been running races for years, and are always looking for the next challenge. We would appreciate the opportunity to give back to an organization that has already benefited my family in a short amount of time. Growing up, my parents were very active runners and I spent many Saturday mornings as a child at races. While my mom can no longer run, she continues to inspire me by walking over six miles every day- and I do mean every day! Being able to fundraise through running would mean a lot to both my mom and me. The Parkinson's Foundation states that they aim to make life better for people living with Parkinson's disease. We have already witnessed that mission exemplified through my mom's involvement, and seek to impact the organization in a positive way. I very much appreciate the Foundation's mission to not just find a cure, but to support those living with the disease in very tangible (and FUN) ways.
02/11/2024  My uncle Mike just got diagnosed with Parkinson's
02/12/2024  My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's several years ago. After watching what he has undergone, I can only imagine the hardships people with Parkinson's experience regularly. I would like to run and fundraise for this foundation in honor of him.
02/12/2024  My mom was just diagnosed with Parkinson's. She is also an avid runner and completed her first marathon in her 50s, a full Ironman triathlon at age 60. Running to fundraise for Parkinson's feels like an active step I can take to further research into this disease that is directly impacting my family.
02/13/2024  As a nurse dealing and seeing patients with Parkinson's is a tough thing, because they want to move but it makes it difficult for them to do so due gait imbalance and struggles. But as a nurse being able to help them with movement is rewarding. Also would like to do this race with a friend who is doing it for her dad with Parkinson's.
02/13/2024  Supporting my friend whose dad has Parkinson's
02/13/2024  My grandma had Parkinson's and I would love to help raise money for research and treatment!
02/13/2024  My father passed away from a lengthy battle with Parkinsons in 2022. I would love a chance to raise funding and honor his memory.
02/13/2024  My father has been diagnosed with Parkinson disease.
02/13/2024  I have a grandmother that suffers from parkinson's
02/13/2024  I'm interested in learning more about your charity while doing a Disney run.
02/14/2024  A friend of mines mom passes from Parkinsons
02/14/2024  One of my best friends has diagnosed PD a few years ago. He is in a very early age group which is in fortys. There is nothing I can help but just this raising event may benefit PD research and ultimately hope that he will be benefit in someway.
02/14/2024  I would like to bring awareness to my community.
02/14/2024  I have seen Parkinson's play a role in my life, from having idols suffer through the unfortunate disease. As I have learned more about Parkinson's, I want to raise awareness. Parkinson's can negatively affect one's quality of life, so I want to raise awareness and reduce stigmas around the disease.
02/15/2024  My grandmother had Parkinson's towards the end of her life and I saw the struggles she went through on a daily basis to try and complete simple tasks. I would like to run with this group to honor her memory and raise funds for a great cause.
02/15/2024  My aunt (like a mom to me) was diagnosed a few years back.
02/15/2024  sdfsdf
02/16/2024  My father-in-law has Parkinson and I would like to help running.
02/16/2024  This is my first time running with you guys and look forward to helping your organization
02/16/2024  Physical Therapist primarily working with individuals with neurologic conditions. Parkinsons & Movement Disorder Alliance Ambassador. Started a business with emphasis on helping individuals with movement disorders through physical therapy and group exercise classes. I've been blessed with the opportunity to support several individuals with Parkinson's Disease and we have made such a difference in each others lives.
02/16/2024  I am interested in running with the Parkinson's Champions due to my work as a speech-language pathologist. I work in sub-acute rehab where I treat patients diagnosed with Parkinson's almost every day. By providing therapy that focuses on language, speech, voice, cognition, and swallow, I am able to hopefully positively impact the lives of these individuals and their families. By running with your foundation, I am able to give back and help support this community.
02/16/2024  My grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's in her 50's and passed away shortly after my first baby was born. I have just gotten back into racing since having 2 boys and would love to run in my grandmother's honor.
02/17/2024  My father-in-law passed away from complications due to Parkinson's shortly before the wedding 2 years ago. My wife is unable to run and I would like to support her by doing this race.
02/17/2024  My girlfriend's father was recently diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease. Since Parkinson's is a disease in which there is no cure, I would love to help fundraise money for Parkinson's to take one step closer to a cure. It would mean a great deal to both my girlfriend and her family knowing that I am fundraising for a cause that has such a huge impact on the people closest to us.
02/17/2024  My grandfather was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. He has always been a high energy, light hearted individual, and following the diagnoses, have started to notice changes to his energy levels, personality, and normal course of life. My grandfather is the first immediate member of my family to be diagnosed, and hoping to be drawn closer to the community with running for Parkinson's Champions.
02/17/2024  My long time partner of 8 years' father has Parkinson's disease. The cause is very near and dear to my heart as he was diagnosed young and I have witnessed his father's journey with Parkinson's during the course of our relationship. He is constantly trying new dosages of medications to find a happy medium and it is very costly. I hope one day that there can be a cure for this difficult degenerative disease.
02/18/2024  My grandmother had Parkinsons and it runs in our family.
02/19/2024  I lost my grandfather to parkinson's disease. We were very close and he was one of my role models growing up. If I can help contribute to fundraising and spreading awareness to so in the future someone else doesn't need to lose a family member to Parkinson's that's the best case for me. Pertaining to running experience, I've ran numerous events in the past including half marathons, 10 miles, etc. This year I will be running the Chicago Marathon for charity and if I am to raise money for a group I'd like for it to a cause against Parkinson's.
02/19/2024  My grandma was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2019 and passed away in 2021. Seeing the toll the disease took on her made me want to do something.
02/19/2024  I am currently an occupational therapist at a hospital in Connecticut. After working with many patients who have been diagnosed with PD I feel a completing urge to run the Chicago marathon in support of finding a cure and aiding in support for this amazing charity
02/19/2024  I have a close family friend who was diagnosed in his early 30s. It totally disrupted his life & has changed his family forever. There needs to be a cure for this awful disease.
02/19/2024  My grandmother is battling Parkinsons and I'd like to honor her. She's very active and is the reason I love the outdoors. I want to find a way to honor her and motivate my training.
02/20/2024  Despite being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, my grandfather bravely battled it throughout his life. An award-winning carpenter, he refused to let the disease defeat him. As it progressed, rendering him unable to stand, he taught himself to carve by hand, not letting the disease take away his love of woodworking. In May 2022, he entered Hospice care with a prognosis of six months to live, but remarkably, he emerged after just three months. Tragically, he passed away in November 2024. To honor his dream of not giving up, I aspire to run a marathon and raise money for Parkinson's research.
02/20/2024  My partner's mom and uncle were both diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2023 within months of each other. My partner (Jorge Santiago Ortiz) and I are both applying to run with the Parkinson's Champions to raise money for Parkinson's research and show our support for the community.
02/20/2024  My Grandpa had Parkinson's and I was extremely close to him. I would run in his honor!
02/21/2024  My uncle was Gary Cole who just passed away last weekend after a 20 year battle with Parkinson's disease. He was the President of the Maine Parkinson's Society for many years as well. When I was in high school I organized a Bowl-a-thon on his behalf to raise money for the Maine Parkinson's Society.
02/21/2024  This is my first marathon, someone said if running for a charity, run for one that means something. I grew up watching Michael J Fox, Family Ties was the show to watch. I have seen him with strength courage, and the never quit attitude that is so admirable. Seems like a great cause to raise money for to find a cure!
02/21/2024  My paternal grandfather suffered from Parkinson's.
02/21/2024  Have a family member effected
02/21/2024  My dad has Parkinson's disease and I am passionate about finding a cure and raising awareness. He was a chemist who worked with heavy metals, so I am especially interested in epigenetics and environmental impacts that may be associated with PD
02/23/2024  I am an avid runner & as my running 'career' developed, at the same time, I cared for my grandmother in the last year and a half of her life. She ultimately succumbed to her Parkinson's diagnosis & died in 2023. I PROMISED her that I would do everything possible to ensure that further research for Parkinson's. It was such a huge part of my life the last year and a half. So, needless to say, running & Parkinson's is near and dear to me. Additionally, I have been injured in the past and my running specific physical therapist has a deep connection to Parkinson's through his own family members. SO we would be quite the team :)
02/23/2024  Unfortunately, I recently lost my best friend, my grandmother to Parkinson's. My family and I watch the disease progress throughout her for close to a decade. I am an avid runner and run Marathons annually and I wanted to run for a purpose this time. I will be running in honor of my Grandmother.
02/23/2024  My grandfather had Parkinsons disease. All of my memories of him are from later in his life where the Parkisons had progressed. Know this can be hereditary, I want to do what I can to help end this disease.
02/23/2024  My grandfather has been living with Parkinson's for the past few years. As a medical student and the only person in healthcare in my family, I have played a large role in helping him with medications and advocating for him. I am applying for residency in neurology, as I want to work with Parkinson's patients in my future career as a doctor. I am also an avid runner. I frequently compete in races and have won awards. I won my age category in a half marathon with a time of 1:41. Most recently, I won a local 5K with a time of 19:35. I run most days of the week, and I am really hoping to run my first marathon this year, as I very much enjoy distance running. Running with the Parkinson's Champions would be a great honor for me, as this cause is very important to me and my family. I would love to run a marathon on my grandfather's behalf and be a part of this team.
02/25/2024  I'm an LMSW working in New York City at a nursing and rehabilitation center. Many of the residents who I care for carry a Parkinson's diagnosis and I would be honored to run in support of them. I've grown very close to many of them and their families during their time at my facility. They've made a great impact both in my professional career and personal life
02/25/2024  My grandfather has been living with Parkinson's for many years now and through that time, I have watched the disease progress and have more and more of an effect on him as he has lost a lot of his motor capabilities. He's no longer able to do many of the activities he loves to do (golfing, skating, sports in general, walking his dog, etc.) and can't do even simpler things like walking or showering on his own anymore, which has been difficult to see as I've always known him as being extremely independent, active, and strong. While it's of course challenging to see someone you love go through this, the experience has inspired me to run the 2024 NYC Marathon for my grandpa - I know it's something he would be so excited about and I want to do it while he is still here to see me finish. I feel extremely passionate about running the marathon with the Parkinson's Champions and would be honored to raise money for the organization and awareness about the disease in the hopes of improving care and advancing research so that we can eventually find a cure.
02/26/2024  My aunty is battling this disease and now we have been taking care of here at her home. It has been a long rough but at the same time beautiful road to see a different.
02/26/2024  My grandfather had Parkinson's which significantly impacted his final decade which happened to be the bulk of time I shared with him. I am interested in supporting the Parkinsons's community so that some day fewer people suffer in the way my grandfather did.
02/26/2024  Had a grandparent who had Parkinsons
02/26/2024  I am hoping to run the chicago marathon this year and I wanted to run it with a charity. I chose parkinson's champions because my grandfather has parkinson's and it felt like a personal area to support.
02/27/2024  My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease while I was in my final year of medical school. She has always been a constant source of encouragement for me over the years and I want to run this for her. Although she will tell me that I do not need to run any number of miles to show that I care, ever since her diagnosis I have been looking for the right time to do this. I know how important research funding, spreading awareness, and building community can be and look forward to the opportunity to participate.
02/27/2024  My cousin recently passed away after living with Parkinson's for over 20 years. His experience really opened my eyes to the need for more financial support for families and research.
02/28/2024  I am very passionate about the running community, especially in Chicago. I have a fantastic experience running the 2023 Chicago Marathon on behalf of another charity partner. My experience was incredibly enriched by running on behalf of a charity partner & could not imagine not doing so again this year.
02/28/2024  Parkinson's hits close to home for myself, as well as I'm sure many others affiliated with the Parkinson's Foundation. My grandfather, Dr. Vincent T. Shea unfortunately lost his battle with the disease in February of 2022. He was a light that this world surely misses and a glue that kept my extended family together. He touched the lives of countless individuals as a Chief of Surgery for decades at St. Mary's Hospital in central Connecticut and did so with the utmost kindness and compassion for his patients. Following the passing of my grandfather, I sought an outlet to sit with the emotions that his death had left me with. There's many different paths an individual can turn down when faced with such feelings, however for me, this was running. I'd spend hours on the Central Park loop in New York City sifting through my thoughts and emotions - eventually feeling slightly better after each run. This had a compounding affect on both my mental and physical health and eventually I learned to love running - as it was my outlet to in a way, meditate and truly feel my emotions and work through them. Since that winter in 2022, I've fell in love with the sport of running, and it's something that makes me feel closer to my grandfather. Each time I set out on the road, I feel him with me and can feel how proud of me he is. It's a special feeling that I struggle to find the words to describe, but it's there. I've been living in New York City for two and a half years now, and have been in the crowd watching the NYC Marathon each year. At the conclusion I always am left with a feeling that I would love to be in the race, to raise funds for an organization that I know is doing good things for the world, and that is what has led me to be writing this application today. I know those who are living with Parkinson's would give anything for the opportunity to feel their body capable of completing a marathon. No matter how difficult it may be. That is what fuels me to pursue the endeavor. To raise money for an organization that is giving back to that community, to raise awareness and shed light on the disease. Not for what it does to the humans it affects, but to spotlight how incredible those humans are and how resilient that truly are. Just like my grandfather was. Running has sort of become my personality to my family and friends, and I've held conversations with my grandmother and have promised her one day, I would run for the cause of Parkinson's. I'm hoping this is my year that I'll be granted that opportunity to raise funds for such a great cause, in the name of my grandfather and all those suffering or who will suffer from the terrible disease. I'm looking forward to bringing positivity to the road and giving my family another opportunity to reflect on how great my grandfather was (which they're never hesitant to.. for the record) and to show the power of human potential.
02/28/2024  I volunteered and worked with P.D. patients in college and after college on the fitness side. I learned how beneficial exercise is to help prevent the disease from getting worse and slow progression. I've made so many connections within the Parkinson's community and have learned so much about the disease.
03/01/2024  One of my family friends has Parkinson's, and I would like to do the race in their honor
03/02/2024  I'm a Neuro RN
03/02/2024  My mom has Parkinson's and is an active participant in research through the foundation. I want to run to support her and the foundation.
03/03/2024  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease this year, and the athleticism and grit he has shown his whole life has been a big motivator for me in my running career. I hope to have this opportunity to run on behalf of him and others with Parkinson's.
03/03/2024  My father has Parkinson since 15 years and my dream is to run the NYC. I know my father will be super proud to see me do this and your charity is thus super meaningful to me.
03/03/2024  My dad fought Parkinson's for many years. I would like to run and raise funds in his memory.
03/03/2024  My father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's and I have seen how it has taken over his life. It has progressed right in front of my eyes. It is scary and painful to watch a loved one go through it.
03/04/2024  I'd be honored to run alongside the Parkinson's Champions. My grandfather had Parkinson's disease, and I saw how challenging this diagnosis became for both him and my family, especially as we navigated it amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. My papa passed in October of 2020. I've only recently fallen in love with running, but knew that if and when I ran my first marathon, I wanted to do it alongside a charity that meant something to me. I am really hopeful there is still an open spot to run with you.
03/04/2024  I am looking forward to running with the Parkinson's Champions, as I have a family member who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
03/04/2024  My dad was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. I also lost my mother in law to the disease. Planning to run with my sister Margot Lafreniere
03/05/2024  Parkinson's is a terrible disease that has been slowly robbing me of my amazing father over the course of the last3-4 years. At first it was hard to diagnose like with many neurological disorders, so I believe he has been afflicted with it for longer than we know. My bike riding, joke telling life of the party Dad has now been Mom tells me he doesn't say much anymore in public settings as he is afraid it will come out turned around or not make sense. This breaks my heart as he was so witty and charming and he still is, he is just afraid to show it. He also has terrible jaw problems that has his lower jaw jutting out and is making it harder for him to talk and chew. I HATE this disease and I would love to be a part of this run so I could runas fast and as long as I could to raise money to help find a cure for parkinson's!
03/05/2024  I lost my grandmother to Parkinson's Disease and its impacts this year. I want to raise money for PD in her honor and her legacy. It's what she'd want me to do.
03/05/2024  I used to run a 5K in San Diego and several years ago. My mother was diagnosed with PD.
03/06/2024  About 10 years ago, my father was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinsons. I'll never forget the moment my parents told me. Since then, my father has been the best patient a neurologist could have. He's into kickboxing, goes to support groups, takes his medicine religiously, does phsyical therapy, etc. etc. He has not let his diagnosis stop him from enjoying life. Even still, it's been hard to watch my dad silently suffer as this disease takes more control over him. My father is the best dad a daughter could ask for. He's patient, calm, witty, caring, and always makes me feel loved. He's my emergency contact in the literal sense and the metaphorical sense. He's always there. If I run this marathon, I'll only run it to fundraise for Parkinson's. This isn't a ticket into the race for me. I won't be applying to run for any other causes to sponsor me. I only want to run this for him. And while he's still able to cheer from the sidelines of a bustling NYC crowd. It would be an honor to run with Parkinson's Champions.
03/07/2024  My dad has Parkinson's and I'd like to be more involved with the community and raising awareness.
03/07/2024  My best friend was diagnosed with Parkinson's 10 years ago. I would be running for him.
03/07/2024  My grandpa struggled with Parkinson's for as long as I can remember until he passed. I watched him slowly deteriorate and lose himself and his personality being trapped inside a body that couldn't support him. I would love to have the opportunity to run for him and in his honor and raise money to help fight this horrific disease.
03/08/2024  I am interested in running with the Parkinson's Champions in honor of my grandmother who passed away. She battled with Parkinson's for many years, and seeing the effects this disease had on her body was extremely heartbreaking. It would be such an honor to run in her memory and the many others who have/are dealing with Parkinson's.
03/09/2024  Unfortunately I lost my meme (grandmother) to Parkinson. And want to run for her.
03/10/2024  My dad has been diagnosed with Parkinson's for 13 years, and I would love to run for a cause that means so much to me and my family
03/11/2024  My grandfather had Parkinson's
03/11/2024  My uncle has Parkinson's so it's a cause close to my heart
03/11/2024  Parkinsons Disease has had a major impact on my life. When I was 10 years old my grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson. Though the disease had begun with just a tremor in his right hand, it progressed rapidly and eventually coincided with rapidly deteriorating dementia. 14 years later, he was recently placed in hospice care and was given a short timeline to live. I have always dreamed of running the marathon for Parkinson's disease in honor of him before he passes away and this is likely the last time I could fulfill that dream.
03/12/2024  Parkinson's disease runs in my family. My great uncle who is suffering from the disease has recently been moved to a hospice facility. I would like to run to raise awareness and contribute to the search for a cause.
03/12/2024  My grandfather battled Parkinson's for about a decade when I was in middle school and high school. He was always a very active to see his motor controls go was rather difficult to see. He was such a wonderful person and always had an amazing attitude during the final years (which were quite difficult). I can go on about him but the reason that I would like to run for PD is to be able to raise as much money and awareness towards the issue that I can. It would mean a lot to my family and myself to be able to tag this issue to my race. Would love to speak upon this further if your team would like but thank you for your consideration! I am excited for the opportunity.
03/12/2024  I want to bring awareness to Parkinson's disease and its effects on individuals.
03/12/2024  In 2020 my grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's. At the time my family was focused on maintaining his physical and we did not know the full impact Parkinson's has on the brain and the cognitive symptoms that are produced because of it. Over the last 3 years, I have become an advocate for elderly black men that are experiencing all symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
03/12/2024  One of best family friends was diagnosed with a Parkisons described ailment that is continuing to get worse. We have also done events with the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkison's Research and are very much dedicated to helping find comfort, relief and hopefully a cure for this devastating disease.
03/12/2024  My father died of Parkinson's in February of 2021. I just learned about the organization and want to run to support them in honor of my dad.
03/12/2024  My husband's father died from Parkinson's and I want to run alongside my husband in his father's honor
03/13/2024  After watching my sister complete two marathons in the past few years, I've been inspired to run a marathon. I grew up in NJ and currently live in NYC, and would love to have the chance to run the NYC marathon in 2024. I believe running and fundraising for a charity is a great way to fulfill my personal running goals as well as raise awareness and give back to my community. My grandpa was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease almost 30 years ago and passed away last summer. He was a great role model and I like to think I share a lot of qualities with him, one being that the quietest person in the room often has the most to say. I watched his condition slowly deteriorate throughout my entire life but he was so strong and never let his illness affect his family or his attitude. He never once complained. During the last few weeks of his life, I saw first-hand the impact of this disease and the emotional toll it took on my mother and her sisters, my grandmother, and his 11 grandchildren (me being one of them). When searching for organizations to partner with for the marathon, I decided it would only be right to support a Parkinson's organization in honor of my grandfather. I hope to raise as much awareness as I can for this disease.
03/13/2024  As a Program Manager at Sibel Health, I work very closely with Clinical Trial Teams who are using our Digital Health Technologies in their studies. We are a leading provider of advanced healthcare technology, with FDA clearance for vital signs monitoring capabilities, sleep analysis, and novel digital endpoints such as scratch, swallow, and cough detection. One of our primary therapeutic areas is Parkinson's - we've developed a sensor for measuring bulbar symptoms and have a partnership with the Michael J Fox foundation. I'm excited to support this cause and population in any way I can.
03/13/2024  My grandfather, Mikey Sherman (or Pop for me), is someone who I have always looked up to. In college he was a two-varsity sport athlete and he grew up to become a criminal defense attorney. When my dad told me Pop was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years ago I did not much think much of it. I was too young to comprehend how serious of a disease Parkinson's is. Throughout my high school and college experience, though, I have seen how Pop's motor skills have severely worsened. While Pop still has some range of motion and is able to comprehend his every-day life, I want to run this marathon for him. It would mean the world for him to watch me as I raise money for a community that is so prevalent in our every day lives.
03/14/2024  I want to dedicate my run to my father who suffers from Parkinson's.
04/25/2024  Both my paternal grandfather and father had/have Parkinson's. I am a Neuroradiologist and would like to support this important cause.
03/15/2024  My grandfather had Parkinson's and was a great influence in my life.
03/15/2024  Very close friend is battling with PD.
03/17/2024  Like many others that have come to you, I would like the opportunity to represent your charity in the race, and make a donation that will help your cause.
03/18/2024  I had a family member pass away recently who had been battling with Parkisons for as long as I can remember and I wanted to run this race in his honor and to do some fundraising for a good cause!
03/18/2024  I have had family members with Parkinsons and this is a charity that I would feel passionate about fundraising for.
03/18/2024  My brother has Parkinson's
03/18/2024  My uncle (dad's brother) has Parkinson's and I would love to support him by fundraising and running on his behalf.
03/20/2024  From a young age, I watch my grandmother battle, Parkinson's disease, and I want to do this in her honor
03/20/2024  My wife's father (Noel Richardson) ran for Ireland multiple times on the European and Global level. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's at a 41 but he has endured, and he finds much of his happiness thru movement/running today. He is now 58 and has gotten progressively worse since the first time I met him, 8 years ago. I run with him in my heart and mind.
03/21/2024  my grandfather is a marine and he was in camp lejune. from that camp water, he was poisoned and developed parkinson's. he has had a tough battle with it but has fought it for nearly 10 years and is still going strong. he is from the cape area so it means a lot to be doing a race where he's from in honor of him.
03/21/2024  I lost my grandfather to Parkinson's disease just over a year ago in January of 2023. Parkinson's took many things from my grandfather, including his motor skills, but there were many things it did not take as well. His humor and steady love for dessert and his grandchildren remained until the very end. I think of my grandfather every single day, and I know he will be cheering me on from heaven as I cross the finish line on November 3rd. I am interested in running and fundraising for Parkinson's Champions in my grandfather's honor.
03/22/2024  Parkinson's disease has impacted me and my family ever since I was a little kid. My Nonna, who was one the closest person to me in my life, had Parkinson's since I could remember. Throughout my life, I would have to help her with the smallest things such as helping her drink water, grabbing a straw for her at restaurants because she was too embarrassed to ask herself, open items, etc. These nuisances made me realize the impact it had on her and her ability to live a normal life. It never stopped her from having a smile on her face everyday and making sure she could be the best Nonna to me, which when I look back on her life, was only something a really strong woman could do, going through the problems she had from Parkinson's. I would be honored to have the ability to run on behalf of my Nonna and the Parkinson's Champions.
03/22/2024  I would love to support this cause and help to give back. I witnessed the effects of Parkinson's firsthand through my grandfather I was very close with who had the disease. Running is something I'm very passionate about and I'm eager to through that look for ways to support worthwhile causes like Parkinson's Champions.
03/22/2024  I am deeply motivated to run for Parkinson's Champions in the 2024 NYC Marathon because of the profound impact Parkinson's has had on my family, particularly my late grandmother, Linda. Her battle with Parkinson's, along with MS, spanned over five decades, showcasing her resilience. Witnessing her strength and enduring love throughout her journey has instilled in me a strong determination to make a difference. By participating in the NYC Marathon and raising funds for Parkinson's Champions, I hope to honor my grandmother's memory and contribute towards supporting those affected by this debilitating disease. This cause is undeniably close to my heart, driving me to take action and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others facing similar challenges. I would be honored and eternally grateful to be given the opportunity to run for Parkinson's Champions in November 2024. Thank you for your consideration!
03/24/2024  I am have parkinson
03/24/2024  During my undergraduate career, I studied neuroscience and I saw how this disease impacted people's lives. The daily tasks I take for granted are the tasks wish they had the ease of performing. I think funding is through running is a great way to give because it is a celebration of what our bodies can do; and I hope that one day, everyone could get the opportunity to.
03/24/2024  Interested in running with the team to educate and raise more awareness of the disease. I also learned about a wide range of neurological diseases in college which sparked my interest in learning more about Parkinson's.
03/24/2024  My grandfather, Steve Burne, was diagnosed with Parkinson's when I was in high school. I remember playing badminton with him in the yard, swimming in the pool or messing with all his instruments. The onset of the symptoms were not so noticeable at first, but developed rapidly during college. He quickly lost the ability to play his beloved instruments, along with the majority of his mobility. By the time I graduated, he was barley able to hold a conversation for more than a few sentences. About a year ago, Gramps passed away after fighting Parkinson's for over a decade. It would be absolute honor to run the NYC marathon in his memory, while raising money for all the Parkinson's Foundation does. Extra special would be the opportunity to run and raise alongside my sister, Sarah Moore, with the support of our family.
03/25/2024  My partners dad had Parkinson's
06/05/2024  My partner was recently diagnosed with PD.
03/25/2024  I am a clinical neurologist at Loyola and it would be an honor to run this race and do if for a cause and patient population close to my heart
03/25/2024  I've been connected to the Parkinson's community for my entire life. My grandfather, Tom Mason, lived with the disease from when I was born until when he passed away in 2020. Despite Parkinson's preventing him from taking the daily jogs during lunch he loved and hurting his golf game a few strokes, Tom was always so positive and had an infectious personality. He rarely missed any significant events in my life growing up and I spent most Sundays at his house talking college basketball and reading the paper. Now living in NYC, I have taken up running as a daily hobby myself and can think of no better way to stay connected to the memory of my grandfather than running the NYC marathon and raising as much money as I can for the Parkinson's foundation.
03/25/2024  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's during Covid and unfortunately the disease has progressed rapidly. I turn 40 years old this year. When my mother was 40, she ran the New York marathon with my dad cheering by her side. My dad has been my best coach, cheerleader and champion my whole life. It is my hope that he will be there beside me when I run in November the way he was for my mom. And to be able to show my support for him and stand beside him fighting for this disease while he fights it everyday.
03/27/2024  My grandmother has Parkinson's. She has been living with it for many years and I want to support a charity behind the disease.
03/27/2024  As a lifelong New Yorker, I've always wanted to run the New York Marathon. This year, I'm turning 40 and inspired to run -- as an inspiration to my own children, but also in support of my father. My father, a New Yorker and lover of all city things, has been living with Parkinson's for the last 15 years. The Parkinson Foundation is a key player in advancing the science around Parkinson's, and I would be honored to run in support of them.
03/27/2024  I first learned about Parkinson's Champions through some friends who participated in the 2023 TCS NYC Marathon with them. They spoke highly about the organization and the individuals they collaborated with during the fundraising process. While I don't have any personal ties to either the organization or Parkinson's disease, I understand the challenges faced by those afflicted and their families due to the disease's gradual progression and its impact on fundamental movements and motor functions, among other factors. My ultimate interest to run for the Parkinson's Champions team is because it advocates for a cause I wholeheartedly support --the advancements in Parkinson's research, enhanced care, and broader access to quality-of-life initiatives -- and I'm driven to carry that passion throughout every mile of the 26.2-mile event
03/27/2024  My little brother, Roger, was diagnosed with Parkinson's when he was 21 years old (he is now 29). Since then, my entire family's life has revolved around learning, understanding, and researching all facets of Parkinson's disease. My sister and I have spent the last 9 years working with our parents to help care for our brother and improve his quality of life to any extent possible. Roger unfortunately did not respond well to the various medications, treatments, therapy, we trialed and became extremely debilitated by PD during Covid. In 2022, thanks to the team at NYU, my brother had DBS surgery. The last few years have been touch and go but he is finally becoming himself again. While Parkinson's has been absolutely devastating in some regards, it has also opened up our worlds to new communities, doctors, and organizations around the world that are working diligently to find a cure for a disease that, prior to his diagnosis, we were truly unfamiliar with. My sister and I have lived in NYC for over 10 years and my brother's doctors are at NYU - we have such strong ties to this city and we wanted to do something impactful this year to bring attention to PD. We love the NYC Marathon and have had many friends run it, and we think this would be a great time to run it ourselves.
03/27/2024  Parkinson's has affected my family and my life both personally and deeply. My younger, Roger, was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson's Disease during my last year in dental school. I can still remember the frantic phone call from my mom. My brother was diagnosed when he was 21 years old (he is now 29). Since then, all of our lives changed in ways we could have never imagined. Our life as a family has revolved around learning, understanding, and researching all facets of Parkinson's disease. My sister and I have spent the last 9 years working with our parents to help care for our brother and improve his quality of life to any extent possible. In the beginning we were hopeful and Imagined the disease would progress slowly annd more anggressive treatments; DBS,Focus Ultrasound were years away. Unfortunately we quickly learned, as many families battling Parkinson's have learned, the disease outpaced our optimism and Roger became extremely debilitated by PD during Covid. In 2022, when the dyskinesia, tremor, and freezing periods became too intolerable to bear, my brother had DBS surgery. The last few years have been touch and go but he is finally becoming himself again. While Parkinson's has been absolutely devastating in some regards, it has also opened up our worlds to new communities, doctors, and organizations around the world that are working diligently to find a cure for a disease that, prior to his diagnosis, we were truly unfamiliar with. My sister and I have lived in NYC for over 10 years and my brother's doctors are at NYU - we have such strong ties to this city and we wanted to do something impactful this year to bring attention to PD. We love the NYC Marathon and have had many friends run it, and we think this would be a great time to run it ourselves.
03/28/2024  My uncle is greatly affected by Parkinson's disease. When he was diagnosed over 15 years ago, the results did not look positive. Now, having multiple innovative brain surgeries, he is still alive and long outlasting his life expectancy. Given that he was born and raised in NYC and has no children of his own, I would be honored to run in his name.
03/28/2024  My Nana, Anna Marie Gilmartin Murphy, had Parkinson's disease and unfortunately passed away in December of 2014. I was a senior in High School at the time, and it was a huge loss for my family. However, in her memory, I am motivated to raise money and awareness to hopefully move closer to a cure. I have been a runner since High School, where I ran Cross Country, and it is something that my family and I have bonded over. My dad and I run a 5 mile race together every year, in the town where my Nana and Pop Pop used to have an Ice Cream store. I haven't told him yet that I am applying for this. It would mean so much to me, my Dad, and my family if I could run the Marathon in support of Parkinson's!
03/28/2024  I am a selfish volunteer. Everything I do is to help my dad, best friend and biggest ally, David, who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2020. I'm proud to volunteer with the Parkinson's Foundation, and have loved supporting the past two annual Parkinson's Revolution events at Chelsea Piers. It's been so meaningful and empowering to spend time with people with PD and their families - to know that there are other people going through the same things as me. I want to continue supporting the Parkinson's Foundation and spreading awareness about this unfortunate disease - to help young people like me learn about ways to be the best possible advocate for their loved ones and to learn about all the ways we can live fulfilling and happy lives with this disease.
03/28/2024  My uncle has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's, and I hope to see treatment and research make strides during his lifetime.
03/28/2024  My grandpa hard Parkinson's and was always there to support me, regardless of how he was feeling or what he was going through. I think this would be an awesome way to honor him and hopefully bring resources to those who are currently going through it!
03/28/2024  I'm interested in representing Parkinson's Champions because I've had two immediate family members die from Parkinson's disease. Their struggles have fueled my determination to contribute to finding a cure and supporting those affected by the disease. Joining the marathon charity team, allows me to combine my passion for running with making a tangible difference in the Parkinson's community. I'm eager to raise awareness and funds for Parkinson's Champions' initiatives and connect with like-minded individuals dedicated to driving meaningful change.
03/28/2024  Both of my grandfathers were diagnosed with Parkinson's. My first grandfather was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's before my parents even were married (when he was about 50 years old). He was incredibly brave throughout the remainder of his life, bringing incredible willpower to each day. My Poppy is still fighting his own battle with Parkinson's. It tries to slow him down, but he is still doing his best to keep going. I'd love to fundraise for this cause in memory and in honor of my two grandfathers.
03/28/2024  My husband has family who had Parkinsons. This would be an awesome way to honor his family who had it and raise funds for those currently going through it!
03/28/2024  Married into my husband family- his grandfather was one of my favorite people. He battled the disease and I saw how had it was on not only him but the whole family. Anything I can do to raise money for a cure is worth it to me.
03/28/2024  I am interested in running the NYC marathon with Parkinson's Champions for two reasons. The first reason is I believe Parkinsons research to be extremely important. It is a disease I believe has a cure if we could fund enough research. I am also interested in securing a bib for the NYC marathon because my sister-in-law that just went through a year of treatment for Leukemia is now in remission and cleared to run. Her dream is to run the NYC marathon and she has secured a bib. I have promised to run the marathon with her. I am committed to raising funds for your charity and running next to her. I have run 2 marathons in the past and therefore I am also committed to training.
03/28/2024  I have not been personally affected by Parkinson's, but I'm eager to run Chicago marathon and would be excited to contribute to such a great cause.
03/28/2024  My grandfather passed after a long battle with Parkinson's and my mom suffers from a neurodegenerative disease that has similar effects as Parkinson's. Watching their battles makes me want to run for this cause.
03/28/2024  I have an uncle that passed away from Parkinson's recently. As I'm sure everyone experiences, it was hard to see him lose independence and I'd love to be able to participate and help contribute to research and support.
03/28/2024  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's in March of 2023. He is an spectacular father, husband, and brother. He served in the US Army and is a Vietnam veteran. He always worked hard for his family and has been a terrific friend. Even though he is facing new health challenges, he has maintained a positive attitude and is fighting every day to adjust to his new reality. He is an inspiration to all of us! I would like to honor my father and help fundraise for research on cause and treatment.
03/29/2024  I am a neuroscientist by training and I conduct specific Parkinson's Disease therapeutic research and drug discovery. The majority of my PhD thesis focused on developing a novel peptide and delivery vector for the treatment of LRRK2 PD. Further and more personally, my cousin has been diagnosed with early onset PD at the age of 29 and I would be honored to run to show my support for her.
03/29/2024  My dad died 7 years ago and all three of his siblings (my aunt and two uncles) have been diagnosed with Parkinson's.
03/29/2024  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's last year, but has been suffering from symptoms for 10 years now. It was only last year that they diagnosed him and prescribed him a medication that has helped his cognitive ability a good deal. He is a green beret army veteran with a purple heart and ran the New York marathon twice after he returned from war. I want to run with Parkinson's Champions not only for him but for every person, family member and friend affected by Parkinson's.
03/29/2024  I was excited to see that the Parkinson's Champions group still had available spots to join the team and fundraise as this is something near and dear to my heart. My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease about 5 years ago and it has been incredibly difficult to watch him decline over the years. In a recent doctors appointment, he received the terrible news that his body will become paralyzed and he will be unable to walk entirely within the past 3-6 months. Although he is physically declining, he is still one of the wisest men I know and will not stop fighting.
03/29/2024  My great uncle suffered from Parkinson, he was an amazing teacher, father, husband, friend, and uncle. My great aunt and family supported him throughout, and it was inspiring to see him never give up and keep a positive outlook. I would love to be a part of finding a cure for Parkinson.
03/30/2024  My grandfather is my inspiration in everything I do. He was a brilliant engineer and leader to our family. He was so strong in his battle with Parkinson's until the very end in 2016. I run for him.
03/30/2024  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2020. Since then, I have watched him struggle with his symptoms -- and progress through the disease -- despite doing the best he can to manage his condition. It breaks my heart to watch him suffer, even though he does the best he can to hide its impact. I have felt helpless these past few years. By running with Parkinson's Champions, I hope to channel these strong feelings into actually helping to make a difference. Ultimately the funds that we raise will help advance research towards a cure, and I hope that one day no child will have to watch their parent go through this. My father is also born and raised in New York City (and I am in love with this city) - to be able to run the NYC marathon while helping him would be an incredible experience for both of us.
03/30/2024  My dad was recently diagnosed with parkinson. Started running as a manifest and motivation. My dad is the fourth family member diagnosed with parkinson.
03/31/2024  I am a physical therapist who treats a high volume of people with PD. I have also served on our multidsciplinary team at USC and consulted for many years in their neurology department.
03/31/2024  My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's
04/01/2024  My Grandfather recently passed away from Parkinson's in 2022 and I would like to run my first marathon in memory of him in addition to raising awareness and benefitting a wider Parkinson's community than what I am familiar with.
04/01/2024  I am a 25yo male passionate about mental and physical health. I have volunteered 500+ hours in an ambulance as a certified EMT. During my time volunteering, I was witness to quite a number of acute health related emergencies that were highly impressionable. Health is a gift which we should cherish but we are also capable of working toward through fitness. This is my reason for filtering the NYC Marathon partners list and only considering charity partners that are mental/physical health related in nature. I feel extremely confident I will be able to lead a successful charity effort for the Parkinson's Foundation.
04/01/2024  My dad has PD and no longer can do things he used to love. One of those, running marathons. I'm not quite ready for a marathon yet, but I want to show him my support by running the Falmouth like he used to.
04/01/2024  I want to help out and support Parkinson's Champions, even though I don't know anyone with Parkinson's. I find the cause interesting and I believe in giving back to the community.
04/01/2024  I am interested in running with the Parkinson's champions to raise awareness for the community and help to combat a terrible disease.
04/01/2024  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's 8 years ago and over the last two years he has regressed significantly. We have tried everything in the book to help him and view this as another way to hopefully help find treatments and other resources to help both him and those that will be diagnosed in the future.
04/02/2024  My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2017. He works tirelessly to fight this disease through boxing classes, community events, diet alterations, and more. He has blown me away with his positive attitude and exemplary mindset, never complaining about the restrictions of his condition nor giving up on the beauty of what life still offers. My twin bother registered to run the Chicago half marathon through Parkinson's Champions and inspired me to join by his side to race for my dad!
04/02/2024  My Dad Passed from Parkinson's
04/02/2024  My connection to Parkinson's disease, both personally and professionally, has fueled my passion for supporting individuals living with this condition, and I am eager to contribute to the Foundation's mission through this incredible event. On a personal level, Parkinson's disease has deeply impacted my family. Several of my beloved family members have been diagnosed with Parkinson's, and witnessing their journey has been both challenging and inspiring. Their resilience in the face of adversity has motivated me to become actively involved in supporting the Parkinson's community and advocating for advancements in research and care. Professionally, I am an occupational therapist specializing in neurological rehabilitation, with a focus on treating patients with Parkinson's disease. Through my work, I have had the privilege of working closely with individuals affected by Parkinson's, helping them overcome physical and cognitive challenges, and empowering them to live fulfilling lives. Each day, I am reminded of the importance of raising awareness and funding for Parkinson's research, education, and support services. Participating in the NYC Marathon as a representative of the Parkinson's Foundation would not only be a personal challenge but also a meaningful opportunity to raise awareness and funds for a cause that is incredibly close to my heart. I am committed to training rigorously for the event and leveraging my network to garner support and donations for the Foundation's vital programs and initiatives. I firmly believe that by joining forces with the Parkinson's Foundation, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by Parkinson's disease. Together, we can work towards a future where individuals with Parkinson's have access to the resources and support they need to thrive. Thank you for considering my application to participate in the NYC Marathon with the Parkinson's Foundation. I am eager to embark on this journey with your esteemed organization and contribute to our collective efforts in the fight against Parkinson's disease.
04/02/2024  As long as I can remember, I have watched Parkinso's take from those I love. Starting with my great-grandmother, who was first diagnosed when I was only five years old. I watched as, piece by piece, Parkinson's tried to take who she was away from her and was inspired by her refusal to let it take her away from her light. I will forever treasure our walks around her garden and cry for the times when it went from walks to staring out her window from her hospice bed. There was a bittersweet feeling when she finally passed as I mourned the fantastic woman I lost but rejoiced that she was no longer a prisoner to her body and the disease that took it away from her. I wasn't prepared for all these memories to come flooding back only a few years later as my grandfather discovered that he, too, had Parkinson's. We had just celebrated his retirement when he broke the news. I remember his despair, feeling he could see his future through what he experienced with his mother. Saying all he could think about was that one day, he would need us to pull up his pants when he went to the bathroom, just as he had done countless times with his mother. We try to stay optimistic, as research made possible through organizations like this that give us hope. The hope that gets my grandfather up in the morning is what gets him through his countless hours of doctor's appointments and physical therapies; for that reason, hope has been priceless. Because of the hope this organization has provided to my family, I would be honored to represent the work this foundation does, hoping to return to them even a sliver of the good they have done for me and my family.
04/02/2024  My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's a year ago. Every week, he's now immersed in reading studies, engaging in indoor cycling, and participating in rock steady boxing. Both he and my mother are extremely dedicated to understanding and combating Parkinson's. He established our family business,, in 1996, which has evolved from a garage operation to a warehouse enterprise. My father has sacrificed everything for our family, and now it's my turn to contribute to their fight, as well as to support the broader community in combating this disease.
04/02/2024  My uncle was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's so I'd like to do this in his honr.
04/03/2024  My father-in-law has PD, so it is a very important cause for me and my family
04/03/2024  My brother in-law ran the NYC marathon with this group last year and inspired me to start running in similar races.
04/03/2024  My grandmother passed away from Parkinson's Disease in 2015. I am interested in running to honor her legacy.
04/03/2024  My Grandfather and role model passed away from Parkinsons. He has taught me so much about life and all the little things that have made me the man I am today. I miss him every day and want to make sure I can do my part to prevent this disease from affecting others.
04/03/2024  My grandfather has Parkinson's. He's an inspiration. I'm hoping to raise money for him and combine with that my love of running and interest in the NYC marathon!
04/03/2024  As a kid my hero was my uncle. He introduced me to my passion, volleyball, which led me to becoming a collegiate athlete and led me to my profession today. I always watched him in amazement as he was the most athletic person I knew. I idolized him. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's about 15 years ago, and my heart breaks to see my hero over the years having to give up more and more of what he loves to do and was so naturally good at. I'll be honest, I entered the NYC marathon lottery and was not selected. It made me realize that maybe I should be doing the race for a greater reason, something bigger than myself. When deciding on a foundation I should support, my first thought was to raise money for Parkinson's research.
04/04/2024  A family friend is battling Parkinson's
04/04/2024  I had a short period of working in a long term care facility. During this time I worked with many patients with Parkinson's who I cared for deeply. I would love to run with a charity that supports these individuals.
04/04/2024  I was looking for a charity to fundraise and run for, I am hoping to run the Chicago marathon with my mom this fall. I am currently a Public Health student and I thought this would be a great opportunity to get involved and raise money for a worthy cause.
04/05/2024  My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2023 and I would love to support her, and Parkinson's Champions in running the NYC marathon in November.
04/05/2024  Not impacted directly by it but know others who are and want to contribute
04/05/2024  The brain is key for holding the body together. Fundraising for this campaign will help so many others in need.
04/06/2024  Running for a friend Nathalie Andrew's
04/06/2024  Natalie Andrews Counts is my wife. We run for her mom
04/06/2024  My father was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and I'd like to run the NYC marathon to raise funds and awareness for Parkinson's
04/07/2024  I love to run and would like to do it for a good cause.
04/08/2024  As a speech-language pathologist who has worked with individuals living with Parkinson's Disease throughout her career, I feel a special pull towards the community and would love to direct my fundraising efforts to this community. This organization is vital and supports individuals living with PD, but also provides support and education to families which is so very crucial and life-changing.
04/08/2024  My dad was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. I am really struggling with it because this is the furthest I have been away from him and I'm busy with medical school so I cannot go home often. I want to run this race to do my part to support the fight against PD. I am living in Philadelphia and I think I could get a lot of support from friends here for it.
04/08/2024  My boyfriends dad recently was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, I would be running and raising money for him
04/08/2024  My girlfriend's father was diagnosed with early on set Parkinson's. Her (Jackie Rola), her brother (Scott Rola), and myself all race for him and those who face the battle
04/08/2024  I became very inspired to run the NYC marathon and have dedicated myself to running and training over the past several months. I knew that if I was going to run it, I wanted to run it as part of a charity group so that I could make it worthwhile not just for myself, but for an important cause. I also knew that I wanted to run it as part of an organization for Parkinson's, if that existed, so I was very happy to find Parkinson's Champions. My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's over a decade ago, and I've watched her as she's adjusted to Parkinson's over the years, and was with her when she underwent DBS surgery a few years ago. I've been really amazed at how she has handled everything and continues to every day. I would love to contribute to this cause in my own small way and be part of this great event with others who care as much as I do.
04/09/2024  I really wanted to run the NYC Marathon this year. I did not get selected for the lottery so began looking at which charities offered bibs. I came across Parkinson's Foundation and it stuck out to me as my late grandfather had Parkinsons. He meant a lot to me and it would mean a lot to run this in his honor. My grandma is still adjusting to being a widow and to get her out of the house she has attended some half-marathons I have ran. She would absolutely love it if I was able to run for a cause like Parkinson's Foundation.
04/09/2024  My mother has just recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's.
04/09/2024  I would be running in honor of my father (Gerard) who passed away in 2019 after a 20 year battle with Parkinsons.
04/10/2024  To honor my Grandfather, Captain Paul D. Roman, and his fight against Parkinson's Disease.
04/10/2024  An immediate family member of mine was diagnosed with PD in the last 6 months. Since I am already registered to run the MCM marathon, I wanted to make it more meaningful!
04/10/2024  My grandfather passed away from Parkinson's when I was in the fifth grade. I was extremely close to him and he was the best grandfather to myself and all of my cousins. Parkinson's is such a devastating disease and it would be an honor to run for an organization that supports this research.
04/11/2024  Hello! I have been looking for a way to get involved with the PD community since my Dad's diagnosis in 2020. He had been experiencing mild symptoms and showing signs of Parkinson's for a few years, but was ultimately diagnosed at age 57. This was heartbreaking for my family, but we quickly found a lot of information, support and hope from organizations, including the Parkinson's Foundation. Through this site we found information about doctors in the area and trials to look into. My parents immediately jumped in to this, wanting to know more and look for anything that could help, including a supportive community. My dad is doing well, though a lot has changed for him. He was always a runner, getting up early at least 5 times a week to get out for a few miles. He got me into running in my early teens and still is a huge supporter of the races I run now in my late twenties. Unfortunately, my dad no longer finds it comfortable to run with his gait and balance changes. He is still very active and now bikes most mornings, though I do miss my running buddy. I think of him on every run I go on, and I would love to run in his honor for Parkinson's Champions.
04/11/2024  My Grandma lived with Parkinsons Disease for 10+ years before her death in February of 2021.
04/11/2024  When I learned about the Parkinson's Champions group and their efforts to raise funds and awareness through running events, I knew I had to join the cause. Not only is running a way for me to stay active, but participating allows me to honor my all those living and passed with Parkinson's. I run all those bravely confronting this life-altering condition every day. The Parkinson's community has given so many people so much strength, and I want to give back by raising money for research, resources and raising public understanding about this disease.
04/13/2024  My fiancés mother was just diagnosed and it was a hard hit to the family. I want to run and raise money to show my support.
04/13/2024  My father is currently battling Parkinsons, and is in the end stages at the moment.
04/13/2024  I am unfamiliar but interested in learning more. I love the idea of running and raising funds for a great cause!
04/15/2024  In 2021, My grandfather was unfortunately diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and has been battling his sickness while living in a senior center as his conditions have slowly worsened. Although at times the battle can be frustrating, My grandfather has maintained a positive mindset and cheerful sense of humor in front of friends and family, specifically his nine grand children who cherish him deeply. A major part of my Grandfathers day to day life, in efforts to fight Parkinson's, have been centered around exercising (specifically long walks) which have acted as a huge aid in slowing down his symptom progression. Ironically, he calls these long walks "runs around the block" as he tries to push himself to walk as quickly as he can. I came across Parkinson's Champions after being deferred by a family member who knew of my passion for running/fitness, as well as for fighting Parkinson's disease and educating others on behaviors associated with the illness. Given my direct connection with the disease, It would be an honor to be able to run with Parkinson's Champions and raise money for a cause that shares parallel ideologies and passion for finding a cure.
04/16/2024  My aunt, with whom I was very close, recently passed away from complications stemming from an over seven year battle with Parkinson's. I would like to honor her memory by running.
04/16/2024  My grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinsons' and passed away earlier this year. I would love the opportunity to raise money for such a great cause.
04/16/2024  My best friends dad was just diagnosed with Parkinson's. We both ran for a charity last year for my mom for pancreatic cancer and I would love to support her with this charity.
04/17/2024  My morher has Parkinson's. I would like to run for her. She is my hero and i look up to her beyond words, she has taught me how to have a positive outlook in any situation and how to persevere and be a strong independent woman.
04/17/2024  Ever since losing my grandfather to Parkinson's back in 2018, I have been actively involved with the Parkinson's Foundation and their mission to advance research towards a cure. After running the Boston Marathon last April, I decided, through charity running, it was possible to step up my commitment to a cause I am passionate about and get involved in a greater way. My grandfather was an incredible man. A Notre Dame graduate, Edward was a senior engineer for the New York State Department of Transportation and worked diligently to develop environmentally sensitive road systems. He enjoyed golf, photography, and spoiling his seven grandchildren. His pride for family was easy to spot and it was wonderful to be so loved. However, quickly and without much warning, I saw this fiercely intellectual, easy-going man greatly challenged by an incurable disease. And while impossible to tarnish this role-model of a human being, I saw Parkinson's steal just about everything it could. In a matter of a few years, he had lost all bodily autonomy. Every room seemed a bit colder when suddenly, the kindest person in it could no longer speak. I want to run this race for him and for my grandmother, Edwards's best and most loyal friend.
04/18/2024  I am interested in running with Parkinson's Champions in honor of my nonna (grandmother) who passed away from Parkinson's disease just a few weeks ago. She was my favorite person. Over the past five years, I watched as the disease prevented her from doing normal everyday tasks, prohibiting her from many of the activities she loved doing. Finding a cure for Parkinson's is essential for those who currently suffer from the disease, including another family member of mine whom I am close to. I wanted to run the 2024 NYC marathon with Parkinson's Champions this year regardless, but with the recency of her death I feel extremely urged to do so. As a passionate runner, completing this marathon and representing the organization's mission and my nonna would be an honor.
04/18/2024  Both my Grandfather and my dad have Parkinson's Disease.. My dad has had this disease for the past 35 years and my entire life. He ended up having Deep Brain Stimulation surgery done when I was 15. My dad has been my biggest supporter my whole life, I grew up playing tennis at a super high level, I played in the US Open 6 times and went on to play collegiately at the University of Florida and won two NCAA titles and my dad has been there for every milestone, even trying to hit balls with me at times. I want to use this to show up for him like he did for me and also inspire others to do the same and help find a cure for Parkinson's. This would be the perfect opportunity for me to combine both my athletic ability and desire to cure Parkinson's disease. I would do anything for other young girls to not have to grow up watching their father fight for his abilities every single day like I have.
04/18/2024  My dad recently got diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He's had sleep disturbances and GI dysfunction for a while, and my mom who is not in medicine put the pieces together and suggested he get tested for Parkinson's. Thankfully, he is still in the early stages of the disease. But since I started running somewhat seriously in the last year, it would be cool to take these accomplishments and use them to further Parkinson's research and Parkinson's Foundation goals. I also think this will be the best gift I can give to my dad.
04/19/2024  Have had family members affected by Parkinson
04/19/2024  I ran the NYC Marathon for the first time in 2023. I noticed participants running for the Parksinon's Foundation and was interested in doing so for personal reasons. My grandpa has was diagnosed with Parkinnson's about 12 years ago. I would like to run in honor of him to the research about the disease.
04/20/2024  My grandpa (my mom's father) was diagnosed with Parkinson disease when she was around 15 and passed away when she was 25. I never got to meet him however I heard stories about how wonderful he was and how much the disease took away from him. I want to run in his honor and to help those who suffer from this disease. My mom and her family were so strong during his disease progression and made many sacrifices to support him during his illness. My family was impacted my his illness in so many ways and I want to help them remember him with positivity and through raising money for others.
04/20/2024  My grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's a little over a year ago. Before this, I had very limited exposure to the disease and was unfamiliar with how it would affect my family long-term. The initial diagnosis was terrifying. I had no idea what to anticipate, but could already see the effects it was having not only on my Nana but my Papa - who suddenly had to act as her sole caregiver. Over the past year, I've watched my Nana slowly lose her spark, her drive, and her personality. This has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to witness. A woman who had such an impact on my childhood and early adult life was slowly disappearing. Luckily, my family is fortunate enough to be able to financially support nursing care and hospital bills, however, I know this is not the case for all. After witnessing the emotional and mental toll this diagnosis has had on my family - I can only begin to imagine the added weight that would come from the inability to pay for her care. That's why it would be an honor to raise money and run for Parkinson's Champions. I run for my Nana, my family, and I run for all the families struck by this disease.
04/20/2024  My grandfather died of Parkinon's. It was very difficult for my entire family and I saw firsthand how devasting this disease is. I would love to couple my love for running while raising money for a charity so dear to my heart in honor of my grandfather.
04/21/2024  My paternal grandmother had Parkinson's which progressed significantly through her life, and I was a passenger to her journey. Now my uncle is also suffering from Parkinson's. I would like to contribute to finding a cure.
04/21/2024  I'm late to the game! I completed my first marathon last week, so I wanted to make sure I completed it before applying and taking a spot from someone else. I found Parkinson's Champions through the charity pages on the NYC Marathon site. I want to align myself with your organization because my Assistant's husband is currently living with Parkinson's and I would like to do whatever I can to help raise money and awareness.
04/21/2024  Parkinson's has always hit close to home for me. My papa Jim had Parkinson's and sadly passed away in March of 2019. My memories of my grandpa was of him in a wheelchair always shaking and needing full time care. This past April, my family found out that my dad has Parkinson's disease. I have seen what this disease does to a person and how it will change not just my dad's but families life. My dad has always been a runner and has ran 5 Ironmans, 4 Marathons, and many halves. I ran my first half marathon this January and by May will have officially done three. My dad always encourages me on my runs and provides tips and advice. Knowing the challenges my dad is going to have to face, I can surely run 26.2 miles to fight this disease for him. I wouldn't just be running for my grandpa and dad but the over millions of people who live with this disease daily.
04/21/2024  I have had 2 grandparents die with Parkinson's disease and have felt the direct impact this has on those suffering and their loved ones. To watch someone you love, that you grew up having such fun and active memories with to having to help them walk and see their frustration when unable to control their shakes with little you or medicine (at the time of my Grandparents passing) can do to help and only see them progressively get worse, is heartbreaking. In one of the last conversations I had with my Nana in the hospital, she told me "The mind is willing, but the body is not able". This quote has stuck with me and is a motivation for me to use my able body to complete one of the most prestigious running events in the world- the NY marathon, to honour my Grandparents and their legacy, both of whom I was so close with.
04/21/2024  my mom has Parkinson's and I'd love to run to support the community and celebrate her!
04/21/2024  I lost my father this year after he bravely battled Parkinson's for many years (among several comorbid diagnoses). Sadly, it was diagnosed late and appeared to progressive very quickly in his case. It made breathing and swallowing impossible and I vowed to never take simple things, like the ability to run, for granted. I want to support ongoing research and treatment so that other families have access to more options and care, and so they don't have to know the pain we felt watching my dad battle/the stress he felt trying to put his symptoms aside and remain brave while trying to maintain his dignity.
04/21/2024  I'm drawn to running with Parkinson's Champions because of my deep personal connection to Parkinson's disease. Both of my grandfathers, whom I greatly admired, battled Parkinson's, and witnessing their struggles firsthand profoundly impacted me. Sadly, my mom's father recently passed away on March 19th after a long battle with the disease. Running the Boston half marathon in fall 2023 was significant for me, but now, I want to honor my grandfather's memory by running with Parkinson's Champions this November. Parkinson's has chipped away at the beautiful lives of those I love, and I want to bring awareness to the cause and contribute to finding a cure by running in their honor. The Parkinson's Foundation's mission deeply resonates with me, as they strive to improve care and advance research toward a cure for Parkinson's disease. Your commitment to providing support to individuals living with Parkinson's and their caregivers, funding research on treatment and care, and convening the global Parkinson's community aligns perfectly with my own desire to make a meaningful impact in the fight against Parkinson's. By running with Parkinson's Champions, I hope to contribute to their mission and honor the memory of my loved ones affected by this disease.
04/22/2024  My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson last year. She is my rock, my superhero, my everything. I want to run this and raise money for her and everyone effected by this. I am not someone who only steps up when it effects them. I have raised money for other charities before but now this is something that really hits home.
04/22/2024  This past year, I lost my father to Parkinson's. Watching the disease slowly take hold of him and then leading to his passing has been so difficult. Earlier in my life, my grandfather also died as a result of complications related to Parkinson's. I want to honour their lives by running the NYC Marathon and raising funds and awareness for Parkinson's.
04/22/2024  My grandpa on my mom's side of the family is currently living with Parkinsons. Although they lived in Texas and I grew up on the East Coast, I spent 2-4 weeks with them every summer, and a week for Thanksgiving growing up. Two years ago was the last time I saw them, and I'm currently unsure if I will be able to see them again. I've watched my mom struggle with the deterioration of her dad, and it's been heartbreaking to hear about some of the medical issues he has been going through. As a man who has his PhD, is a known researcher, and a proud fixer of cars and bikes, it's painful to know that he is no longer able to do the things that he loves. He's always been a proud man, and in my head is probably one of the smartest people Ive ever Ive, and it's hard to know hes likely suffering. My parents went to move him and his wife out of their home a few months back and into assisted living, and I can't even imagine how that must have felt for him, as he can no longer care for himself. When looking up charity partners for the Marathon, I knew I wanted to run for Parkinson's for him to give purpose to the run and have it be more than something I do for myself.
04/22/2024  This past March, I lost my grandfather to Parkinson's. He battled it for years, but remained the most positive, incredible man in my life, that will forever be with me. He supported my history with racing, and my love of running. It has been my dream to run the New York City Marathon, and to run it in his honor, would be the most special, valuable experience I could ask for. I would be honored run for him, and the millions of people battling this disease.
04/22/2024  I'm here to honor my dad (and multiple other family members diagnosed with Parkinson's). I learned of dad's diagnosis at my high school graduation party. To be clear, he didn't tell me. Instead, I observed his tremor subside with each beer he drank at the celebration and confirmed what I'd worried about for months; that he had Parkinson's (and yes, I'm aware this is far from the medically correct way to diagnose). It ultimately took five more years for him to sit my brother and me down to openly discuss it. Throughout those five years, we thankfully had our mom to lean on, and we watched our dad try to maintain an image of the 'man of the family' and relentlessly work on his fitness and company every day. Despite an obvious limp, he was still my running partner when I came home for the holidays. To this day, he travels for work more than I do as a ripe 24-year-old. While it initially hurt that he wanted to keep this life-changing diagnosis from us, it was exponentially more painful to know that it had taken so much of his self-confidence from him. It was obvious that he didn't want to tell us for fear that we'd view him less than we always had. My dad makes the personal choice to keep his Parkinson's private. It's not how I would choose for him to handle it, but as my best friend and confidante, I have no choice but to respect him and represent him in something that has always been our 'thing': running! Nothing would mean more than representing Parkinson's Champions in the NYC marathon.
04/23/2024  My uncle was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years back, and I want to run and support for his cause.
04/23/2024  Loved ones who coped with Parkinson's, and driving awareness of health related aspects to prevent the risk within my own family, loved ones
04/23/2024  My uncle suffers with debilitating Parkinson's. I would like to bring more awareness to the condition and would love if I could help even just 1 person.
04/24/2024  One of my best friends, Adriana's father is living with Parkinsons. I see everyday how it impacts her, her dad, and her mom. I am running to fight for awareness and hopefully one day a cure!
04/24/2024  I will be running for a family friend who means the world to me. I work in healthcare and know the importance of giving your time, money, and support to a cause. My hope is that running this marathon in honor of him will fundraise money for the organization to advocate for better medications and research funding!
04/24/2024  I would like to run for the Parkinson's community to support my boyfriends mom who was diagnosed with Parkinson fairly young. I want to show support and bring more awareness and learn more about Parkinson's.
04/24/2024  My grandfather passed from Parkinson's so I want to run in his memory while helping raising money for curing the disease.
04/25/2024  I'm excited for the opportunity to apply to run with the Parkinson's group. Last year, I participated in a half marathon with Dana-Farber to support my mother, who is battling. My grandmother, who is battling Parkinson's affectionately known as Bubbie, holds a special place in my heart. Despite being in the end stages of Parkinson's, she remains a beacon of strength and thoughtfulness. Witnessing her resilience has deeply impacted me. As I begin my journey as a nurse, I recognize the significance of raising awareness for various health conditions and fundraising for research. It's essential to shed light on different ailments and contribute to their respective foundations. I am eager to give back to this cause and demonstrate my love and support for my grandmother by running with the Parkinson's group.
04/25/2024  I am interested in running with the Parkinson's Champions since diseases like this need fundraising in order to keep research going. There is nothing like losing the ability to use your body the way you want - and I've seen people in my life lose that ability, and I want to give back in order to help someone else.
04/26/2024  I have a close family friend who died this year from Parkinson's. I also have a current friend whose father has Parkinson's. I would love to raise money to support this disease because I recognize the prevalence, the impact it has on families and communities and the need for funding.
04/26/2024  My father was diagnosed and living with Parkinson's for close to 10 years.
04/27/2024  Two years ago my grandpa was diagnosed with Parkinson's, a disease I had never once experienced in someone close to me. In these last two years, I've seen him put in so much work physically and mentally attending group exercise classes, tai chi, and men's groups. It's been so sad to see him get frustrated and lose hope as this disease takes over and even sadder to see how little can still be done for him. It would mean a lot to me and him to be able to fundraise for such an amazing cause and such an awful disease.
04/27/2024  My mother has progressive subnuclear palsy, and my father-in-law died from complications of Parkinson's a few years back. I also have a number of other friends who have been impacted by the disease.
04/27/2024  I am drawn to the Parkinson's Champions because I am inspired by the strength and perseverance of the Parkinson's community. While I may not have a direct personal connection to Parkinson's disease, I am deeply moved by the stories of those who battle it and their families who support them. I want to contribute to a cause that offers hope and tangible support to those affected. Running with Parkinson's Champions in the NYC Marathon allows me to participate in a powerful movement, raising awareness and funding for crucial research and services. It's a privilege to join a community that champions such a vital cause, and I am eager to contribute my energy and enthusiasm to make a difference.
04/28/2024  Hello! I'm a runner and elementary-middle school art teacher. I'm passionate about the way running can benefit so many causes through hard work and determination! I love modeling for my students how doing the things we love can have a positive impact on the world around us.
04/28/2024  I do research at leading pharmaceutical companies in Parkinson's. Specifically, I worked at Biogen previously and now Sanofi. I choose to participate in fundraisers so I can contribute to this mission directly and continue to engage with everyday heroes. It gets stuffy locked in an office - this is my chance to breathe outside.
04/29/2024  I am a licensed speech-language pathologist and have extensive first-hand experience working with patients and families affected by Parkinson's disease. I am acutely aware of the devastating symptoms and challenges patients face, ranging from cognitive ability, swallowing and speech deficits, and social-emotional impacts. I am grateful to have been a part of providing rehabilitation, education, and counseling to patients and family members, and have seen amazing results with proper treatment to improve quality of life. I would be so grateful to put my fundraising efforts towards a cause that could positively impact a community of people that have unfortunately lost so much towards this disease.
04/29/2024  I am a physician who cares for Parkinson's patients. More specifically, my father has Parkinson's and is active in the search for cure (supporting legislative proposals, etc.).
04/29/2024  I am coming to Parkinson's Champions as my dad was just diagnosed with Parkinson's. It is hard to watch him go through another illness...this is how I use my energy to run in his honor, raise dollars for research and to help find a cure, and to raise awareness in my community on this illness.
04/29/2024  I am specifically interested in running for Parkinson's Champions for many reasons. Most significantly, I would be absolutely honored to represent The Parkinson's Foundation and run the Chicago or New York Marathon in honor of my grandfather. My grandfather unfortunately passed away in February and had been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. He was one of the most important people in my life and was an extraordinary man. He immigrated to the US from Italy and worked hard his entire life to provide for our family. He was the most generous and kind person and I would love to be able to give back to him and run a marathon in his honor while raising funds for Parkinson's research. I would be so proud to have the opportunity to represent The Parkinson's Foundation this fall. Thank you.
04/29/2024  My maternal grandfather suffered from Parkinson's disease for the last 10 years for his life. He was a dynamic figure and was very involved with whatever he set his mind to. Towards the end of his life, I could see how much Parkinson's Disease affected him and how his life was cut short because of it. I was very close to him and looked up to him as not only a grandfather but as someone who cared about his family and his community. I would like to run with Parkinson's Champions to educate and bring awareness to this disease and to donate to a cause close to my heart so that we can bring new technology and research to provide better care for patients in the future.
04/29/2024  My dad has late stage Parkinson's disease.
04/29/2024  Want's brings me to this organization is that It really hit's home. My dad was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's last summer. Parkinson's has taken a toll on me and my family, because of my dad. We are all very supportive of him and he want the best for him and anyone that is dealing with this disease.
04/29/2024  I want to run for the Parkinson's Champions because of my grandfather. My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's 5 years ago after a decline in his physical capabilities. After his diagnosis he decided that he was not going to give up the fight and do whatever it takes to ensure he can continue to live his life to the fullest. Every day is hard for him but he doesn't complain. He goes to physical therapy, weekly doctors appointments, and changed his entire diet and exercise regimen to help him fight the progression of his disease. Instead of complaining he is a support to all that know him. He checks in on his family and friends and listens to the hardships they are currently facing and offers advice and words of support always. By running this race I want to show that I am in fact a support for him. As a healthcare worker I first hand work with people in the beginning of their diagnosis and see how differently they respond. Seeing how my grandpa responded to his diagnosis has been such an inspiration to all those who know him. I would be honored to run in support of my P-Ha and all those in the Parkinson's community.
04/30/2024  I am a new marathon runner and I have always wanted to run for something bigger. My grandfather suffered from Parkinson's and watching my father go through that as an only child was one of the hardest things I have seen. I am trying to find ways to support him and our family and I feel this is an amazing way to do so. Being a part of a community will bring a whole new aspect to running that I have never experienced. It is hard to watch someone struggle with this disease and if there is a possibility to make further advancements in the medical field, along with provide support to loved ones, I am all in.
04/30/2024  I have long admired the incredible work that Parkinson's Champions does in raising awareness and funds for Parkinson's disease, and I am eager to contribute to such a meaningful cause. As a student going through nursing school, I see and work with these patients on the daily and am deeply passionate about supporting efforts to find a cure and improve the lives of those affected by this condition. I believe that participating in the marathon as part of your team would not only allow me to challenge myself physically but also provide me with the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and families impacted by Parkinson's.
05/22/2024  In April of this year, my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. If you've known me for even a short amount of time, it is obvious how important my dad is to me. He has been my best friend, #1 supporter, and greatest confidant for all 31 years of my life. There are few conversations I have where I do not draw a parallel to something that reminds me of him or something that he has taught me, either through words or actions. He has been a role model to me for too many things to detail here, but one of the most relevant has been importance of exercise. My dad has worked out every single day for the past 5 years. He coached every single one of my rec teams, constantly drilled me in tennis shots and softball swings as I was trying to make a college team, and has been my running buddy in 11 straight Thanksgiving Day 5K Turkey Trots. Needless to say, my dad's diagnosis was a shock. For all the "normal" reasons that a chronic diagnosis is and because my dad has been the picture of health and exercise for so long. My dad's diagnosis has sidelined me for longer than I'd like to admit. I am typically the first one on the streets in the morning on my way to the gym or for a run and the first one to offer a solution to solve a problem. But, the grief and helplessness I've felt the last month has knocked me down. I've run Falmouth many times and I am typically at least a month into my training by now but haven't felt the motivation this year and was planning on not running. But, I'm ready to turn the corner and realized that running with the Parkinson's Champions would be exactly the motivation I needed to get back on my feet and to start living my life like my dad again - seeing the beauty in every day and with a breath of positivity in every step. I'd love to run more races with the Parkinson's Champions...maybe even my 2nd marathon next year. I am also looking forward to getting involved with the New England Chapter, starting with the upcoming webinar in June and the Boston Moving Day this fall. My dad has a lot of life left to live and I am ready to learn as much as I can to help him do so comfortably :)
05/01/2024  I take pride in the fact that I grew up in such a tight-knit family. Despite any struggle we faced, we truly kept each other close and supported one another through it all. We never needed fancy vacations or items to bring us together, we truly have made some of our most fond memories sitting by a grill and reminiscing. In 2023, my grandfather, Papaw as I call him, was formally diagnosed with Parkinson's. To stay this diagnosis didn't hit us where it hurts would be a lie. Although prepared to hear this news as we had our suspicions, nothing truly prepares you to hear the news when the time comes. I would love the opportunity to run with Parkinson's Champions in honor of my Papaw, the man that has supported me endlessly and has always been a rock to keep my grounded. I admire his work and dedication to keep doing what he loves despite the struggles he's now facing. I can only imagine as an outsider looking in the true struggles that one battling this diseases goes through. If my Papaw and all others can fight every day, then I want to push my own boundaries and difficulties of running long distances as well to show my support.
05/01/2024  I am interested in a brighter future and to run alongside a team whose values align with mine. This will be my first marathon which makes it more special to run with Parkinson's community.
05/02/2024  My best friend growing up was always my grandfather. He has now been dealing with Parkinson's for several hard years. He's slowly losing his battle, but he's fought everyday just to inspire us to keep going. There are such hard days where I just wish I could do more, because I see the pain it has caused my family. My friend reached out to me and told me about Parkinson's Champions, and it gave me the idea that if he's battling every day the least I can do is run for him. Running has always been my safe space and escape, so I thought why not combine my two favorite things in my life to raise money for people that are also fighting on, and maybe inspire others that have been in my exact position.
05/04/2024  My father in law, an amazing man, father of my wife and only living grandfather of my sons has been diagnosed with Parkinson's. In such a short period of time we can see the toll the disease is taking on him. Not only is he family, but he is a great man full of wisdom, and I want him in my children's lives as long as possible.
05/05/2024  I am running in honor of my uncle, who recently passed away.
05/05/2024  My mother has Parkinson's. She does not have tremors but has every other neurological symptom. I thought the tremors were bad enough but the other symptoms are far worse and has taken her spirit away. I would be running for her and everyone else afflicted with this terrible disease.
05/05/2024  My grandfather, Oscar Clevidence, was diagnosed with Parkinson's about 10 years ago and luckily has been able to keep living relatively normally due to great care and medication. Today, he's 89 years old and is declining rather rapidly. I would love to run the NYC Marathon in his honor and to fundraise for Parkinson's research, treatment, and hopefully a cure!
05/06/2024  My husband has Parkinson's as did my father-I -law and my godfather. This disease affects our family each and every day.
05/07/2024  In 2020, my grandfather's health turned quickly - but the diagnosis took a few months. After 6 months of various symptoms, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. After 4 years of battling this disease, we lost him this year - I would like to run with Parkinson's Champions to honor his life & memory. Up until his symptoms started, he led an active life - golfing daily, walking with friends & going to work until his mid 80s! After his symptoms started, he shared with us the frustration that while his mind and organs were completely in tact, his physical body failed him. Losing him this year has been incredibly hard for our family. We remember him daily, miss him endlessly but have peace in the fact that he is no longer in pain. I want to run with Parkinson's Champions to honor that memory.
05/07/2024  My son's mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2023. My girlfriend is a Ready Steady Boxing coach.
05/07/2024  I am interested in running a marathon for a charity in 2024. Having witnessed the challenges and strength in my friend and work colleague with this disease I would like to run in her honor.
05/07/2024  Several years ago my father was officially diagnosed with Parkinson's. Although we suspected this prior to the official diagnosis, we have had the opportunity to live life while helping my father learn to keep fighting for his best life but also living through a new view. For most of his life he was the strong father and man of the house with pride in doing virtually everything around the house, being there for us throughout our lives and living an active life in the outdoors. It has been challenging for him to ask for help to change a light bulb. The little things can be hard to ask for but I owe a lot to what he has done for us, as a family.
05/09/2024  I am currently a Ph.D. student at the University of North Dakota, researching innovative technologies to enhance the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. While my academic and research background is in Neuroscience, my passion for Parkinson's awareness is deeply rooted in personal experience. My grandmother was diagnosed about 5 years ago. With my educational background in Neuroscience and this personal connection, I am pursuing education so that I have the background to dedicate my career to advancing PD treatment and care. Not only am I dedicated in investing my career in this, I will spend the rest of my life doing whatever I can for the PD community.
05/09/2024  I am very close to an uncle who has been diagnosed with PD. He lives along the race route and I know he'll be excited to cheer me on!
05/10/2024  My grandpa was diagnosed with Parkinson's nearly 20 years ago and to see his quality of life decline due to this disease has been very challenging. Although he has done a fantastic job at managing his disease, I know that each day is a challenge for him. I would love the be a part of an organization that I have personal ties to and that I know can make a direct impact in the lives of many.
05/10/2024  I'm the 28 year old daughter of a mother who is suffering with Parkinson's disease. Over the past 6 months, my mom's Parkinson's has progressed exponentially for the worst. We recently had to move her into a nursing home for full-time care and the sad part is that she's only 62 years old. I want to run this race while I am able-bodied and young so that I can raise awareness and money for research towards Parkinson's Disease.
05/10/2024  I'm looking to add meaning to my miles this year.
05/12/2024  My great grandfather died of Parkinson's, and nothing would make me happier than to run my first marathon supporting a cause that hits close to home. I would love to raise money to help find a cure for this horrible disease.
05/13/2024  My grandpa was diagnosed with Parkinsons about six years ago. He passed away last year, and finding a cure for Parkinsons is something I feel passionately about.
05/14/2024  I am interested in running a marathon this year and have been training. I recently lost my grandmother on Christmas Eve to Parkinson's and would love to honor her in this way.
05/14/2024  My grandfather passed away from Parkinson's disease in 2020. Prior to his diagnosis, he embodied what it meant to live an active and adventurous lifestyle. He taught me how to make the most of your time with those you love and to face life's challenges with a smile and a sense of humor.
05/14/2024  I do not have a conection, but I would like to spread awareness and help support research for Parkinson's disease
05/14/2024  we want to bring awareness.
05/14/2024  I'm interested in joining Parkinson's Champions to raise awareness and support for the Parkinson's Foundation. Parkinson's disease affects millions worldwide, and by participating in this marathon, I aim to shine a light on the challenges faced by individuals living with Parkinson's and their caregivers. Together, we can work towards increased understanding, advocacy, and ultimately, improved quality of life for those affected by this condition.
05/14/2024  My name is Chelsey Miller, I am a Nurse Practitioner in Rural Montana. I specialize in caring for patients with Parkinson's Disease. I would be honored to have the opportunity to raise funds for this Organization to further research, treatment and specialized patient care. Parkinson's patients have a very special place in my heart and I would love to run in honor of them.
05/15/2024  I am drawn to the Parkinson's Champions because of a very personal connection to the Parkinson's community--my grandfather has been bravely battling Parkinson's for the past 20+ years. Witnessing his strength and resilience in the face of such a challenging condition has been both inspiring and deeply moving for me. Running with the Parkinson's Champions is not just a race; it's a meaningful way for me to honor my grandfather's journey and to stand in solidarity with others affected by Parkinson's. By participating, I aim to raise awareness, encourage support, and contribute to the vital research and resources needed to improve the lives of those living with Parkinson's. This is my way of giving back to a community that has shown incredible courage and to carry my grandfather's fighting spirit across the finish line.
05/15/2024  I lost a close aunt to PD a few years ago and now I am dealing personally with several symptoms that I suspect are indicators of PD. I have an upcoming neurology exam to begin the process of confirming a diagnosis. I have run the Falmouth Road Race for several years now, but this is the first time I would be engaged in fund raising.
05/16/2024  I'm most inspired by my daughters. They've empowered me to lead a healthy lifestyle so that I can show up as my best self every single day. Over the last 2.5 years I've lost over 40lbs and gained a tremendous amount of confidence and self-worth along the way. My daughters (ages 7 and 9) now exercise with me every morning before school. I'd love to show them the true meaning of resilience, determination, and dedication to a goal. Running has been a major part of my self-improvement journey and running the NYC marathon has become a very important goal for me to crush!
05/17/2024  My Grandma battled Parkinson's for many years and recently passed away.
05/18/2024  I have close friends who connected me to the organization and are impacted by Parkinson's disease. For my next marathon, I really want to support an organization and hopefully make a small difference and bring awareness within my community.
05/18/2024  My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's about 23 years ago
05/18/2024  Both of my parents in law have Parkinson disease and I would love to help raise awareness and funds to help people with Parkinson Disease.
05/19/2024  I would be honored to run with Parkinson's Champions and support your organization. I have been touched by Parkinson's by my aunt and know what a debilitating disease it is for the person and their loved ones. More research is needed, so to support this organization would be an honor.
05/22/2024  I am interested in running the falmouth road race for Parkinsons, for my mom, who was just diagnosed with Parkinson's. It truly would mean a lot to me to be able to raise money for this disease, and run the best race on the Cape, which is my moms favorite place.
05/22/2024  My grandmother, Nancy Muse, has suffered from Parkinson's for decades now. She is one of the strongest-willed people I know, and I would love to run and support research into this disease and treatments to alleviate the suffering folks like my grandmother experience, especially in old age.
05/22/2024  I have a close friend that has early stages of Parkinson's at such a young age.
05/22/2024  My mom battled Parkinson's for 5 years, and I saw the ups and downs of that battle, so it means a lot to me to support this cause.
05/22/2024  My grandfather is somebody I greatly admired and loved, and he unfortunately died due to Parkinson's
05/23/2024  I've been a dedicated runner since 2019, participating in numerous endurance events. Running is a significant part of my life, both for physical and mental well-being. However, I now seek to run with a deeper purpose. The Parkinson's Foundation resonates deeply with me due to its exceptional work in research, support, and advocacy for those affected by Parkinson's disease. By running for this charity, I can combine my passion for running with a meaningful cause. I chose this organization because its mission aligns with my desire to make a tangible impact in the lives of individuals with Parkinson's and their families. Joining your team would allow me to give my running a greater purpose, raising awareness and funds for a cause I truly believe in. Together, we can make a difference and work towards a world without Parkinson's disease.
05/24/2024  My father has an advanced form of Parkinson's in Lewy Body Disease/Dementia and I would like to both run and raise money in this honor. As hard as it was for him, he came down to NYC with my family and stood to watch me run the half marathon this past March and I saw how happy and proud it made him to see me run. I lived at home with him during COVID and saw slowly at first then quickly how devastating the disease can be.
05/26/2024  like to run and supporting good cause
05/26/2024  My mom was recently diagnosed and I've been looking for a way to get personally involved
05/26/2024  My grandmother died of Parkinson's. I'd like to run in her memory.
05/27/2024  My aunt recently passed away with Parkinson's disease. I am also a medical student and have an interest in neurology as a specialty and would love the opportunity to run for such a great cause and area of research that deserves more attention.
05/27/2024  I want to raise money for the parkinson's community as it affects many individuals and can often prevent them from being mobile. I hope to raise money for research, awareness, and treatment for this community, and want to run in support of the individuals and families suffering from parkinsons.
05/28/2024  My father recently passed away. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's some twenty years ago, and his fight with the disease has defined much of that period for our family. He often spoke of the possibilities of Parkinson's research and the prospect of a cure, as that hope helped mitigate the weight of the disease's progression. Now that he has passed, my sister, Somerville Glubiak, and I would like to run in his memory this fall. Although my father's health had been in decline for some time, he died suddenly and unexpectedly during my sister's wedding a week and a half ago. Running has been one of the few ways in which I have been able to find peace over the last few days, and I would look forward to the training involved in running a marathon.
05/28/2024  As a speech-language pathologist, I work very closely with people with Parkinson's disease and I am constantly reminded of the struggles that people with Parkinson's experience. Whether it's having trouble walking or difficulty communicating wants and needs, I have learned how Parkinson's greatly impacts the lives of people and their friends and family. Despite trying my best to help my clients find their voices, I want to do more and I'm eager to help in other ways. Being able to fundraise for and run with Parkinson's Champions would be an amazing opportunity to help in ways outside of the therapy world.
05/28/2024  My late grandfather suffered from Parkinson's and it was really tough to see him struggle and slowly give way to its decay growing up as a kid when visiting him in Brazil. I'm interested in running not only to honor my grandfather, but to also raise money for research and awareness programs. Last year, I ran four half marathons, and hope to make this year the one I run my first marathon in.
05/29/2024  My experience with Parkinson's stems from a multitude of clients of currently have or did have Parkinson's. I am a financial advisor so I see all kinds everyday. Parkinson's is a horrible disease that no one should have to deal with, but it has been an honor to see so many fight through. I would love to help fundraise and have the pleasure of running with you all!
05/29/2024  To build awareness and support those with the disease.
05/29/2024  have family with parkinsons, want to raise funds . I'm a physician and also have several patients with Parkinsons
05/29/2024  My wife works for Abbvie who manufacture a medication for Parkinson's Disease and I have seen first hand from patients the effect this disease can have on whole families. I also have a dear family friend in Australia who has been living with Parkinson's disease for many, many years.
05/29/2024  I come from an extremely tight knit Irish Catholic family who mean the world to me. The matriarch of our family, my grandmother, was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2020 and it has transformed our lives in a new and challenging way. My grandma is resilient and takes all that this diagnosis has thrown at her in stride, however, it's been so difficult on our family to no longer see her do the things she enjoys. The one thing she loves that will never be dimmed by the disease are her grandchildren. Seeing me run in the half marathon and be able to donate the money to a cause near and dear to all our hearts would mean the world.
05/29/2024  Growing up, my grandfather was my absolute everything. He was my best friend, my confidant, and the only person who really "got" me. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's early on in my life, however once it progressed, it progressed quickly. His happy place was my happy place which happened to be anywhere that involved anything Disney. Although he passed when I was an undergraduate, I still aspire to live in ways that commemorate his legacy. I graduated with honors obtaining a master's degree in May and just before my grandfather died we agree that I would still celebrate my achievements with him through Disney adventures. That being said, I would love to participate in RunDisney in conjunction with your organization; I'd love to run for him and for Parkinson's.
05/29/2024  My mother in-law was diagnosed with Parkinson's and I've seen 1st hand the impact on her and our family. I hope to raise awareness and raise money to help fight this terrible disease.
06/03/2024  My nana passed away this pass Thursday after suffering from Parkinson's for the past few years. Watching her slow decline and eventually lose her battle to the disease has been heart breaking for me and my family. I want to do what I can now to help families that are going through what we have.
06/04/2024  While I have not been personally affected by Parkinson's, I did have the pleasure this year of assisting a long tenured employee with Parkinson's transition from working to disability. It was an honor to support him through this journey and help him with the support he needed.
06/04/2024  My uncle has Parkinsons and he was once an avid distance runner
06/05/2024  My father had Parkinsons before he past away. I feel connected with those that are battling it and would like to help in this cause!
06/05/2024  Recent diagnosis with PD.
06/05/2024  My boyfriend's mother Angie Romano was diagnosed with Parkinsons a few years ago and we are extremely familiar with your foundation. We love what you're fighting for and we are fighting alongside you! The reason I am reaching out to you is in regards to the Falmouth Road Race. When I found foundations for Parkinsons on the road race website I knew I had to reach out to you. I have never ran in a race before but I desperately want to run this for Angie. I am hoping that your team might have an extra spot that I could raise money for and run with in honor of her. This year has been extremely tough for her but she keeps pushing through and never accepts help. I'm hoping to give her some type of support that she will accept. Thank you so much, I look forward to hearing from you
06/06/2024  My grandpa suffered from parkinson's for 15 years and recently passed away. would love to be able to support him and help run for a great cause.
06/06/2024  My boyfriends grandpa recently passed away from Parkinson's and he is looking to run for the fund and help to raise money for research. I would love to run and support him and his family as well.
06/06/2024  My partner's mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's this past winter. I'm currently a third year medical student when we noticed certain symptoms begin to pop up with her like bradykinesia and shuffling walk, we encouraged her to see a neurologist- just to be safe. Her diagnosis was a hit to the family and we all learned a lot more about Parkinson's very quickly. She's always been incredibly active throughout her life, biking 20 miles a day well into her 60s. Running a marathon in her honor would mean a lot to her and my boyfriend as a way to celebrate her and her love for movement.
06/07/2024  My mother-in-law has Parkinson's and I am running as a birthday gift to her, which happens to fall on the day before race day.
06/08/2024  My grandfather suffered from Parkinson's, I want to help raise awareness through this run
06/10/2024  My father in law has Parkinson's and is not doing very well. I want to run the NY Marathon in support and acknowledgement of him. Would appreciate the opportunity support this foundation on his behalf and would be dedicated on raising tons of money and awareness if given the opportunity. Thank you!! Nauder Ghafourian
06/11/2024  My mother in law has PSP and my father is also showing early signs.
06/11/2024  My grandmother who passed in 2023 had Parkinson's and my father is currently living with it so I would love to run with Parkinson's Champions to honor them.
06/14/2024  My grandmother suffered from Parkinson's and I want to run in her memory.
06/18/2024  ChatGPT I am compelled to run for Parkinson's champion in the 2024 NYC Marathon to raise awareness and support for those affected by this challenging condition. Having witnessed firsthand the impact Parkinson's disease can have on individuals and families, I am driven to make a meaningful difference. Running this marathon isn't just about physical endurance; it's about demonstrating resilience and solidarity with those fighting Parkinson's every day. By participating in this event, I aim to inspire hope, raise funds for vital research, and advocate for improved care and understanding. Every step I take will be a testament to the strength of the human spirit and a commitment to a brighter future for those living with Parkinson's disease
06/20/2024  I'd love to join the Parkinson's Foundation team. My uncle battled Parkinson's for 20 years, and it was tough to see him go from vibrant to needing full care at 75. It opened my eyes to the need for more support and resources for those with Parkinson's. I'm passionate about running and want to use it to raise awareness and funds for the cause. Representing the foundation would be a way for me to help others and honor my uncle's memory. Thanks for considering me!
06/23/2024  my dad has parkinson's
06/25/2024  My sister previously ran with the Parkinson's Champions in the TCS New York City Marathon and the foundation is very near and dear to my heart because back in 2021 my Father was diagnosed with the Parkinson's Disease and I want to raise money to help my Father fight the disease as well as others that are affected from it. I see it affecting his daily life and I want to do my part and raise as much money to help the fight against it.
06/27/2024  My father was diagnosed with PD in December 2022, and my uncle passed away from Parkinson's in 2021
06/28/2024  My grandfather has Parkinson's and I want to support him in any way that I can!
07/01/2024  My mother has had Parkinson's for over ten years now. She has always been my rock. Throughout her journey with Parkinsons she has unknowingly taught me that you can do hard things with perseverance and a positive mindset. I have always wanted to run a full marathon (2025) but I want my first marathon to be in her honor.
07/01/2024  Parkinson's has been a part of my life for a long time. My dad was diagnosed with early-onset PD when he was 37 years young and I was 4 years old. Now, he has had the disease for 25 years and is bed bound on hospice. He can't speak, walk, and he eats melas through a feeding tube in his stomach. This disease has taken so much from my family and especially my dad. Every time I run, I run for him. I do not know how much time he has left, but I want to do this in his name.
07/06/2024  Running a half marathon is a personal goal and being able to fundraise for Parkinson's research is even more incentive to participate. But most importantly, I'm running for my dad who is living with PD.
07/09/2024  Father was just diagnosed with Parkinson's this year and would like to run to support him and our family
07/09/2024  My grandmother had Parkinson's. She passed away when I was very young and I don't remember how she was before showing symptoms. But the most I remember about her was her kind and gentle heart. Something Parkinson's did not take from her!
07/10/2024  I want to support and help create awareness to the mission of Parkinson's Champions.
07/10/2024  My Uncle David was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2021. It wasn't until the past year that it really took a toll on him, forcing him to leave his job through the complications. I visit him in Lake Tahoe every August - even though the disease constantly brings on new complications in his everyday life, my Uncle David is a fighter and a huge inspiration to me. I ran the TCS NYC Marathon last year, and would love to run it this year through fundraising for an amazing cause that seeks to combat a disease affected my personal life in such a way.
07/11/2024  No real connection. It's a worthy cause and would like to help.
07/12/2024  I know people who have it
07/12/2024  my uncle had parkinsons and suffered through it , so want to run for him
07/14/2024  Someone very close to me has Parkinson's and helping raise money for a cure would mean a lot to me.
07/14/2024  I have a deep personal connection to the Parkinson's community through my grandfather in law, who bravely battled Parkinson's disease for many years. Witnessing his resilience and the challenges he faced sparked my commitment to supporting initiatives like Parkinson's Champions. Running with your team not only honors his memory but also fuels my passion for making a positive impact in the Parkinson's community. I'm eager to contribute my efforts toward raising awareness and funds for such a meaningful cause.
07/17/2024  Looking for a community to run with that also supports research and medical developments
07/18/2024  Hi! I'm applying (rather late) as I have recently relocated back to Chicago suburbs to be with my family. I'm a Chicago native, born and raised here and am back in Chicago to build a company provides patients with Parkinsons and other conditions proper home health care. To be able to be back in Chicago and run for a cause that is enabling research and care for these patient populations is super impactful to me.